Malam ni I was so happy sebab I didn't have to cook dinner tonite. Jarang weh dapat peluang tak payah masak dinner ni so bila sekali sekala ada orang nak belanja dinner, memang lah sangat happynya, wahahahaha..... Thank you so much to Sheri n family sebab belanja we all makan kat Mela's. The Other Half was so happy sebab dapat makan his favourite food, Indian, hehehe. Kalau I masak Indian food, surelah 1 jenis aje kan sekali masak but kalau pergi makan kat resturant, boleh makan banyak2 jenis tu yang dia happy :-). And the Little Misses were so excited especially Miss soon-to-be-10 sebab dapat main2 dengan Sheri's kids. I think Sheri's Hero has fallen in love with Miss soon-to-be-10, it was so cute watching him with her, hehehe.... Miss soon-to-be-10 really loves kids and playing with them but if you ask her if she wants another sibling, she will quickly say 'no!' , pelik kan, hehehe.....
Saturday, 28 March 2009
We've just finished the Earth hour here in Perth and it was really nice to just spent the time reading in the candlelight. The Little Misses had to go to bed without their night light and radio on but we did give them a candle so it wasn't that dark :-). Miss 5 was whining saying that she wouldn't be able to sleep without listening to her music cd and I told her, "tough! you just have to!". Memang lah I ni Mummy yang garang kan, hehehehe..... When we went in to check on them after the Earth Hour's up, dah tidur dengan nyenyak nya pun budak berdua tu so memang lah mengada2 kata tak boleh tidur without their radio on :-). Walaupun Earth hour dah tamat, we still haven't switched the lights on, cuma our computers aje yang on, romantik kan bergelap2 ni, hehehehe.... ;-).
Malam ni I was so happy sebab I didn't have to cook dinner tonite. Jarang weh dapat peluang tak payah masak dinner ni so bila sekali sekala ada orang nak belanja dinner, memang lah sangat happynya, wahahahaha..... Thank you so much to Sheri n family sebab belanja we all makan kat Mela's. The Other Half was so happy sebab dapat makan his favourite food, Indian, hehehe. Kalau I masak Indian food, surelah 1 jenis aje kan sekali masak but kalau pergi makan kat resturant, boleh makan banyak2 jenis tu yang dia happy :-). And the Little Misses were so excited especially Miss soon-to-be-10 sebab dapat main2 dengan Sheri's kids. I think Sheri's Hero has fallen in love with Miss soon-to-be-10, it was so cute watching him with her, hehehe.... Miss soon-to-be-10 really loves kids and playing with them but if you ask her if she wants another sibling, she will quickly say 'no!' , pelik kan, hehehe.....

The glorious food :-).
Miss 5 and food tak boleh dipisahkan :-).
Sheri's Hero.
Miss soon-to-be-10 with Sheri's Princess.
Malam ni I was so happy sebab I didn't have to cook dinner tonite. Jarang weh dapat peluang tak payah masak dinner ni so bila sekali sekala ada orang nak belanja dinner, memang lah sangat happynya, wahahahaha..... Thank you so much to Sheri n family sebab belanja we all makan kat Mela's. The Other Half was so happy sebab dapat makan his favourite food, Indian, hehehe. Kalau I masak Indian food, surelah 1 jenis aje kan sekali masak but kalau pergi makan kat resturant, boleh makan banyak2 jenis tu yang dia happy :-). And the Little Misses were so excited especially Miss soon-to-be-10 sebab dapat main2 dengan Sheri's kids. I think Sheri's Hero has fallen in love with Miss soon-to-be-10, it was so cute watching him with her, hehehe.... Miss soon-to-be-10 really loves kids and playing with them but if you ask her if she wants another sibling, she will quickly say 'no!' , pelik kan, hehehe.....
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kat sini pun baru je pas abis earth hour. we spent d 1 hour outside la. jln2 cari mkn!!
Sama lahh, i pun tadi padamkan semua lampau, tapi laptop n kipas hidup laaa...nak ke toilet bawak lampu picit... jeee, tapi kws kampung i, tgk2 rumah i jee yg gelap...yg lain semua terang saja....
Sedih la min..byk rumah2 kat area akak masih terang benderang..agak2 tercapai ke target ni..sikap org kita termasuk org bukan kita susah nak kikis..akak tenguk rumah2 cikgu je yg gelap..ala bukannya lama pun 1 hour je, tu pun tak leh buat..sedih5
akak dah boleh update senang2 dtg jenguk ya..bestnya food tu, lagi best kalau org belanja..
alamak... ygk Indian food nie tgh2 malam, gee cam nk lari ke kedai mamak sekarang gak layan tandori chicken and Naan.. perghh dah berbulan-bula tak layan lorrr
wah..bes makan kt luar ye LG..Rumah CikMin mmg bergelap till 11pm tau..terlebih dah..hehhehe..sbb masa tu cikmin gan asben dkt pasar malam..pakai generator jek..ok gak kan...
sedap tak kari kat sana?
Kak Ain,
restoran2 padam lampu tak mlm tadi? Ke torang bondorang still,hehe
siap ada lampu picit lagi tu,patutnya pegi lah toilet dulu before mula Earth Hour,hehehe...
Kak Azah,
Kat area we all pun tak bnyk rumah yg gelap gelita, a few aje but I guess at least ada lah jugak kan yg buat s'thing :-).
Nasib baik lah u kat KL kan so snng lah nak layan mengidam mamak tu,hehehe
weh, lama jugak ye u berniaga, sampai pukul 11 mlm, sure penat giler kan...Bawak2 berehat bnyk2 sbb dah berdua ni,hehehe
Mommy Mica,
depends lah kat restoran mana, last nite was sedap lah. Yang buat lagi sedap tu sbb orang belanja,hehehe....
Hahaha....LG, masa belum 8.30 pm tu, sikit pun aku tak nak kencing, bila dah gelap, tu jam lahh dia nak keluar...asieyy potong stimm sungguhhh!!!!
i really think he liked miss soon to be 10 (pjgnye nak tulis!!) so much.. he was soo, sooo happy...hehe..i think she might be his first crush.. we enjoyed hanging out with u guys.. :), lama dah tak lepak together
coyyy!!! lepas ni kena basuh telinga n basuh mata lah baca tulisan CikMat, whakahkahkah.....
Heran kan, dia sikit pun tak kisah n tak pandang Zahra langsung kan,hehehe.... Alya aje yg dia tuju :-)
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