Saturday 6 December 2008

We were so excited to wake up this morning because we would be going to a Malay wedding here for the first time as a family. Miss 5 tak pernah seumur hidup dia tengok a Malay wedding, last wedding yang she went to was when she was 1 month old and that was to a Mat Saleh wedding and Miss 9 I think so far baru pergi to a few only. The last malay wedding yang we all went to kalau tak silap was when my sister got married and that was 5+ years ago and Miss 5 was still inside my uterus, hehehe. So, obviously lah they were so excited to go to this wedding, we were excited as well sebab we know there'll be loads of food, hahahahaha.....

Another thing that made this wedding interesting is because it's a Cocos Malay wedding which is I think still steeped in the old adat kahwin orang melayu dolu2 :-). They had rewang ramai2 for the cooking of the food, sedara mara jadi penanggah ( I'm not sure if I'm using the right word here), pengantin lelaki kena bayar 'tol' before dibenarkan bersanding sebelah the bride, they still had throwing of coins mixed with beras kunyit for the kids and then, one thing yang I tak pernah tengok ever was, throwing of gifts for the crowds/ guests. Sape yang cepat tangkap the gifts, dapatlah bawak balik the gifts. Miss 5 was so shocked to see people throwing the money away and bila I pushed dia pergi berebut duit tu, she nearly cried because she was so scared, wehkehkehkeh. Anyway, dapatlah jugak dia 50 cents and Miss 9 dapat 20 cents :-). And I got a set of plastic containers because I managed to catch one of the gifts, seronok I, hehehehe....

We got invited by the bride who is one of the teachers at school. Miss 5 said, "I've never seen Miss M dressed like that and so pretty like a princess." I guess ye lah, setiap kali dia jumpa this cikgu kat school, pakai biasa2 aje and memang tak pernah bermekap, suddenly kat wedding tu, memang cantik habis, I guess she just couldn't believe her eyes. She kept on asking me betulke the person yang cantik sgt2 mcm princess tu her teacher? Kids, hehehe......

Siap ada 'Mak Andam' lagi and if I'm not mistaken, di import from Singapore you! :-) The pelamin was really simple but elegant. Masa ni the bride was waiting for the groom who arrived about 15 minutes later.

The bride and groom selepas upacara bersilat and berkompang. I have no idea what the other half was telling Miss 9 in the background.

This was at the dessert section after we've had our nasi minyak.

The Little Misses managed to get a bunga manggar each. Bunga manggar dia cantik sgt, flower ribbons on lidi. The kids also dapat gifts, a small gift bag with choc and lollies inside. The Little Misses really loved it :-).

The Little Misses infront of the wedding cake. Tak dapat rasa, dapat ambil gambar pun jadi lah kan, hehehehe.

Another view of the wedding cake. Siap ada miniature fountain lagi underneath the cake!

The gifts for guests, ceramic dish with choc hearts, so cute!

To Miss M & Hubby & Family, thank you for inviting us and we had a wonderful time at your wedding. May Allah bless and enrich your married life together.


Liasari said...

that is so colourful & meriahnya mcm kenduri kawin kat mesia je. walaupun duk kat negeri orang tp seronok ye ada kelompok masyarakat yg share same culture dgn kita ;-)

~MrSShamSul~ said...

tembamnye sis zahra...

azah said...

Salam..hmm the bride is fr Msia ke?a little bit confused coz you mentioned melayu cocos..kat sini kalau bangsa cocos ada but mostly they are not muslim..tlg explain ya ..tambah pengetahuan ni..

Kasut But Ceri Merah said...

so cute si lil miss 5 ni punye cerita kali ni pegi majlis kawen ekk?
kiut...kiut..kiut! si kecik ni nampak seronok lah kan kak... terselah kegembiraan dia kat gambar ni!! hmm.. aunti gee nk kome nie, lil miss 5 dah bertambah berisi badan dia nie... dia kuat makan yer. heheehheee, tak kisahlah kan, yang penting sihat, cantik, ceria dan bahagia.

hugs :)

lemongrass said...

Hi Lia,
tu lah, lagi meriah dr my wedding dulu,hehehe. Tapi seronok tengok diaorg still amalkan adat2 melayu lama dulu.

