Sunday, 24 May 2009

After 3 days of rain, hari ni baru lah nampak matahari. From sunny high 20s temperature early this week terus jatuh mendadak since Thursday and barulah kelam kabut keluarkan all the sweaters and the jackets from storage. It was so good to finally see the rain after sebulan lebih takde hujan langsung. Baru lah namanya Autumn kan with cold weather and wind and rain :-). I love Perth’s cold weather sebab it’s cold but not bone-freezing all the time. And masa ni lah nak bergaya dengan jackets or coats yang lawa2 kan, hehehehe. Not that I have any jackets and coats yang lawa pun, hahahahaha….

Pagi tadi The Other Half and I sat down to write our Guests of honour’s itinerary and menu for the week. Baru aje 6 hari diaorang nak datang tapi lama jugak lah we spent on writing down the list of things to do and places to go and food to cook and eat. Kalau datang sebulan agaknya mahulah we all kena ambik cuti 1 hari semata2 nak buat jadual and menu list for them kan, wehehehe….. 6 hari nya menu, cuma sehari aje yang Asian which is fine by me. The Other Half requested for me to make seafood pizza on one of the nights tapi bila fikir balik, rasanya MIL/FIL tak makan kot and surenya lah kalau I nak buat seafood pizza, I kena buat 2 other different types of pizza as well for the Little Misses and for PIL. What am I? A restaurant?  :-). Weekend ni we all kena buat special grocery shopping to buy the special things they need for their daily tea drinks, breakfast cereals, special soy milk, poning kopalo eden ni :-0. Hmmmmm…..

But enough of them (for the time being anyway, hehehe)… Malam ni we all dinner with pasta and beef. I ingat nak buat beef stroganoff but tengok dalam fridge takde sour cream or mushroom, yang ada cuma yoghurt aje so I had to use yoghurt instead of sour cream and used carrot instead of mushroom, hehehehe. Sedap jugak rasa dia, lemak2 gitu :-). I guess I have to call it pasta in yoghurt sauce eh :-).



Flower said...

Bersiap sedia menanti kedtgan mertua. Hehehehe. Hari ni I masak butterfield herb crusted lamb. Dah lama tak msk lamb. sbbkan cuaca dah sejuk sikit, start balik lah buat roast dinner utk sunday lunch.

ps - I pun belum keluarkan budak2 ni punya winter clothing. So this pass few days diaorg pakai baju baru saja. Baju tidur pun masih atas almari lagi. Harap2 boleh diaorg pakai lagi. As for the mom, I love sgt2 winter. Tp rasanye nak beli winter coat yg pendek tu. Short trench coat. Tp belum jumpa yg berkenan. My old trench dah longgar lah. My body dah slim sikit. ;)

ain said...

dasat ni, siap ada menu listing n itinerary lagi. ada special groceri shopping pulak tu!!!

betullah min, nasin 6 hari je, kalau 2 minggu ke, sebulan ke, akak boleh imagine u jadi cam ner.hihi

p/s..pasta min nmpak sedap la.

azah said...

kalau they all tau pengorbanan you and anak dia utk menyambut kedtgan...sure mereka terharu..hish i pulak yg sedih..ya lah kdg2 kita je nak ambik hati org, org tidak kan..anyway..good luck..tak sabar nak tunggu entry 6 hari tu..min jgn kumpul ya, mesti tiap2 hari tulis telenovela tu..hehehe

Ms Red Hat said...

Dearest Mynn

Your in-laws are so lucky to have a daughter-in-law who is such a superb cook. apalagi nak complain tu ...sabar ajelah. kesian kat you all sampai kena plan daily menu but at least it eases the headache what to cook for them. Are they such picky eaters?

Mynn tak lama lagi Matt boleh rival youlah kalau he religiously cooks on Saturdays. Give my salam to him and tell him Salina asks for his kumara chicken recipe he he he!

Mrs. Ishamizu said...

Sedapnye pasta beef erm..yogurt sauce? creative sis LG, i cant wait to be in the kitchen back..(i hope i cn manage) so i can try some of ur recipe..bley kn sis??:D

lemongrass said...

shopping jgn tak shopping :-). I pun suka winter ni, maybe I'll get a trench coat jugak lah sbb dah lama I tak beli coat ni, hehehehe...

Kak Ain,
klu sebulan diaorang duk sini, rasanya I yg akan kena pergi bercuti lepas tu sbb nak release tension, hehehe.... Tunggu my telenovela tau! ;-P

Salina Dearie,
they say they are not picky but they are actually very picky when it comes to certain things, sigh..... Tu yg buat daily menu so they can't complain! We'll see how long he's going to keep his promise about the Sat cooking, hehehehe....

Good luck masak2 kat rumah baru :-). Sure best aje kan sbb finally dpt dapur sendiri, hehehe. Bole aje nak try apa2 recipe kat sini :-)

jualan kain said...

pasta akak membuatkan saya bertambah lapar.. huhuhu ..

fifi said...

huhu..bestnya kak..sejuk2..skg ni kat m'sia panas berdenting...
kak, klu date tu takde pre christmas sale ker...
baru berangan nak gi shopping2 ni..

linamashar said...

emmmm pasta yang boleh buat saya terkecuk air liur. Sian yekk bila mentua nak datang. Nasib baik mentua saya tak gitu. Klu tidak menangis tak berlagu lah saya. Heee....

Ummi Qisti said...

laaaa...jealos rasanye dgr sana sejupppp, sini panas berdenting wooooo..mandi le 10x pun tak rasa cam dah mandi...heee :)

lemongrass said...

nak jemput makan pasta tapi dah habis lah, hehehe...

ada sale sikit2 pre Xmas tu tp tak se grand post Xmas lah, hehehe

nasib baik mentua I dtg 6 hari aje, klu tak, mmng sure nya dah menangis lah sbb gerammmmmm!!!!

mmng best sejuk ni, tak mandi 2-3 hari pun wangi lagi, wahahaha.. Tapi bila dah mandi, siksa betul nak keluar dr bawah air panas tu :-)

azah said...

uwaa..min tak jawab akak punya comment..

lemongrass said...

Kak Azah,
uwahhhh, ampun ampun, tertinggal pulaknya :-(. Jangan merajuk ye :-). my PIL tu rasanya tau tp biasalahkan, kdg2 'terlupa', hopefully kali ni I tak lah asik tensen aje dgn diaorang, sbb dah lama kan tak jumpa sure lah akan act baik aje, hehehe

Anonymous said...

this particulr meal also so menchallenge nafsu. my other half has put me on a serious diet.. no sugar nor whites for three weeks.. lol..he strated this on me since i ate half of the wedding cake.. cost me usd 500 so tak suka membazir i tibai almost all..
ahhh im looking at your pasta pic again.. sighhhhhhhh

lemongrass said...

hehehehe, no wonder you had to go on a diet after eating half of the wedding cake ;-). What kind of cake was it? Fruit or chocolate? Yummm..... Cake....... :-)