Nasib baik lah mee ni senang aje nak masak nya since I'm still in my malas to cook mode. And yang paling senang nak buat is mee goreng so itulah menu dinner malam ni. For the little misses i made them mee goreng ayam yang tak pedas langsung, just letak kicap cair, kicap pekat and tomato sauce. They like it that way so lagilah senang for me to cook it. For us, I wanted to buat mee goreng special sikit and since dalam freezer tu masih ada banyak lagi prawns, squid and mussels yg dah berkupas, I made seafood mee goreng. Tak lah special mana pun but lain lah sikit dari mee goreng yang selalu I buat, hehehe... Luckily, the other half really enjoyed the seafood mee goreng sebab I put loads of mussels and prawns which made him really happy :-).
p/s To Intan, I dah bagi homework yg u bagi kat I to the other half. So, he's going to do the 7 facts about me, hehehe..... He's known me for 14 years so I guess bnyk jugalah facts tentang I yang dia tau including the weird ones. Tunggu ye, nanti I'll post it bila dia dah siap karang, muahahahah........
sedap nye mee... udang nampak seketul besar tu lg nampak sedap.
mee kt sana sama ke rasa dgn mee kt sini?
hehehe Mommy Lily, kat dalam2 mee tu ada bnyk lagi udang tapi terlupa lak nak keluarkan letak kat atas masa ambil gmbr tu,hehe...
I rasa mee kat sini tak pahit lah mcm kat M'sia maybe sbb dia tak bubuh mcm2 pengawet kot!
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