Hahaha Nana,
Zahra tu asik picit2 aje lemak kat bawah ketiak dia tu semalam sbb selama ni asik pakai dress yg loose aje so lemak tu tak nampak lah.Semlm pakai dress yg fit sikit so lemak dia pun kena squeezed lah. Tp banding dgn Alya mmng lah tembam sgt Zahra tu :-).

Hi Azah,
Malay Cocos kat sini semuanya Muslim, they were originally fr the Cocos-keeling Islands yg a part of Australia. But most of them, ramai sedara from M'sia n Singapore because memang their nenek or atuk asal fr Singapore or M'sia itu yg adat2 lama masih kekal. Diaorg cakap melayu as well but a bit different sbb dah campur melayu singapore,malaysia and indo prob. Kat WA ni memang they have a very large community.

Hahaha Auntie Gee,
mmng tembam lah Miss 5 tu kan! Kakak dia dah habis mkn nasi minyak n pergi main, dia masih lagi makan dgn we all. Kakak dia more interested in tengok pengantin, Miss 5 is more interested in finishing up her nasi minyak, hehehehe. Takpe, hopefully she'll slim down naturally when she grows up :-).

Flower said...

Melayu Cocos n Christmas Island bila diaorg ckp bunyi2 mcm filem P.Ramlee. Tapi diaorg ni mmg 'real' Malay. Org kat Msia pun kalah bila tentang adat2 melayu lelama ni. Muka diaorg pun muka pure melayu.

Next week I tak gi ke pilates sbb my cake deco class start kul 9.30am, same time as my pilates. so i kena sacrified my pilates lah. Nak gi ke final cake class n nak berparty kat sana ngan student lain. My anak2 boleh tgk DVD mcm your anak2 juga.

AIC n Thornlie mosque declare Eid hari Selasa. Tu sbb Selasa cuti. The other mosque or musallah yg declare Selasa Eid ialah our kiddies madrasah/iqra classes.

Acara kemas mengemas belum habis lagi. Today I ngan hb nak bertungkus lumus kat our rumah lama nak kasi gleaming and shinning. Rumah skrg ni pulak, masa ada banyak kotak yg tak bukak lagi. Sbbnye hb doesnt really like this house. Need to find a new one after chrissie.


masz_73 said...

wow!! sonoknyer dpt g kenduri kawin.. x sangka kan..they all still mengamalkan adat melayu w/pon dudukkat oberci.. lain pulak halnyer kat mesia ni.. kdg2 kalah mat salleh.. hehehhee.. mkn pon stail buffet jer..

eee.. ye larr zahra nk masuk team iQa ehhh...jg2 Lg... hehehhe.. hmmm.. ue hubby really on diet ker? npk kurus banding sblm ni.. jgn mara arr.. just curious jer.. sbb kalo as a man dia ada will power nk kuruskan badan..hehhehe malu arr kita yg pompuan ni.. :P

azah said...

yaa..cocos kat sini pun muslim juga...sorry..I thought they are not..tq LG for the info..SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL u and family..

lemongrass said...

Hi Mallan,
Tu lah kan, klu dengar the Cocos people speak,mmng mcm p.ramlee, hehehe. So, yr cake decorating class kira dah habis lah ye?U tak nak sambung lagi ke to yg more advanced? pastu boleh lah u ambil order decorate kek, sure laku! You nak cari a new house around that area jugak ke? Is it easy to find a rental property there? Sian u,sure tak hilang lagi penat pindah dah nak pindah lagi.

Hi Masz,
tu lah, nanti Zahra boleh lah satu gang dgn Iqa ye ;-).If only Zahra tinggi mcm Iqa kan best, ini kemetot aje! :-). My hubby mana ada diet but sure nya dia happy klu orang kata dia nmpk kurus sikit,hehehe. Tp dulu dia pernah diet n mmng betul2 diet n exercise u, he lost a lot of weight, mmng kuat lah will power dia masa tu but I pun diet n exercise gak masa tu n lost lots jugak,hehehehe...

Hi Azah,
So, ramai lah ye Malay Cocos kat Sabah tu? They came from Cocos Island lah ye? I tak pernah tau pun yg ada Malay Cocos kat Sabah tu, now I know thanks to you :-).
Selamat hari raya aidil adha for you n family too .

saveme_zero said...

kak...miss 5 sebijik mcm muka daddy dia la..hehehe

lemongrass said...

sebijik ye? hehe..sian Miss 5 :-)