Last term lagi lah teruknya because I was called to the school a few times because she suffered allergic reactions at school. Padahal, everyone in that class was told that there are a couple of children in Miss 4 1/2's class with peanut allergy (including her) so no one is allowed to bring any peanut containing food into the clasroom. But I guess adalah a few parents yang terlupa about this fact and sent the kids to school with peanuts and Miss 4 1/2 accidentally came in contact with it so she immediately puffed up at school. So, kenalah I dropped everything and rushed to the school to take her home. Bila dah a few times that happened, I pun tension lah so straight away jumpa the principal to air my gripes. I told him if it happens again, I'm taking Miss 4 1/2 out of that school to enrol her in a 'nut-free school'. So, he had to send another notice to all the parents about the peanut policy and Miss 4 1/2 sekarang ni bila time lunch, she had to sit alone by herself with a teacher eating with her. She's not allowed to sit with her classmates sebab manalah taukan, still ada parents yang hampeh and tak ikut rules. Sian jugak bila dengar dia kena duduk sendiri masa lunch with her clas teacher. But bila tanya Miss 4 1/2, dia sikit pun tak kisah sebab dia kata dia special sebab tu dapat duduk dgn her teacher, hehehe....
Another thing with Miss 4 1/2, she cannot cry terlebih2 or cough lebih2, dia straight away akan muntah..... Aggghhh tension nya bila dia mula menangis, we have to quickly calm her down, kalau tak, keluarlah segala isi perut balik. There's a bucket in this house that we call "the muntah bucket", hehehehe......
Oh yes, I forgot, apart from the throwing up and the peanut allergy and the eczema, she's also prone to nose bleeds when she's been playing otuside too much or when she's got a fever. Tu yang memang susah betul bila dia sakit. Like this time, ntah dah berapa kali dia muntah selepas coughing bouts and dah berapa kali she had nose bleeds in the past few days, tu yang Mummy tak boleh tidur lena.....
I know, I know, terlebih2 pulaknya rambling malam ni, hehehe..... Saje je nak luahkan perasaan :-). Kat mana lagikan nak luahkan perasaan kalau bukan kat my own blog.
Anyway, back to tonite's dinner, the other half has a dinner function tonite so I made jemput2 udang and mee goreng for the little misses and mee rojak for me. But I had to eat my dinner after Miss 4 1/2 has gone to bed sebab I nak makan rojak dgn kuah kacang. Nasib baik lah memang jenis tidur awal so by 8 dah masuk tidur, tak lah kelaparan I menunggu,hehehe... So sementara tengah tunggu dia nak masuk tidur tadi, I baked some muffins, orange n poppyseed muffins. But memang sejak dari dulu, everytime I buat muffin tak pernah dia nak menggunung, membukit pun jarang, selalunya naik sikit like road hump aje, hahaha.... But tak kisah lah kan, asalkan rasa nya sedap, naik menggunung pun kalau rasa kureng tak guna jugak kan!
p/s: masz, resipi esok2 lah ye, penat dah sebab banyak sangat berceloteh malam ni,hehehe...
laa serupa dgn yaya bab muntah tu. klu dia mesti mesti smpi choke pastu muntah2... tensen. lg kita cuba calm kan dia lg dia menangis. x bleh marah langsung! skg ni my strategy immediately nmpk dia mencebik2 tu trus suh dia diam, klu x habis satu rumah.
pastu compare dgn fahmi dia yg paling kerap sakit, padahal dia bf smpi 2yo. sejak baby selalu sakit2... LG, agaknya most 2nd child ni mcm tu x?
hehe lia, tensen kan bila dia start gaging nak muntah tu klu masa nangis...i gerammmm aje slalu klu dia muntah lepas nangis.
klu muntah lepas batuk takpe sbb bukan salah dia kan,hehehe
i pun dulu masa kecik slalu sakit banding dgn my sister and i'm the 2nd child jugak, hehehe.... agaknya lah u 2nd child perangai sumer sama, hahaha....
hahah she took after her mom rupanya! :-)
emm mcmana la cara jaga daughter yg nut allergy ...mesti kena hati2 kan... i jadik takut dengar takut kalau2 dia termakan nut...maklum la budak2 kan kdg2 lupa dan tk sengaja...hope she can handle it...
kena byk2 sabar kan mama LG
tulah, rupa ikut daddy tapi perangai ikut mummy dia,hehehe...
Mommy lily,
Sejak dia faham cakap we all dah selalu remind dia yang dia allergic to peanuts so she's really good actually when it comes to eating food klu bukan i yg masak. Dia akan tanya the person or she wont eat it. But kesian kat dia sbb she loves food so dia kdg2 teringin sgt nak tau mcm mana lah rasa peanuts ni, hehehe...
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