Saturday, 31 May 2008
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Last term lagi lah teruknya because I was called to the school a few times because she suffered allergic reactions at school. Padahal, everyone in that class was told that there are a couple of children in Miss 4 1/2's class with peanut allergy (including her) so no one is allowed to bring any peanut containing food into the clasroom. But I guess adalah a few parents yang terlupa about this fact and sent the kids to school with peanuts and Miss 4 1/2 accidentally came in contact with it so she immediately puffed up at school. So, kenalah I dropped everything and rushed to the school to take her home. Bila dah a few times that happened, I pun tension lah so straight away jumpa the principal to air my gripes. I told him if it happens again, I'm taking Miss 4 1/2 out of that school to enrol her in a 'nut-free school'. So, he had to send another notice to all the parents about the peanut policy and Miss 4 1/2 sekarang ni bila time lunch, she had to sit alone by herself with a teacher eating with her. She's not allowed to sit with her classmates sebab manalah taukan, still ada parents yang hampeh and tak ikut rules. Sian jugak bila dengar dia kena duduk sendiri masa lunch with her clas teacher. But bila tanya Miss 4 1/2, dia sikit pun tak kisah sebab dia kata dia special sebab tu dapat duduk dgn her teacher, hehehe....
Another thing with Miss 4 1/2, she cannot cry terlebih2 or cough lebih2, dia straight away akan muntah..... Aggghhh tension nya bila dia mula menangis, we have to quickly calm her down, kalau tak, keluarlah segala isi perut balik. There's a bucket in this house that we call "the muntah bucket", hehehehe......
Oh yes, I forgot, apart from the throwing up and the peanut allergy and the eczema, she's also prone to nose bleeds when she's been playing otuside too much or when she's got a fever. Tu yang memang susah betul bila dia sakit. Like this time, ntah dah berapa kali dia muntah selepas coughing bouts and dah berapa kali she had nose bleeds in the past few days, tu yang Mummy tak boleh tidur lena.....
I know, I know, terlebih2 pulaknya rambling malam ni, hehehe..... Saje je nak luahkan perasaan :-). Kat mana lagikan nak luahkan perasaan kalau bukan kat my own blog.
Anyway, back to tonite's dinner, the other half has a dinner function tonite so I made jemput2 udang and mee goreng for the little misses and mee rojak for me. But I had to eat my dinner after Miss 4 1/2 has gone to bed sebab I nak makan rojak dgn kuah kacang. Nasib baik lah memang jenis tidur awal so by 8 dah masuk tidur, tak lah kelaparan I menunggu,hehehe... So sementara tengah tunggu dia nak masuk tidur tadi, I baked some muffins, orange n poppyseed muffins. But memang sejak dari dulu, everytime I buat muffin tak pernah dia nak menggunung, membukit pun jarang, selalunya naik sikit like road hump aje, hahaha.... But tak kisah lah kan, asalkan rasa nya sedap, naik menggunung pun kalau rasa kureng tak guna jugak kan!
p/s: masz, resipi esok2 lah ye, penat dah sebab banyak sangat berceloteh malam ni,hehehe...
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Monday, 26 May 2008
Apple Pie
1 3/4 cawan tepung gandum
1/4 cawan gula pasir
1/2 tsp garam
140g cold butter, chopped
2 1/2 - 3 sudu besar air sejuk (from the fridge)
-Dalam food processor atau mangkuk besar, satukan tepung gandum, gula pasir dan garam. Kacau/ pulse hingga bercampur. Taburkan chopped cold butter ke camouran tepung tadi dan ramas menggunakan jari sehingga berbentuk breadcrumb. Atau jika menggunakan food processor, pulse sehingga bercampur sebati
- Renjiskan air sejuk ke campuran butter & tepung dan pulse sekejap2 sehingga bila adunan pastry di tekan between 2 jari, ia akan stick together. Jangan ramas lama2 or else adunan pastry akan jadi keras.
