Pagi semalam ada 1 cerita ni….I threw a tantrum at The Other Half. Sekali sekala rasa nak melepaskan tension di dada kan, hehehe. It started like this… Oh, by the way, sape2 yang ada opinion about how I was behaving really badly to my husband, just keep it to yourself ye, I don’t really need to know because I knew it already.
As usual, every Saturday morning The Other Half nak pergi painting with Miss 10. Miss 5 and I didn’t follow them yesterday sebab I had to clean the house. Masa ni lah dah rasa tension sikit sebab I had to stay at home menyental bilik mandi and toilet, mop lantai, memvacuum the whole house, membasuh and menyidai kain baju while dia pergi bersuka ria, hmmmm…… The Other Half sikit pun tak offer nak tolong I with those chores.
Then bila diaorang balik, I had to prepare lunches for everyone (well, reheating lunches for everyone) while dia lepak2 aje. Pastu I was busy doing something when the washing machine beeped, dia buat tak tau aje and still lepak2 dalam bilik! Macam lah penat sangat driving to the painting workshop pagi tadi tu. Masa tu lah I started throwing tantrum. I pun ‘bagitau’ lah ke dia, takkan lah tak boleh tolong jemur kain tu, padahal I dah penat kemas rumah the whole morning. But, biasalah kan, saje je nak bagi extra effects macam kat drama melayu, lepas aje I said that to him, terus I pergi ambik washing basket and emptied the washing machine and terus keluar nak jemur kain. The Other Half masa tu pun terus ikut I keluar nak ambik alih tugasan tu form me lah konon nya :-). Maka, berebut2 lah kitaorang nak jemur kain! Ada ka! Hehehehe….. Pastu since I masih lagi tengah marah, I pun just left him to it and masuk dalam balik.
Then bila dah start tantrum tu, susahlah kan nak berhenti! Lagi lah banyak I mengomel lepas tu. I said to him, “dah lah tiap2 malam I kena masak dinner, weekend pun tak boleh nak gantung periuk.” (well, not in Malay obviously, hehehe). Pastu, he said, “I’ll buy dinner tonite if you want me to.” Pastu lagilah I mengamuk, I said to him, “Why is it, everytime I said I don’t feel like cooking, your immediate answer would be to go and buy dinner?” “Why can’t you offer to cook and save the money.” “What if I were to tell you that I don’t feel like cooking every nite? Are you going to waste the money on takeouts?” “You know how to cook, why can’t you cook once in a while?” Sebab dulu dia slalu jugak tolong masak ni but it’s getting to be very very very rare nowadays. I tau lah yang I terer masak tu yang dia malas nak usurp my position, hehehe ;-).
So, anyway, we came to a conclusion that every Saturday he’ll cook but he will only cook easy stuff. Heck, I don’t care whatever he wants to cook as long as he cooks and I can lepak2 during that time. So, this was what he ‘cooked’ last nite. Chicken burger and salad and potato nuggets.
We bought Baiada frozen chicken breast burgers (they were really good actually!), frozen potato nuggets, ready packed salad. All from Coles, hehehehe. Then we bought the bread from Baker’s Delight. All this only cost us $10! kalau we had gone out for a take away, this would have cost us a lot more! I know I’m a cheapskate but I would rather buy frozen stuff kat supermarket and cook them at home. The Other Half cuma tinggal grilled the chicken burgers and baked the nuggets in the oven. He was so impressed with his creation last nite, hahahaha and The Little Misses were so shocked to find out Daddy cooked! But Alhamdulillah lah he’s willing to cook every Saturday now, I’m so happy. Thanks Love! He’s already promised to cook roast chicken this coming Saturday :-). Sometimes nagging does work kan :P
But tonite I jadi cook again. I made butte chicken for them and I made ikan kembung goreng taucu for me. Lama betul tak makan taucu ni, tersangat lah sedap nya I makan tadi, sampai bertambah, hehehehe. And for dessert, I made self-saucing chocolate pudding, makan dengan vanilla ice cream!
My ikan kembung goreng taucu with loads of bawang and cili hijau.
Our dessert. Dah lama betul tak buat ni, tapi terover masak so the sauce terkeras lah sikit, but still yummy :-).
Oh ye, before I lupa, Butterscotch recipe:
- 100g butter
- 65g brown sugar
- 1/2 cup cream
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
Put everything in a pot and then on medium heat, masak until boiling and then simmer until the sauce is a bit pekat. Sauce ni tak pekat mcm kaya, lebih kurang sama pekat dengan condensed milk bila dah sejuk.
Boleh lah tuang atas kek or gunakan sikit utk mix kat filling apple pie.