Monday, 25 May 2009

Miss 5 was sick today so I pun kenalah duduk rumah jaga dia. Probably we have to stay at home every day this week kot sampai lah her cough and cold betul2 baik. The problem with Miss 5 ni, kalau dia batuk2 teruk sangat, she’ll throw up after that so tu yang dia ‘malas’ sikit nak pergi sekolah bila she’s got a bad cough, kalau dia termuntah kat sekolah tu, sape lah yang nak tolong dia nanti. And kesian pulak kat the other kids at school tu kalau kena her virus. And bila dia tak sekolah, Mummy mithali lah yang kena stay at home with her kan :-).

And since I kat rumah, ter rajin pulak nak buat extra special winter dinner. I made slow cooked lamb with cheddar and rosemary dumplings. But instead of using the slow cooker, I cooked the lamb pieces in the oven on low heat for 4 hours ( lama giler weh sampai memang betul2 daging tu just falls off the bone!) . I looovveee this type of cooking sebab after the intial prep, I can just leave it cooking in the oven and then go and play, hehehe. Senang kan :-). But the dumplings tu I added them at the end and baked them on top of the lamb for 25 minutes. Ini dumplings Mat Saleh bukan chinese dumplings tu tau. The Mat Saleh version ni lebih kurang scones lah but I don’t knwo why they call it dumplings.


Masa baru keluar oven, the dumplings on top and the succulent lamb underneath :-). I used the recipe from here.  Tapi I didn’t make the wasabi mash, I don’t think The Little Misses would appreciate it kalau I bagi diaorang makan wasabi, hahahaha…..


Makan dengan steamed carrots and oven baked fries. The dumplings tu were used to ‘mop’ up the gravy from the dish. Miss 5 yang demam2 tu pun makan habis her lamb, lagilah The Other Half. He ate 4 pcs of the dumplings! Sedap lah tu kan agaknya, hehehehe…..


ain said...

alahai siannya miss 5. moga cepat sembuh..nasib ada 'doktor' mithali!!

psst...I am drooling tengok ur dinner.sedappp!!!

Unknown said...

waa...sedap nye...
meleleh2 air liur ni tgk kambeng akak tuh...
huhu...saye da la penggemar kambeng. :)

Semoga cepat sembuh to miss 5.

Aymy With L♥ve said...

semoga miss 5 yg cute tu cepat chat... biasala kan kak, bile anak2 tak sihat mak dia lah bersusah payah... aymy tak makan kamben tp nampak lamb akak tu cam sedap n lembuttt ajer..

lemongrass said...

Kak Ain,
Alhamdulillah lah my kid ni bila sakit tak merengek, she's quite happy to rehat kat sofa sambil tengok dvd, tu yg I boleh masak n mengemas, hehehe... Sekali sekala makan lamb ni mmng sedap :-)

Ye ke u minat kambeng, meh dtg sini, kat sini bnyk kambeng, hehehe...

U tak minat kambeng sbb bau dia ye? Yg ni bila dah masak tak bau, tp masa nak bersihkan tu bau jugak lah, hehehe...

azah said...

siannya miss 5..akak pun dah 1 minggu batuk tak baik2(bkn influenza A,h1n1 ya)..sakit dada, perut dok asyik batuk..hrp2 dia cpt sembuh..mesti susut bdnya nnt atau sebaliknya..hehe sebab dok rmh mummy masak sedap2..hehe..thanks for replying the last comment..ingat nak kwn dgn akak dah..pura2 merajuk...hehehe..mintak sikit lamb tu

Flower said...

Ehmm sedapnye. I pun suka buat gini. Lebih2 time sejuk2 ni. Kalau ada Le Creuset castiron dutch oven lagi best. (berangan ni) Tapi benda alah tu beratlah nak angkat dari counter top, ke stove top ke oven ke table top....

Anonymous said...

amazing.. you know ive a thought to ponder.. how come with all your great cooking , you still maintain a fantastic slim figure?

Anonymous said...

Kat Australia tentu senang nak dapat fresh lamb kan.

lemongrass said...