-Alihkan 3/4 adunan pastry ke pie pan/ mangkuk pyrex pie yang disapu butter. Tekan2 adunan ke bottom and side of the pie plate sehingga rata dan sekata dan agak mampat. Masukkan ke dalam freezer for 15 mins jika ada masa.
Apple filling:
6 biji golden delicious apple saiz sederhana(klu takde, boleh guna campuran apple hijau dan apple merah tapi 3 biji cukup).
2 tsp lemon juice
2 sudu besar brown sugar (boleh gantikan dgn gula caster kalau takde brown sugar)
- Peel kulit dan buang biji apples dan chopped up atau slice thinly. Masukkan ke dalam mangkuk dan sprinkle dengan lemon juice dan brown sugar dan gaul. Tak payah masak.
- Keluarkan mangkuk pie dari dalam freezer dan tuangkan apple ke dalam mangkuk pie.
- Kemudian, taburkan 1/4 adunan pastry yang selebihnya rata2 ke atas apple filling jadi macam crumble.
- Bakar pie in a preheated oven at 180ºC for about 30-40 mins until golden brown.
( kalau nak apple filling tu lebih lembik, bolehlah dimasak for about 15 minutes sebelum tuang ke atas pie sehingga apple tu lembut sgt2. But sy suka yang still crunchy skit)
Chocolate self- saucing pudding
go to
but saya double resipi kuahnya sebab kami suka yang banyak kuah, lagi sedap bila sauce dia lagi banyak di bawah pudding tu. Dan jangan sampai terlebih masak sebab nanti kuahnya akan kering dan puddingnya akan keras.
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Minced Kebab
500g minced beef/lamb
1/2 brown onion (bawang yang besar tu), chopped finely
2 cloves garlic, chopped finely
a handful of fresh italian parsley/flat leaf parsley (kat m'sia panggil daun sup), chopped finely
1-2 batang mint leaves/ daun pudina (kalau suka, nak letak lagi banyak pun boleh), chopped finely
1/2 tsp paprika powder (klu nak tukar dgn chilli powder pun boleh tapi nanti lagi pedas lah)
1/2 tsp cumin powder /serbuk jintan putih
garam secukup rasa, about 1 tsp
- Dalam mangkuk yang besar, gaulkan kesemua bahan2 menggunakan tangan (ala2 jamie oliver without the tangan kiri :-)) hingga betul2 sebati.
- Kemudian menggunakan metal skewers atau lidi, shape the mince mixture around the skewers agak mampat supaya tak berderai semasa meng 'grill'. Nak besar mana terpulang pada diri sendiri but jangan tebal sangat, takut tak masak bahagian dalam.
- Grill sehingga masak .
Rosemary n garlic roast potatoes
750g - 1 kg kentang (lagi ramai orang yang nak makan, lagi banyak kentang nya)
2 tsp chopped fresh rosemary leaves
1 garlic clove, chopped finely
olive oil
salt n pepper
- Kopek kentang dan potong 4. Masukkan ke dalam periuk dan tambah air hingga just menutupi kentang2 dan masak atas dapur until just cooked about 10 minutes. Jangan masak sampai lembik sebab nak roast lepas ni.
- Drain the potatoes until kering dan masukkan semula kedalam periuk tadi dan put the lid on. Kemudian goncang2kan periuk sedikit to get the rough edges around the potatoes. Jangan goncang kuat sangat sampai hancur potatoes tu pulaknya. Rough edges ni lah yang nanti bila kita roast the potatoes akan buat dia jadi crispy!
- Transfer the potatoes ke dalam greased roasting pan dan taburkan chopped rosemary n garlic and drizzle with olive oil. Kemudian gaulkan guna tangan.
- bake it in the preheated oven at 190-200ºC for about 30-40 minutes depending on the size of the potatoes.
