But just to let you know, recipe ni tak guna measurement sangat sebab I banyak menderhaka kat recipe asal :-). As long as you sort of have the basic ingredients which is rolled oats and butter and honey, yang lain tu you boleh tokok tambah with whatever you like. Ikut citarasa masing2 lah ye :-).
Basic Muesli slice
- 2 cups rolled oats (bukan yang instant utk buat porridge tu ye, yang kena masak nya ni)
-2 cups cereal ( cereal apa yang you nak guna, terpulang lah ye. I've used cheerios, honey cornflakes, rice bubbles, cocoa pops, bran flakes. Selalunya I guna 2-3 jenis cereals at one time so tak lah rasa boring sangat the muesli slice tu :-). Kalau nak guna your kids' cereals, make sure you ask their permission first, takut kang nangis pulak diaorang if Mummy habiskan all their cereals, hehehehe)
-60 g nuts, chopped up a bit ( I love almond in it. I tak pernah guna other nuts lagi. I think peanuts would be nice sebab lemak2 macam tu kan. But since Miss 5 is allergic to peanuts, I cuma guna almond aje lah. Kalau you tak suka nuts, gantikan dengan seeds)
- 50g dried fruits ( ini pun you can use whatever is available in your pantry. I've tried apricots, currants, sultanas and dates. For me, sultanas yang paling sedap)
-1/4 cups chocolate bits (optional, if you like chocolate only, hehehhe)
-150g butter
-1/4-1/2 cup honey
-1/4 cup brown sugar (optional- kalau you nak lagi manis or kalau you tak guna cereals yang manis. I tak pernah add.)
-Preheat oven to 180C. Line a lamington/slice pan (18cm x 25 cm) with baking paper and make sure the baking paper overhang a bit so senang nak angkat the slice tu nanti lepas masak.
-In a pot, add butter and honey (and brown sugar if using) and masak atas api sederhana hingga butter melted and sugar dissolved. Masak sampai menggelegak dan reduce kan api dan masak hingga butter mixture tu thickens a bit. Set it aside to cool down a bit.
-In a big bowl, masukkan rolled oats, cereals, dried fruit, choc bits and stir to combine.
-Pour the butter mixture into the oat mixture and stir until all combined and coated with butter mixture.
-Spread the muesli into the slice pan and tekan2 sikit bagi mampat and tak crumbly. Bake for 30 minutes and then cool completely in the pan.
-Bila dah sejuk, bolehlah masuk fridge dulu utk bagi dia firm sikit so senang nak potong. Kalau tak kisah the muesli a bit crumbly, boleh aje terus potong after dia dah cool down.
-Put the slice in airtight container so boleh lah tahan for a week. Maybe kalau kat M'sia, you might need to put it in the fridge kot sebab kat M'sia humid sikit.
p/s maybe if you want, you can try adding peanut butter to the butter mixture so jadi lagi sedap. I tak akan buat the peanut butter version sebab kesian kat Miss 5. But sure sedap kan dengan peanut butter sebab lemak masin and manis semua cukup, hehehehe.
so everybody, jgn lupa buat tau...penat2 LG letak recipee.
Kak Ain,
wahahaha, sian semua orang kena dera buat muesli wknd ni :P
mcmner yer oat yg kena masak tu...nnti i silap guna pulak!!!
kat sini dia panggil rolled oats. bijirin oats yg nipis mcm kena golek tu (hence rolled oats :-)).Slalunya yg guna utk cookies and cakes tu lah. Kalau guna yang instant tu takut nanti, jadi lain pulak muesli nya.
LG, sesaper yang 1st buat muesli ni, agak2 dapat hadiah tak? Heheh (dahlah dpt recipe free, ni lebih2 pulak..)
