And semalam pun dah keluar banyak duit sbb hantar the car for its 6 monthly service. On top of the normal service, we had to replace the brake and all its system sebab dah 40 000 kms. Sejak beli memang tak pernah berganti the brake. And services kat sini memang lah mahal nya banding dengan M'sia sebab just a normal service with a few replacement cost us $400 and nak replace the brake tu cost us another $1k, mahal giler kan! I think if we shop around we can get a cheaper price but takde masa nak shop around and we like sending the car to a certified Holden mechanic. Zafira tu lah satu2nya our car so we really have to look after it really well. Kalau rosak, memang patah kaki sangat2 lah we all ni, hehehe. Macam mana nak hantar the Little Misses to school without a car kan. But it's quite funny, walaupun Zafira ni Holden make tapi tak banyak on the road. Tak tau lah kenapa tak ramai orang yang suka beli this car even though it's a good car. Sebab jarang jumpa this car on the road, bila ternampak another Zafira car while I'm driving around, kadang2 rasa macam nak lambai aje to the other driver sbb so excited to see them, wahahaha..... Nampak kereta pun boleh excited :P.
Since we didn't go anywhere today, apa lagi, we spent the whole day doing household chores lah. Kemas lah sikit rumah ni for a while :-). And to motivate ourselves to kemas rumah, I made pancakes for breakfast pagi tadi (well, bukan nya pagi pun, pukul 10 tadi baru nak bfast, hehehe).
I had my pancake with poached pear and maple syrup. Perasan on diet sekejap sebab makan fruit for bfast ;-).
Ini pulak our high tea tadi sebab busy mengemas rumah sampai tak sempat nak buat lunch. So, terus lah buat high tea and malam ni tinggal makan supper aje. Buat apa nak menyusahkan diri kan, hehehe.....
Makisushi with 3 different fillings (Mummy tengah rajin :-)). Crabstick spring rolls, fried noodles with grilled chicken. Banyak betul makizushi yang I buat tadi, memang enough lah for lunch sekali esok. Miss 5 tadi terus tanya, "did you make smoked salmon sushi?". Hish anak I tu, tekak high class sikit, wahkahkahkah......
hehehe kak LG..ya la..i remember that miss 5 loved to hav smoked salmon right..same as her daddy kan..hehehe..mesti comel kan waktu dia mintak..hehehe
Kalau kat M'sia smoke salmon tak da..tapi smoke ikan keli or ikan haruan ada laaa...
sedapnya makanan, rajinnya berkemas..hehe kalau i tlg kemas boleh order food to my appetite tak?
Hari ni kitaorg gi ke Mandurah hantar benda yg terambik dari motorhome hari tu. Wah owner motorhome tu rupa mcm Beckham lak. Kat Mandurah ramai sgt org. Last week masa kat sana sunyi sepi. I kalau ramai tak berapa suka, mcm rimas je. Sekajap je kat sana, mkn fish n chips n drive back home. OK lah utk anak2. Dpt lari2 kat foreshore.
akak pulak klu x de ke mana2 on weeknd, mmg all out rumah le. habis semua akak kemas tp tetap gak mls nak masak..hihihi
akak pulak klu x de ke mana2 on weeknd, mmg all out rumah le. habis semua akak kemas tp tetap gak mls nak masak..hihihi
LG mmg rajin memasak ye! masuk umah LG mesti terliur selalu...
LG...mmg best kan kalau semua ada kat rumah, kemas n melepak...santai2 gitu... u mmg rajin..kalau i dah kemas tu...adoi... liatnye nak masuk dapur masak...he..he..he
tu lah, tekak high class tak mcm Mummy dia yg tekak kampung aje, hehe
Cik Mat,
sedap tak smoked ikan keli n haruan tu? Sure lagi sedap dr smoked salmon mat saleh ni kan, hahaha
Kak Azah,
klu u tolong my hubby lipat kain, definitely dia akan masak for you, hehehe...Takut u aje yg taklalu nak makan nanti ;-)
Kak Ain,
Kalau I malas masak, kebulur lah my kids nanti tu yg kena merajinkan diri masak jugak :-). Best kan klu duk M'sia ada mcm2 gerai ni, jeles jeles, hehehe..
Kak Azita,
Kdg2 aje rajin nya, slalu tu rajin masak yg sempoi2 aje.
We all aje yg mengemas, budak2 tu punyalah liat bila di suruh tolong, tension I, hehehe. Tu yg I liat masak lunch, terus masak high tea aje, save energy,hahaha...
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