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Friday, 23 May 2008
When we first watched it, we didn't know whether to laugh or to be dumbfounded. Macam tak percaya how these countries can take the contest so seriously and how beria2 the singers, hehehe.... Now, it's reached a cult status in Australia, ramai fans eurovision ni kat sini including us which is so unbelievable, hehehe..... One of this year's contestant is 'Duncan the turkey' from Ireland, a puppet of all things! And you wonder why people gelak beria2 tengok a song contest, hehe....
So, that's the rambling for tonite, nak sambung tengok Eurovision balik....
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Miss 9: "where are we going?"
The other half: " to the doctor"
Miss 9: "which doctor?"
The other half: "not a witch doctor, just a normal doctor!"
And people wonder why I don't have a sense of humour when I'm surrounded by people who make lame jokes, hehehe......
And the conversation continued like this.....
Miss 9 : "so, who's going to see the doctor?"
The other half: "both of you kids"
Miss 9: "why?"
The other half: "yes, why don't you tell them Mummy?"
Enters the bearer of bad news a.k.a Mummy.......
Mummy: "well kids, you are going to have the flu vaccination today."
Miss 9: "vaccination as in injection?"
Mummy: "bingo! you are right."
Miss 9 and Miss 4 1/2 in unison: "aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we don't want jabs!!!"
Then, we had a 10 minutes discussion on viruses, vaccinations, antibodies, being really really sick without it and so on, so by the time we got to the health centre, they were resigned to the fate awaiting them, hahahaha.....
They did really well, only a couple of tears trickling down their cheeks and no screaming or tantrums. We were very impressed with them especially Miss 4 1/2. So, we gave them the choice to choose what they want for dinner and they wanted burger and chips, what else is new...
Balik from the clinic, keluarkan mince to make the burger meat. Thankfully, ada frozen fries in the freezer and burger bread in the fridge. Senang betul dinner malam ni, nasib baik the little misses tekak mat saleh, hehehehe.....
Made pumpkin spice kek semlm for the other half to take to work for morning tea. The other half tak suka sgt pumpkin ni especially pumpkin soup or scones but I asked him to try pumpkin kek, manalah tau, dia suka pulaknya. He took it to work and he said everyone really enjoyed it including him, hehehe.... Australians suka sgt2 pumpkin, tak tau kenapa.....
(btw, kek ni actually warna dia kuning sikit becauseof the pumpkin but keluar kaler lain pulaknya, hehehe)
Monday, 19 May 2008
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Saturday, 17 May 2008
bahan2 kek:
1 biji navel orange, belah 4 then chopped ( kek ni gunakan semua bahagian oren kecuali biji jadi klu boleh cari oren yang kulit putih yang nipis so tak pahit sgt)
190g gula caster
125g butter, cairkan dan let it cool
2 biji telur gred A (59g), suhu bilik
225g tepung naik sendiri, ayak
Bahan2 utk syrup orange (jika suka, tak letak pun tak apa):
1 cawan oren juice
1/2 cawan marmalade jam
80g gula pasir
Cara membuat kek:
- Panaskan oven ke 180ºC. Grease loyang kuih 18cm round dgn butter or marjerin atau guna baking paper. Boleh juga gunakan ramekin kecil2 atau acuan muffin tapi kurangkan masa membakar.
- Masukkan orange, gula caster, butter cair dan eggs kedalam food processor atau blender. Process/ blend sehingga orange finely chopped/ blended.
- Masukkan tepung yang telah diayak kedalam orange mixture and process /blend until just combined.
- Tuangkan adunan kek ke dalam loyang dan bakar lebih kurang 50 min- 1 jam atau sehingga masak. Jika menggunakan acuan muffin atau ramekin, cek kek selepas 30 min.
Cara membuat syrup:
- Campurkan orange juice, marmalade dan gula pasir dalam saucepan dan masak atas stove menggunakan api sederhana sehingga gula larut.
