Anyway, enough of the lacy talk because I don't want to give you nightmares thinking about it and I don't want to give my Emak a heart attack when she reads my blog and also most importantly, I don't want to have to answer so many questions from Miss 9 when she reads this blog so kenalah make it 'family-friendly', hahahaha.....
Let's talk about food then, food is always a safe zone :-) unless you are a domestic goddess like Nigella Lawson then your food will always look so sexy. But I don't have to worry about that sebab sampai bila pun my food tak kan look sexy, hehehehe. Hari ni baru lah I ada masa and motivation to make some Christmas food. But still ada a few more yang tak buat lagi ni. Hajat hati memang nak buat macam2 but when I look at my expanding waistline and the increasing circumference of my thighs, terus terkubur hajat tu sekejap. Sejak dari puasa haritu when I was at my thinnest, I've gained about 3 kilos ( Yes, I know, jangan terperanjat!) and memang nampak sangat2 around my waistline and my face. So, kalau I buat macam2 sweet treats for Christmas, sure lah I pun akan turut makan sama kan and the obvious will definitely follow suit...... Tension sekejap!!!! But, sian kat the other half kan kalau I tak buat...... I should start exercising again to get rid of this excess weight but punyalah malas nak naik the exercise machine tu hanya Allah aje lah yang tahu, hehehehe. Nak mula tu yang punya siksa! Hish.....
So, our Christmas treat yang dah siap. Citrus almond biscuits and fruit cake. The almond biscuits pun dah habis suku dikerjakan the Little Misses but I'm not going to make some more sebab malassss :-).
Ini pulak photos of our dinner from last nite and the nite before. Mana lah tak naik lemak kan, cheese galore on the nachos! Malam ni nak makan maki zushi so healthy lah jugak kan, hehehe.
adoooiii cis diaaaaaaaaaa....waaaa kalu kita mmg makin gebusssss gumuk godampol akak ttp menten heheheheh
mynn, thanks sooo much for the trip to seafood tuh, semlm belasah calamari and crumbed prawns, sedap yg amat!!! and today had fried rice curry fish balls, adam mkn habis :).. mlm ni goreng ikan.. god how i miss eating fish. thanks :).. ps - the prawn looks soo delicious in the pic, hehe
mana ada menten, dah naik banyak!! wahhhhh.....
best kan pergi kedai ikan tu, rasa mcm nak beli aje semua,hehehe. lepas ni u kenalah beli chest freezer nak isi all your favourite ikan n seafood :-).Crumbed calamari tu sedap sgt kan bila di goreng, we all pun mlm tadi mkn bnyk!! :-). Bila nak buat paprik mcm ni?
Mahal sbb it gives more pleasure to the eyes of the beholder. ;)Gmbr lacey ngan model dia tak de ke?
You gi kedai seafood kat mana? Hari tu I gi ke Garden city nye seafood shop beli fresh fish. Dpt discout lagi. I beli kepala ikan buat masak asam pedas. Harganye $3.75, dan ada discount 50%. Kalau ikutkan kat sini semua pun ada discount ye.
So far utk Chrissie I dah buat fruitcakes dan siap letak icing lagi. Hari tu buat kat kelas. Ada lagi satu fruitcake yg bogel. Malas lak nak pakaikan baju. Cookies yg Hana buat tu dah tinggal setengah. Nanti kena buat my gingerbread cookies with icing. Satu kemestian sbb hb nye favourite.
LG......kita tukar lah mee rebus dgn cis nachos tuuu...Lepas makan nachos, terus pi buat medical check-up, sure byk kaler "merah"....
k LG, permukaan kek buah tu... wallah!!!
klu I letak gmbr, mmng dah sure ada yg akan pengsan nanti :-0 .I just pegi kat Universal frozen seafood shop tu aje. Sedapnya u dpt buat kepala ikan asam pedas, sure makan bertambah tu :-).I tak pakaikan baju lah my fruitcake sbb tak tau nak buat,hehehe. I pun nak buat gingerbread gak tp malas betul lah!
Cik Mat,
tak berani woo gi jumpa doctor lepas makan cis nachos tu sbb sure nya kena marah nanti sbb sumer kaler merah, hehehehe.
klu kek tu buat table decoration, cantik aje kan, hehehe. Tapi kena decorate lah baru cantik :-)
sedap sedapnye akak
terliur den nengok
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