The happy bit, my youngest brother got engaged today dengan his chosen one :-). The last wedding in my family was in 2003 of my older sister, while I was pregnant with Miss 5 so kiranya it's about time lah for another wedding soonish, hehehe. But baru aje tunang hari ni so tak tau lah bila the wedding pulaknya. I told Emak that a December wedding next year would be good sebab bolehlah the Aussies balik lama2 sikit since it's the summer break for schools and unis here. And the other half needs to be there for the wedding because it's his job to basuh pinggan mangkuk and periuk belanga at the wedding, hehehehe. Bila lagi kan nak dapat buruh kasar Mat Saleh ni :-). He said, that's the only thing he's good at anyway at a wedding. Nak suruh tolong masak, kang nanti semua lauk jadi meatloaf aje or bolognese sauce, adalah nanti yang kena pelangkung dengan Abah n Emak, hahahahaha. The Little Misses are so excited to go back to M'sia for a wedding, especially of their favourite uncle's. We'll wait and see ajelah when the date will be next year :-).
The sad bit, we just received a shocking news that the other half's cousin passed away today. He was only 42 and he just dropped dead when he was out riding his bike this morning and couldn't be revived by his doctor friends who were with him at the time. No one knew what the cause was yet, he's still at the coroner's. He's the only cousin that the other half was quite close to because when we were in Adelaide, they were there too. Yang paling sedihnya, his daughter is only a few months younger than Miss 5 and it's coming up to Christmas very soon pulak tu. So, the other half might be flying off to Melbourne for the funeral later this week. Sedih betul bila dengar tadi, it really hits home that our stay here are just temporary and we can go anytime.......
Condolences to the Conleys, our thoughts and prayers are with you during this sad time.
Hari ni managed to do some baking which is good sebab since pagi sibuk dengan household chores yang tak pernah siap. But since we were running out of bread, so nak tak nak terpaksalah bake jugak, hehehe. But instead of baking it fully in the breadmaker, hari ni I cuma suruh breadmaker tu menguli and menaikkan aje the dough. Then I baked it in the oven cos I want the bread to be loaf shaped. I like yang bake in the oven lagi compared to the breadmaker one, sebab yang bake dlm breadmaker ni for me, the crust is a bit harder than if bake dlm oven. And roti ni bila makan freshly baked, memang lah sedap sangat2 kan, hehehe.
And ini pulak kek pandan. I guna resipi Pandan Muffin Yani fr MyResipi but tukar susu ke santan and double the dose and guna SRF and baked it in a cake tin sebab malas nak guna paper cups, hehehe. Jadi lah jugak my kek walaupun di bega bega :-).