Kesian Miss 9 hari ni, dah lah penat sbb ada sporting events kat sekolah pagi tadi, petang ni pulaknya ada soccer practice, lagi lah penat sangat2 dia. Dinner tadi pun cuma makan cheese and crackers aje sebab dia kata tak larat nak makan. Makin slim lah Miss 9 lepas ni..... Dahlah dia ni jenis picky eater and doesn't eat much anyway, itu yg memang boleh slim aje, tak macam parents dia, hehehe....
Disebabkan soccer practice, we had a simple dinner tonite, toasted corned silverside sandwich with salad. Corned silverside is corned beef but I bought yang mentah, not in the can. Rasanya kat M'sia pun ada jual corned beef ni but it comes dalam tin. So, nak makan kenalah masak dulu for a very long time which I did in the slow cooker. I masak the beef in ginger beer, onion, cloves, bay leaves and peppercorn and let it simmer in the slow cooker for 5 hours until it's cooked. The bread for the sandwich I used pasta dura bread which is an italian type crusty bread. Dah lama tak guna the sandwich press and bila sejuk2 ni makan toasted sandwich memang lah sedap aje rasanya.....
Ini the corned beef with all the condiments, pickled onions, pickled baby cucumbers, mustard, horseradish and we used brie and colby cheese.
Ini final product before masuk mulut :-) .........
ye i pernah makan corned beef dalam mother in law i masak lada hitam dgn daging tu.. i tk tau corned beef ada yg seketul besar cam ni nmpak sedap
Mcm mana resipi corned beef dgn lada hitam tu Mommy Lily? Sbb ada bnyk lagi beef tu dlm fridge, ingat nak try masak cara lain instead of sandwich aje.
Klu u tau resipi tu, let me know ye, boleh I cuba
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