I had a funny dream last nite. I dreamt that I was in Malaysia and suddenly my sister, Along, said to me, "
eh, cepatlah, mana barang2 we all yang you bawak from Oz?". Along ni memang macamni, kalau I balik M'sia for hols, the list of things that she wants me to get for her kadang2 panjang berjela but ada lah a few things yang memang tak boleh tinggal kena belikan for her or else surenya dia akan merajuk panjang, hehehe...
So, anyway, in that dream, I pun pergilah masuk bilik to get their presents and then this was where things went funny/strange. Dalam bilik I tu
cuma ada 2 suitcases aje and medium size pulak tu. People who know me and yang memang selalu ditugaskan ambil I kat KLIA will find this very funny as well. Sepanjang2 I bermastautin kat OZland ni and setiap kali I balik M'sia for holidays, I memang tak kan travel light at all. We will always have with us,
2 big suitcases, sometimes 1 big and 2 medium sized suitcases, 1 big box of goodies and 2/3 big handluggage! Ini when I'm travelling with the Little Misses aje without the Other Half. Kalau the Other Half ada sama, lagilah banyak barang yang we all bawak, hehehehehe.
Then, bila I bukak the suitcases, I found out yang
I've forgotten to buy most of the things that Along asked me to buy and I've forgotten to pack a lot of things for the nieces. But this wasn't funny anymore, this was SCARY!!!!! You tau lah I kan, the Queen of lists, everything yang I nak beli or tasks to do will be listed down on my "to buy/to do" list and ticked off bila dah completed, so when I didn't buy the things that they asked for in my dream, surelah way scary and panicky for me kan. Kira dah bertukar jadi nightmare lah kan, hahahahahaha......
So, when I woke up, phew.... lega rasa hati sebab it was just a dream/nightmare and I know I can still rely on my lists :-). Mahal2 beli tickets kapal terbang and then tertinggal all the presents, tension lah kan! Hehehehe....;-).

Anyway, back to our dinner tonite. I made Phad Thai which is lebih kurang kuey teow goreng lah but Thai version. I dah berapa kali masak Phad Thai ni, either guna ready made phad thai paste or guna paste buat sendiri but so far tak pernah sesedap kat kedai :-(. But the last time I ate Phad Thai kat kedai was when we were in Adelaide so lama giler lah and probably I've forgotten how it taste like, hehehe. Phad Thai yang I buat entah lah macam takde Ooomph pulak nya. it's just 'ok' not great.......... See, banyak gak dishes yang I tak tau masal actually and tak reti2 nak masak, wehehehehe.....