Sekejap aje dah 10 hari Ramadhan berlalu, 1/3rd of it gone so quickly. Someone once said to us, the days will seem long when you are fasting but the month will race by so quickly. Betul jugak kan! Kalau kat Malaysia ni, kejap lagi sure dah berkumandang lagu raya kat all the shopping complexes. Kat sini, masa bulan puasa tahun2 lepas, I listened to ERA online so terubat lah rindu sikit nak dengar lagu raya. Tahun ni, rasanya just pasang cd ajelah, hehehe. Yang faham melayu pun cuma I sorang aje kat rumah ni pun, hahaha. The Little Misses when they hear malay songs on the radio, sibuk tanya, 'what are they saying Mummy? what are they saying Mummy?" Aduih, tak sanggup nak translate all the songs satu2 kat diaorang! But they know that bila bulan puasa aje, Mummy loves listening to malay songs. Bulan2 lain, sikit pun dia tak heran, hehehe.
Miss very-soon-to-be-5 last nite told me yang dia nak puasa full today so tadi she told her teachers yang dia nak puasa full, tak nak have lunch at school. I said to her, kalau dia tak larat, I ada bekalkan lunch for her. When I picked her up today after school, tanyalah dia, still puasa lagi ke. She said, dia cuma mkn corn chips snack aje tadi masa lunch, tak mkn her pasta langsung. I was quite impressed sbb dia jenis yg will finish everything in her lunchbox. And bila balik rumah pun, she didn't eat or drink until buka tadi. But sekejap2 pergi dapur bila tercium bau sedap from what i was cooking and said, I'm so hungry! She was so happy sbb dpt 'puasa' like her big sister, hehehe. But masa buka tadi, sikit nya banyak ke dia makan :-). Kelaparan betul tu!

Ini gara2 terliur tengok lopes kat 'rumah'
Mallan tadi so balik fr school, terus masak lopes. Luckily resipi ni resipi express masak in the microwave, so sekejap aje dah siap. Yang lamanya, merendam pulut tu n masak air gula, hehehe. Dapat resipi fr
Myresipi I thought I would be the only one yang lalu makan lopes ni, rupa2nya, the other half and Miss very-soon-to-be-5 pun suka sangat2 dengan lopes. Terkejut Mummy, hehehe.
Tengoklah dia makan, ini her 3rd lopes. I think she thinks that's dinner, tu yg makan beria :-).
This is main meal, I made impossible quiche. Basically it's just crustless quiche. Guna leftover ayam from nasi ayam hari tu. The other half makan half of the quiche, dia pun kelaparan agaknya malam ni :-).
I know I know, memang rupa tak cantik langsung but rasa tetap sedap, hehehe. I made baked caramel custards. I think I overcooked it and over mixed it kot tu yg jadi mcm berlubang2 and not smooth. But the inside was really smooth looking, luar aje yang mcm tu. I guess masa ni lah u can say, don't judge a book by its cover kan, wehkehkehkehkeh.