Eeii seronoknyee..xsbr nk tgu pdah umah then bli oven n cbe buat!! tq sis for sharing the recipe!:)
hehehehe, aduih, sengkek I lepas ni asik kena beli hadiah aje ;-)...
buat jgn tak buat bila dah dpt oven baru nanti :-)
bestnye dpt resipi ni since sy pun br berjumpe jodoh ngn kdai bakery yg best kt jb nie..so blhla dpt brg..
sis LG,'ve been ur silent readers for more than 6 month i think..ms tu i pregnant lg,skrg my baby dah nk msk 3mnth..i msk page u tenung gmbr miss 5 hr2..dgn harapan supaya kenan..hahahaha
anyway..i will follow ur blog agaknye sampai bile2..so keep up on posting ya =)
BTW,my baby name also zahra
uishhh.. mcm senang& sure sedap kan..ok2..nnt nk try arr.. senang nk bg my miss 5 montel tu bekfas sbb dia susah nk bg bekfas laarr... :) tp rasanye kalo pakai instant oat tu..ok kot? kekekke jgn bazir kann..sbb itu jer yg ada stok (yg x abis2 lagi..) thanks LG! muahhhh...
Hi there LG,
I stumbled across your blog from erk, from Aramis.
Gosh, this is the sort of blog that can get me hooked up! - loves seeing all the recipes you posted.
U caught my attention with the pavlova recipe. I love eating that but never want to even come close in trying to make it. But seeing the pictures you posted, alamak, tak leh jadi nih.. harus cuba your recipe nih. Thanks!
ala... gambar takdelah...macamana nak imagine nie.. :)
sis LG..kalu reader yg ke 95200 tak dpt hadiah kew? kui kui kui~
Hi Dila,
wahahaha, so your Zahra ada kenan sikit tak dgn my Zahra? I ada post gmbr my Zahra masa baby dulu, boleh lah u compare ye,hehehe. But thanks so much lah sbb sudi singgah my blog hari2 n baca my ramblings :-).
Miss montel I si Zahra tu pun suka sgt dgn muesli slice ni, I slalu bekalkan dia utk mkn masa recess kat school.Bila u dah cuba buat pakai instant and rasa ok aje, boleh lah orang lain pun pakai instant jugak mcm tu :-)
Thanks for the kind praise :-). When I first got married and started knowing about pavlova, mmng suka sgt makan but takut giler nak buat sbb nmpk complicated abis, hehehe. Then bila dah try first time and snng banget, terus perasan kjap dah expert, hahahaha.....
u kena gi previous N3 ada gmbr muesli tu. Takpun u tunggu wknd ni bila I buat another batch of it :-).
Sekeras kelikir,
wahakakakah, you kena berlumba dgn my hubby lah sbb dia pun beria nak jadi visitor yg ke 100 000 :P
LG...terima kasih yea resipi tu...i nak buat nanti..
Cik Mat,
buat jgn tak buat,pastu klu asik nak mengunyah aje, jgn salahkan I tau, hehehehe
kak LG..
seronok la tgk akak pandai masak..hari tu saya balik penang semata2 nak amik oven saya yg dah berhabuk kt kg tu..last2 terlupa pulak..huhu..kalau tidak leh buat muesli tu..tak yah beli2 lagi..
BTW..that is my zahraa in the picture
Hi Anne,
lah, rugi nya terlupa ambik oven, klu tak, sure dah mcm2 u bake kan :-)
Alala, so cute lah Zahraa tu....
hi sis :)
yay! another easy recipe for me to try..thanks to you. my muesli is still baking in the oven. can't wait to have a taste :P hehe..
Mcm mana rasa dia?Sedap tak?Lepas ni boleh lah u jual muesli bars kat Uni tu ye,hehehe.Sure ramai peminat :-)
hi sis :D
sedap. best pulak dapat buat sendiri. no need to buy dekat kedai dah. kalau teringin boleh buat sendiri je lepas ni and have the whole tray for myself ;P hehe. and i'm a very happy person today coz my friends loved it too!~
salam, been following your blog since u baru lagi blogging, memang inspiring, i terus beli oven pasal berangan nak masak macam u!
thanks for muesli bars recipe ni, feveret i tau, pasni takyah beli dah..:)
best kan bila our friends n family suka apa yg kita masak. Bila nak start ambil order muesli slice fr your friends? ;-).
Salam Ashikin,
Uish, dah setahun lah ye kiranya u follow my blog. Thanks sbb still sudi lagi singgah my blog :-). Cubalah buat muesli bar ni in your new oven, sure sedap :-).
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