Sementara temankan dia tu, sempatlah melipat kain baju yg menggunung sambil tengok "I am Sam", not the Dr. Seuss version tau! Meleleh2 air mata tengok citer tu, sampai kena gelak dgn the other half even though dia pun dah started merah2 mata as well, hehehe. He said, tak best betul bila I yg choose the movie sebab sure nya a tear-jerker. Then, bila dah abis semua kain kena lipat and the PC still tak siap reformat lagi, I masuk 'ofis' to make a tart base for tomorrow's dessert and also set the breadmaker to bake a bread for breakfast esok pagi. Makin malam makin ligat, hahahaha....
Bangun pagi tadi terus sambung siapkan tonite's dessert since it had to be refrigerated for a few hours before eating. Then since I was already in a baking mood, I made pikelets and scones (kalau nak recipe scones, sila tengok sini ) for breakfast. We had it with whipped cream, blackcurrant conserve and fresh strawberries. YUMMMMMY! It's more brunch than breakfast since it was already 10 o'clock when we had the feast, hehehe.
After the big breakfast, we went bike riding along the river. Sebelum sempat lemak2 tu berkumpul lama2 dlm perut, better burn it off through cycling kan. But since Miss soon-to-be-5 was riding her own bike as well, so tak bolehlah kayuh laju2 sgt pun sebab kena tunggu dia, hehehe. So, not really sure if any lemak was burnt off during the ride :-). Oh well, it's the thought that counts I think ;-). Layan gambar the Little Misses up on a tree masa tgh berehat sekejap at the playground halfway thru our bike ride. Monkeys galore today :-).
The bike ride didn't dampen my cooking frenzy though, so balik from riding terus sambung buat naan dough ( recipe ada kat sini ye). Naan dough ni kena 'peram' for 3-4 hours tu yg buat cepat2 sebab kang takut tak sempat siap for our 6 pm dinner. After buat tu, sambung pulak buat samosa pastry and the potato filling. Wei, Mummy was like lipas kudung in the kitchen today :-). I felt like I could continue cooking and baking the whole night, maybe this is what lack of sleep does to me, wahkahkahkah. Pastu, tgh tunggu nak goreng samosa, I made butter chicken to eat with the naan bread. Ingat nak buat mcm2 lagi but sape lah yang nak makan nya nanti, hahahaha!
This is dessert ( recipe tengok sini ye) which didn't really gel with our Indian inspired dinner. But it was still a fantastic way to end a fabulous weekend :-).
tak tertahan lah selere gee kalo tgk akak ni bleh memasak bermacam2 jenis untuk sekali waktu makan!!
arghhh.. memang patutlah akak jadi lipas kudung kalau dah masuk 'opis' tu. desert pun kene sediakan... ishh, kalau gee dah rasa susah sangat tue, bleh menagis lah kalo kene buat macam2. respek sama akak... behnyeeeee jadi akak sebab sangat hebat memasak juga sangat2 penyabar. huhuhuuuuu :)
Hi Gee,
Sekali sekala aje akak feel teruja nak masak mcm2 ni,hehehe. Selalunya we all dessert cuma dgn choc biscuits or chocolate aje. Tapi bila semangat masak tu datang, memang lah klu boleh mcm2 akak nak cuba, weheheheh....
Rasanya you kena tidur lambat kot baru dpt byk ilham to cook & bake!
Hihi :D
Kak LG..
memndgkn superman tk boleh dipercayai tuk buat delivery service, maka nya bila akak free blh kasi recipe dessert tu x hehehe..telan air liur je ni tgk dessert strawberry tu :)
Hehe Intan,
klu selalu2 tidur lmbt, mau gemuk I sbb asik baking n cooking aje. Ini pun rasanya lemak fr the dessert dah menetap kat peha n perut ni! wahhhhhhh.....
Hi Xentari,
Superman zaman skrg mmng tak boleh dipercayai,hehe. nanti akak edit the entry to letak the link sekali ye.
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