- Kemudian, increase api to high dan biarkan syrup menggelegak. Kemudian turunkan api ke sederhana dan biarkan ia menggelegak gently for 5 mins or until syrup pekat sedikit.
- Tuangkan syrup atas kek yang suam semasa menghidang.
Friday, 16 May 2008
Ayam paprik with loads of veges, so maybe can call it vege paprik with a bit of ayam, hehe..
This is so yummy, Miss 9's favourite dessert. Selalunya we all makan dengan vanilla ice cream, lagilah tambah yummy nya!
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Hari ni was my turn to try the breadmaker. Sebab we wanted to have pizza tonite for dinner and I wanted to see if the breadmaker does a good job at making the dough. Memang lah relax sikit sbb tak payah susah payah menguli but I do miss the feeling of having the dough between my fingers. The verdict; the other half said that the pizza taste really nice but my hand-made pizza base is much nicer compared to the breadmaker one. But, since we've already got a BM, he said tak payah lah susah payah menguli lagi sebab still sedap.
I made 2 types of pizza. A simple margherita one for the little misses and a corned beef, capsicum n chilli pizza for the adults.
This one, the other half crumbled goat's cheese on his half of the pizza before baking it. Yang putih2 tu goat's cheese lah. Cuma dia sorang yang lalu makan sbb bila masuk dlm mulut, bau n rasa dia sebijik mcm berada kat kandang kambing! Too much bau kambing for me, hehehe....
Monday, 12 May 2008
Anyway, dinner malam ni masih simple lagi. Bila lah agaknya nak rajin again ni..... Menu malam ni nasi goreng with ikan goreng, tempe goreng and ikan mackerel in gulai/kuah/gravy for the adults. Simple tapi mengenyangkan, ok lah tu kan....
When I first started my own blog in January 2008, tak sangka and tak terfikir yang 1 day it'll get to 10 000 hits sebab masa tu angka 10 000 tu rasa macam jauh sangat and lama sangat nak capai. But pejam celik pejam celik, tadi tengok the bean counter, dah nak dekat sangat nak sampai that magical number! Terkejut lah juga, hehehe.....
To everyone who reads this blog, daily or kadang2 or jarang2 or just this once, families and friends I 'met' and got to know on the cyberspace, jutaan terima kasih from me to you for making my blog what it is now. Without each and everyone of you, memang akan senyap sunyi lah my blog ni. Tangkap sayu sekejap, hehehehe......
So, as a token of gratitude, I ingat nak bagi cenderahati to the person who is my 10 000th hit. So, anyone of you who happens to be the lucky person, kalau boleh take a photo of your pc screen and email it to me sebagai bukti ;-) so takdelah nanti yang bising2.... Doesn't matter if you are in Outer Siberia, I can still post the cenderahati to you, hahaha....
So, good luck people. I hope it's one of you daily readers because you guys so deserve it...
Sunday, 11 May 2008
He made meatloaf (tersorok sikit gambar kat belakang tu). The bread pulaknya we all makan by dipping the bread first in olive oil (dlm mangkuk yg kaler yellow tu), then in balsamic vinegar (dlm mangkuk yg kaler hitam mcm kicap tu) then in dukkah (dlm plate sebelah vinegar tu). Dukkah ni is Egyptian in origin, a mixture of roasted nuts, sesame seeds and spices.
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Dah berapa malam tak tayang dinner, nampak sgt kemalasan masih melanda. Malam ni nak siapkan tugasan 'tag' yang dah dapat lama but tersimpan tak buat2 lagi. Tag ni dapat dari Intan, Eda n CtNik .
The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Sebenarnya dengan tag ni I mengelat sikit, I gave it to the other half to do it on my behalf. Ye lah, sebab bila fikir balik, He's known me for more than a decade now so sajelah nak test apa yang dia tau about his other half, hehehehe...... But this is the edited version sebab his version banyak yang I kena censored, muahahahahahha.........
