Anyway, I made some more goodies today. The other half said to me, "Now you've made all these goodies, we just have to find people who celebrate Xmas to give all these goodies to! We won't be able to finish it all." Ha..ha..ha.. very funny wise guy! I made all these for you anyway so you don't feel deprived of all the sweet things that your Mum used to make for Xmas sebab I ni kan isteri mithali. Alah, you jugak yang everytime lalu depan the cookie containers mesti makan at least 1 piece, hehehe. Macam lah I tak tau even though you tried to hide it from me because you've been told not to eat too much of it, hahaha...... As though I don't know you so well my Dear :-). Between you and the Little Misses, I don't think the cookies will last that long anyway so bersyukur aje lah that your wife tengah rajin membaking ni :P.
So, since I've promised that I'll show you what I've made in the past few days, these are some photos of the Xmas treats. Alah, bukannya banyak mana macam nak sambut Raya and cuma biscuits and kek aje pun. I might make roast chicken with stuffing and all the trimmings for dinner esok kalau rajin. Kalau tak rajin, I'll just make roast chicken aje and roast potato kot :-).
mynn, i raya krismas rmh u eh? ;p
Wahkahkah Sheri,
adalah yg nanti kena buang negeri klu u beraya krismas kat rumah i :P
wahhh..rajinnya...I hope santa blh bawa kat sini yur cookies...hhehehe
heh..dah dpt dah..I just try aje..u pakai bomoh apa ya..hehehe..okay I try buka email...hav a nice xmas holiday..
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year LG. Rajinnya you buat cookies. I had big plans this year to make cookies but unfortunately, work took over - only sempat buat dua. Nasib baik Mr G tolong sikit so my kids not 'so deprived' when it comes to cookies for Chrissy! Why don't you write to me thane I call you and we can sembang2; only if you want! Once again, merry Christmas.
wah terliur pulak tgk all the sweets...
Santa dah abiskan dulu my cookies on the way nak antar ke you, hehehe..
Hi VG,
poor your kids only 2 cookies aje sempat u buat, but you can still make them this long xmas hols :-). How's your boy's ear? Of all the days, it had to happen on Xmas day, poor him! I'll give u my phone no in yr blog nanti ok!
Hi Mrs.Fhm,
that's why lah my weight makin naik skrg ni, because of all the sweet things that I like to make! tensen I, hehehe
Yalah LG, of all the days, yesterday the stupid lalat decides to find a nest in my son's ear. Cilaka punya lalat. Jangan bagi number kat blog, nanti satu dunia ring you up, oy, LOL! Write to my e-mail:
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