Kak Azah,
Kesian kat budak2 ni bila batuk2 sbb lepas tu mengadu sakit perut, dada n tekak fr the coughing fit. Kat rumah semlm dia tak mkn sgt maybe sbb tekak dia gatal kot, asik mkn jelly aje, hehehe....
Nasib baik you tak jadi merajuk ;-P

I pun klu gi Myers or House, slalu pegang2 the Le Creuset but like you said, berat betul nak mengangkat nya. Klu jatuh atas my foot, mmng kaki I yg patah not the Le Creuset yg pecah, hehehe

You can't see the fatty bits on my body, I keep them well hidden, hehehe....

Kat sini mmng senang nak dpt fresh lamb and they taste nice as well :-).

Ms Red Hat said...

My dear Mynn

Sian budak comel tu and lagi kesian mak dia yang mithali!During this weather transition from autumn to winter memang senang dapat sakit esp if our immune system is not strong. I have just recovered from a high fever and cold.

What a lovely dish! I saw some vegetarian dumplings in one of the oriental shops in Northbridge yesterday teringin sangat nak beli as i don't know how to make one. once i finish my course i ambil cooking course dengan you lak!

Mynn can you help me out here. How do we keep the lamb moist if we cook it for such a long time? Nasib baik ada master chef kat perth ni boleh jadi pakar rujuk hehehe.

Limekopi said...

Hi kak Mynn, poor ur Cutie little dotter. thanx Goodness she got a very nice doctor beside her. I'm one of ur silent reader for a long time being. hehe really nice pitcha u have here.. all the foods look soo yummy.. ok ok i dah puji,leh mintak cikit ur lamb? hehe juz kidding.. anyway hope ur dotter get well soon. tc

fifi said...

kak, sedapnya..letak skali resepi lah..kot2 klu rajin blh try.

potpetmama said...


Hope the cute littele girl will recover soon..
u ni dasat betulla bab cooking n preparing western food kan..
i suggest u balik malaysia aje, buka restaurant western food..tapi kat kl le..hehe em very sure ramaile ur "visitors" here will jadi ur permanent customer..
I le tu antara2 nye..hua hua

zombiedaddy said...

Hope Zahra recovers soon. Time macam ni laa tak rasa sia-sia buat MBBS for 6-7 years dulu tu kan before you becomne a full time chef? at least you dont go panicky after every single sniffle like some of us lesser beings here do hahahaha. Btw, i try not to look at the lamb.. reason being it's my fave but Supermama is allergic to it.. so dont expect to see them slowly cooking in my oven lah... how?

lemongrass said...

Salina dearie,
tu lah, kesian kat Zahra but at least tak susah sgt lah jaga dia when she's sick. Kesian you, hope you are feeling much better now.
I added some chicken stock to the lamb and then cover it with alfoil masa in the oven tu, so the moisture tak evaporate habis.Once you've finished your course, boleh aje klu nak main masak2 dgn I, hehe

thanks ye sbb sudi baca my blog. Ramai jugak ye orang yg minat lamb ni, hehehe. Mcm ni kenalah I masak lamba slalu2 nak bagi orang drool :-).

I dah bagi link to the recipe tp I just guna normal vinegar instead of red wine vinegar. Cubalah, rasa dia lebih kurang masak kicap :-).

I suka masak kat sini sbb snng nak dpt ingredients nak masak western food. Klu balik M'sia, mmng kena duduk KL lah klu nak snng cari bahan2 kan :-). Hari2 lah ye rumah I nanti ada guests, hehehe

hahahaha, ada jugak lah ye kegunaan nya nowadays ;-). Camni lah, why don't you cook the lamb yourself, pastu makan lah dgn Nuha. Then at the same time, you can cook chicken for Supermama and the twins :-). Sure nya Jija akan happy sgt2 bila you cook, hehehe

Flower said...

Kalau nak beli you beli dari this website. Murah you. Dua periuk AU$499.00. Kalau beli kat kedai mahal tu. Postage pun cuma $9.95. Tu tgh2 berkira. Hb kata boleh, tp sbb kan berat tu fikir 1000 kali. Nanti sbbkan masak pakai Le creuset, teruk timbul muscles kat tgn nanti.

lemongrass said...

I pun tak larat lah nak mengangkut, pastu takut pecah aje pulaknya, nangis tak berlagu klu pecah!