Facts about me missus (make sure kena ada Aussie accent ok!):
1. She's the queen of lists - whatever she's going to do or wherever we are going to, she will have a list ready for the event so she can be extra organised for everything. When she's got the job done, she'll tick it off the list. Hey, it gets the job done! kalau takde list ni, terkapai2 tak tau apa yg dah buat n apa yg belum buat n apa yg dah pack n apa lagi yg kena pack.
2. Very very impatient almost exclusively only with the little misses and me and doesn't suffer fools gladly (translation - idiots piss her off). Hahaha, so true, kesian my little misses and the other half sebab sometimes I expect them to be perfect.
3. She's fairly antisocial preferring her own company to others, which surprises me that she wants to socialise with me and the little misses. I'm not antisocial but it takes me some time to mesra dengan orang. Once dah mesra, barulah boleh berborak sakan! That's why i prefer my own company a lot of the times.
4. Very strict and 'garang' with the little misses but also loves them fiercely at the same time. Lerr, kenalah garang kan, kalau tak, tak jadi orang nanti the little misses. Skrg ni, pergi mana2 people are impressed with the little misses behaviours so kiranya garang and strict tu berbaloi lah kan. Macamlah dia pun tak 2X5 garang n strict gak, hehehe......
5. Very good at finding really good bargains when it comes to clothes, household stuff, presents which makes me very happy money wise :-). I loovvvee good bargains, it makes my day, hehehe...
6. Fell into the 'longkang' while riding her bike when she was small hence the intelligence :-). Hahaha.......
7. 5 years older than me but I don't think it shows (certainly doesn't act it!), not that I think I look old. See dear, orang asian ni memang awet muda!
Alright, hope Intan, Eda n CtNik dah satisfied ye sebab I dah buat homework yang diaorang bagi. I don't know nak bagi homework ni kat siapa lagi sebab rasanya ramai yg dah kena tagged.
Anyone yang terbaca ni and still belum kena tag lagi, please let me know, or nak lebih senang, please do this homework ye!
p/s gambar hippo tu takde berkaitan dgn yg hidup ataupun yg mati, saje je letak
Friday, 9 May 2008
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Ini the corned beef with all the condiments, pickled onions, pickled baby cucumbers, mustard, horseradish and we used brie and colby cheese.
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Nasib baik lah mee ni senang aje nak masak nya since I'm still in my malas to cook mode. And yang paling senang nak buat is mee goreng so itulah menu dinner malam ni. For the little misses i made them mee goreng ayam yang tak pedas langsung, just letak kicap cair, kicap pekat and tomato sauce. They like it that way so lagilah senang for me to cook it. For us, I wanted to buat mee goreng special sikit and since dalam freezer tu masih ada banyak lagi prawns, squid and mussels yg dah berkupas, I made seafood mee goreng. Tak lah special mana pun but lain lah sikit dari mee goreng yang selalu I buat, hehehe... Luckily, the other half really enjoyed the seafood mee goreng sebab I put loads of mussels and prawns which made him really happy :-).
p/s To Intan, I dah bagi homework yg u bagi kat I to the other half. So, he's going to do the 7 facts about me, hehehe..... He's known me for 14 years so I guess bnyk jugalah facts tentang I yang dia tau including the weird ones. Tunggu ye, nanti I'll post it bila dia dah siap karang, muahahahah........
Monday, 5 May 2008
Sunday, 4 May 2008

Saturday, 3 May 2008
Friday, 2 May 2008
Tahun ni memang terfikir nak balik M'sia for a short holiday tapi tengah masih dlm proses perbincangan bila masa sesuai nak balik, either July or December. Both ada pro & kontra, entah lah......
Anyway, tonite's dinner cuma 'sausage-in-a-bun' sbb tukang masak tak larat nak masak lebih2, hehehe..... Mummy's restaurant tukar jadi fastfood restaurant malam ni, takpelah, asalkan kenyang kan!
Thursday, 1 May 2008