Saturday, 23 May 2009

I know it’s only been the 2nd Saturday of his promise but so far so good :-). Even though I had to be the one going to the shops to buy all the ingredients for tonite’s meal, I wasn’t complaining, hehehehe… And the dapur pun tak berkecah after he’s been in there which was even better :-). Less job for me to do kan! But yang paling best nya, he was so impressesd with his creation that he just can’t wait to cook again next Saturday, which makes me so so so happy, hahahahahaha!

Since I ni baik hati and wouldn’t want you readers to tertunggu tunggu to see his creation, let me present to you The Other Half’s cooking creation….


I know, I know, rupa dia kurang menawan sikit and with the crumbly stuffing on top, susah sikit lah nak nampak rupa chicken ni, but believe me, the taste was really really good :-). ( kenalah puji lebih2 sikit kan, kalau tak puji, ada lah pulak nanti yang merajuk tak nak masak lagi, habislah my lepak2 time Saturday nite! ), wehehehe….. Btw, the pink thing kat kaki ayam tu is silicon tie which we use to tie the chickens legs together, tak lah seksi aje terbukak bila tgh di masak tu :-).

 Slow cooked ‘tantrum’ chicken ( Gee, I wonder why he chose that name! ). See, I told you guys, he can cook but he’s been so lazy for the past few years to enter the kitchen until I had to throw a tantrum to get him going again! Men!!!! Can’t live without them, can’t live with them, hehehehe ;-). What he did was stuffed the whole chicken with pine nut and spinach stuffing and then put the chicken along with kumara/sweet potatoes and potatoes into the slow cooker and set it on high and 4 1/2 hours later, everything was succulently cooked. He did say he was going to cook easy dishes and something that you can leave in the cooker to cook while you go out is pretty easy I guess. But he did cook the stuffing on the stovetop so he did cook jugak lah kan, hehehehe.


This is my plate :-). The polka dot jagung was so juicy and so sweet, pastu the kumara pun so sweet when it’s slow cooked, hehehe… ( puji jangan tak puji :-) ).

Sape nak recipe, pandai2 lah mintak kat The Other Half ye, wahkahkahkah….


Azita Zain said...

kalau mcm ni dia masak, instead of Saturday je, boleh le sambung Sunday sekali...hehehe. Nak ke dia??

Aymy With L♥ve said...

bestnyer k mynn, ur Mr Darling masakkan... Kalo Hb aymy, alamatnyer dia tapau kat kedai jer... dulu study jauh2 pun tak belajar masak sebab housemate dia sume dah terror masak.. dia tukang beli barang n makan... rugi la i kan... hehhe.. the dish looks very yummy... n sure it taste also yummy kan...

joegrimjow said...

jagung tu mengghairahkan

nj said...

kat rumah ni, weekend norma tak nak masak...sebab setiap hari dah lekat kat dapur je. Bagi hint suruh hubby masak...tapi dia dengan seronoknye ajak anak-anak makan kat luar...nasi arab la, KFC la, McD la...sabarje la...kalau la kita ni boleh buat mcm tu....

lemongrass said...

Kak Ita,
tak berani nak tanya sbb I takut tiba2 kang, dia terus mogok tak nak masak,hehehe...

my hubby pun dulu slalu bila I kata penat masak, dia asik nak keluar beli aje. tu yg I terus mengamuk manja suruh dia masak. Alhamdulillah lah dpt gak merasa masakan dia, hehehe

Jagung pun boleh mengghairahkan? hehehe....

my kids and hubby pun rasanya lagi suka klu mkn kat luar tiap2 minggu, I yg tak larat tengok wallet n pockets we all nanti, terus nipis aje, hehehe

QiStinA's said...

bestnye dapat manja2 mintak the other half die masakkan... kalau selalu cam tu lagi bestkan LG..

Anonymous said...

ayam looks so succulent.. rempah apa he pakai? and the tie silicon, i tak pernah nampak , first time kat ur blog and your cooking.. as for my ayam , memang terkankang seksi bila i roast it ...hehehehehehhe

Anonymous said...

would like to add you to my blog. how do i invite you,,

lemongrass said...

betul betul, klu dpt slalu mcm tu, best sgt2 tp mmng lah cuma wishful thinking aje, hehehe

I mmng tak pernah guna that silicon tie, malas betul nak ikat, sbb tu klu I buat roast, mmng terkangkang seksi aje, hehehe...
He used breadcrumb, garlic, onion n soy sauce, tu yg nmpk mcm crumbly spices aje :-)
I was just going to ask you about your blog because it was 'shut'. You can invite me by emailing me the invitation to me email addres"s:

Jamie said...

Nama ayam tu yang kelakar.. tantrum cam perli K.LG jer.. wakakaka.. tapi org dah nak tolong masakkan pun dah cukup baik kan..

*adie* said...

look doesnt matter JANJI sodappp.... way to go kak LG's Other Half!!! kudos kudos!!

lemongrass said...

mmng saje je dia perli tp tak kisah lah kan asalkan dia tetap masak, wehehehe....

tu yg I kena puji lebih2 sbb to make sure he continues cooking every week,hehehe

zombiedaddy said...

hahaha terkezut nampak the first pic, skali pandang macam 'head of a goat' or something. Dont look like a chook at all hahaha. Anyways, Matt kan a machiavelli disciple, hence the taste justifies the look. tell Matt nasi kandaq is on me when he's here in dec... eh when ahh the kenduri?

~KB~ said...

Ya Allah LG! meleleh ayaq lioq tgk ayam 'tantrum' + the lots... walaupun yg sbnarnye, i dah kenyang mkn nasi berlauk ayam kampung! :) ni yg nak pi perth lg n dinner kat umah u all ni:)

~U know who i am~

Ummi Qisti said...

waduhhh...cedapnyee.bila la cik abey aku tu nak start buat camni kan..heeee (tgh menunggu ngan harapan) :)..

noor said...

i like the potatoes... ok chicken roast mmg sedap... tapi bakes potatoes tu mmg dah 6 bulan x makan... i want oven lah mcm nih... sorry, but i can't help to say even my ex-sv's wife pun go for grocery shopping kat the little town on saturday... hehehehe... while his best half at home preparing meals and home bounded. kalau pergi little town on saturday mesti jumpa punyer... wife dia... oh miss her... because she's such a chatty... yealah talking anything other than work is always pleasant kan...

lemongrass said...

Bro wei,
Alamak, betul lah, mmng sebijik kepala goat, baru perasan, hehehe. Don't judge a book by it's cover, wahkahkahkah. Kenduri 19-20, boleh ka? Told Mak already and she said ok aje ;-)

Jom datang lagi, hehehe. Skrg MAS pun tgh murah kan fares diaorang kan :-).

I pun dah bnyk kali tantrum baru dpt ni, hehehe. Tapi tak tau lah sampai bila agaknya dia minat nak masak ni :-).

my hubby pun tak tau sgt nak shopping for groceries ni so tu yg I'd rather do it myself :-). Sambil2 tu boleh window shopping, hehehe

Anonymous said...

Hi, I had it shut for a personal reason. However I still write cuz i enjoy jotting down what seems fancy to me.