Friday, 1 May 2009

Another Friday yang busy this term with swimming classes for The Little Misses. Unfortunately their classes start at different times so kena berkejaran and berulang alik sikit lah this term from school-home-swimming-home-swimming-home again. Miss 5’s swimming lesson starts at 4 o’clock and Miss 10’s lesson starts at 5.15 for an hour. We all tak nak lah tunggu until 6.15 baru balik rumah sebab surenya tak kan sempat nak get the kids ready and nak masak dinner at the same time before bed time. And kesian pulak kat diaorang if they have to sleep late after such a tiring day at swimming. So, tadi what we did was we let The Little Misses play together after Miss 5’s lesson has finished until it’s time for Miss 10 to start her lesson. Then as soon as Miss 10 is in the water, we all pun zoomed off balik rumah. Pastu, The Other Half went back to the swimming centre before 6.15 to pick up Miss 10 while I stayed at home with Miss 5 to get her ready and to get dinner ready. Luckily lah, the swimming centre is only 10 minutes away from home so bolehlah nak berulang alik banyak2 kali, hehehe. At times like this, memang lah susah sikit ada 1 kereta aje ni. But, seminggu sekali aje pun bersusah payah mcm ni so still manageable for us. And luckily it’s just swimming classes aje so far. Bayangkan lah kalau ada music classes ke, martial art classes ke, sports ke, Kumon ke in 1 week, Mummy lah yang definitely akan pengsan dulu :-).

So, bila busy macam ni, pasta lah yang paling senang nak masak especially when I use the ready made pasta bake sauce in the jar. I sayang betul kat Pakcik Leggo ni sebab he helps me a lot in the kitchen (kalau compare dengan The Other Half, hehehehe ;-)). As long as you ada a packet of pasta in the pantry and a jar of pasta bake sauce, you can have a lovely meal :-).



Spinach, mushroom and meatballs pasta bake.


Anonymous said...

LG....nasib baik ada 2 kids jer kan? kalau 6,7,8,9,10 cemana la nak manage kalau each ada different classes at different places and time kan hehe ;p eh....kat OZ bila eh labor day? selamat hari buruh to u....kalau kat msia today la tu huhuhu

azah said...

Min, jgn terputus dua dah la ya...tu lah, dunia moden ni menyebabkan manusia buzy memanjang..mcm teringat zaman dulu, balik sekolah mak ada kat rmh, boleh makan terus, rasa mcm lamanya masa nak berlalu, sekarang tup,tup sudah weekend balik, begitu cepat..

ain said...

dulu akak pun cam tu gak, masa no 1 n 2 amik swimming lesson, mmg kelam kabut. ngan morning sickness lagi. ngan traffic jam lg. tensen. Alhamdulillah now dah over buttt... yg eldest request for advance lesson pulak n yg no 3 dah due utk 1st lesson.huwaaa!!!!

Flower said...

I pun pernah kena gitu. Nak balik malas walaupun rumah hanya 10 mins away. Sbb unlike you, kalau I balik, I kena dtg balik sbb hb tak de nak tolong kat rumah. Kena pulak angkut hana lagi sekali ambil abg dia. One more thing, Omar ni manja. Tgk mommy dia tak de, mau dia menjerit. Mommy's little boy apa nak buat. Hana ok lagi walaupun dia younger, dia more independent.

Shafidah Shamen said...

hehehe..sian LG..

ehhhh ajarkan camana nak letak gambar besar, macam u buat niii :D

lemongrass said...

Klu ada 6-7 kids, mmng I takde masa langsung lah nak duduk dpn PC n nak buat blog ni,hehehe. Kat perth ni Labour Day bulan March lepas.

Kak Azah,
Mmng kan,masa kecik2 dulu rasanya klu main waktu petang, punyalah lama baru nak mahgrib kan :-).

Kak Ain,
Nasib baik lah kat sini takde traffic jam teruk so tu yg boleh 10 min aje dah sampai, hehehe. Lepas ni busy lah u ye semua dah start swimming :-).

Nasib baik Alya tak kisah we all takde kat situ so tu yg boleh balik.My hubby pun bukannya every week he can drive there back to pick Alya up so kenalah I menunggu jugak :-(.Boring betul kan!

I guna Windows Live Writer program to write the blog and to upload the pictures from our photo album which is good sbb takde limit to the amount of photo u nak download. U bole download the program from Windows Live, but I pun baru tau guna sikit2 aje. Dia tak bnyk functions but setakat nak tulis blog n upload photos boleh aje.

Anonymous said...

wonderful way to start my day. this will be an excellent idea to feed the entourage from malaysia tomorrw for lunch.. yes mak pengantin yang ini sangat nervous.. more nervous than the bride herself..

lemongrass said...

poor you!Ada sesiapa tak nak tolong u nanti to layan the entourage fr M'sia? Klu I jadi u pun mau tak boleh tidur sbb nervous sgt2 nak rai kan the in laws and nak make sure everything runs smoothly. I'll pray from far that everything goes well for you.