Monday, 31 March 2008
2 tbsp olive oil
1 brown onion, potong dadu halus
2 garlic, cincang
200g button mushroom, sliced
1 carrot, sliced thinly (tak nak letak pun takpe, I letak sbb nak bagi anak makan sayur)
300g minced beef
2 tbsp tomato paste
1 cup beef stock (larutkan 1 cube beef stock in 1 cup hot water)
1/2 cup sour cream
salt and pepper to taste
200g dried fettucine/ linguine
1/2 cup grated cheese (mixture of cheddar n parmesan)
-Panaskan olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat. Masukkan brown onion, garlic, carrot n mushroom and saute sampai onions layu for about 5 minutes.
- Then masukkan minced beef and masak sampai tak pink lagi. Make sure minced beef tu tak berketul2.
- Then masukkan tomato paste, beef stock dan simmer for about 10 minutes. Kemudian alihkan dari api, dan masukkan sour cream. Kacau hingga sebati.
-Masak fettucine seperti arahan di packet. Drain bila dah masak.
- Grease a casserole dish lightly. Then spread the cooked fettucine in the dish. Tuangkan the cooked stroganoff on the fettucine until all covered. Then taburkan the grated cheese on the stroganoff and put under the grill until cheese melted.
-Sedap dimakan with green salad.
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Friday, 28 March 2008
Thursday, 27 March 2008
4 beef shins (about 1.2 kg)
1/2 cup plain flour
salt n pepper to taste
4 tbsp olive oil
2 carrots, diced quite thick
1 stick celery (optional klu suka rasanya)
1/2 large brown onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 tbsp tomato paste
1 x 400g can whole peeled tomato
1 cube beef stock
3 dried bay leaves
2 cardamom pods
1/2 tsp dried thyme
2 tbsp bawang goreng (ready made)
-Preheat frying pan with 2 tbsp olive oil on medium heat. Mix plain flour and salt and pepper on a plate. Dip the beef shins into the flour mixture, then coat the whole meat with flour, shake off excess tepung. Pan fry the beef shins 2 at a time until brown, then set aside.
-In the same frying pan (no need to basuh dulu), tambah another 2 tbsp of olive oil and then add onions, garlic, diced carrot and diced celery and fry until onions wilted.
-Transfer the half cooked meat and the onion mixture into a slow cooker. Then add the rest of the ingredients into the slow cooker
-Set the slow cooker on high and cook for 5 hrs. Then rasa the osso bucco after that and kalau daging masih melekat to the bone, continue cooking on low for another hour.
-Boleh dihidang dgn mashed potatoes or risotto.
If anyone wants recipe for osso bucco yg bake in the oven, you can find it here at Taste
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
( Cik Mat and Hani jangan jeles ye, hehehe)
Monday, 24 March 2008
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Friday, 21 March 2008
Ini the first batch tu yg semua 'geseng' aje which means hangus but tak lah pahit, still sedap.
The little misses waiting for the next batch with choc chip filling.
Where there's food, there's always Miss 4 1/2 waiting.... :-)
Our entree tonite: Fried wontons with hoisin sauce
Thursday, 20 March 2008
2 large/size A eggs
1 3/4 cawan/420 mls susu segar
1/2 cwn/120 mls vegetable oil (I slalu guna canola sbb dia takde rasa yg strong)
2 tbsp gula kasar
2 cawan self raising flour
1/4 tsp garam halus
1/2 tsp vanillas essence
Pukul telur with hand mixer sehingga kembang. Kemudian add the rest of the ingredients and beat until smooth. Pour about 1 senduk nasi adunan on the preheated hot waffle maker and bake until golden brown.
Adunan ni boleh disimpan dlm fridge jika tak habis digunakan to use the next day or Mama Anis boleh bancuh malam utk makan breakfast the next morning.
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Baklava (simplified version)
10 keping filo pastry
100g butter, cairkan
about 300g mixed nuts (you can use pistachio, walnuts, almonds, cashew), grind until halus
For the sugar syrup
250g gula kasar
150mls air
a splash of lemon juice
1/2 tablespoon of rosewater (kalau ada)
- Masak air dan gula sehingga menggelegak. Let it boil for about 5 minutes. Add the lemon juice and rosewater. Pour the sugar syrup onto the cooked hot baklava.
Preheat oven to 180ÂșC.
1. Grease a rectangular disposable aluminium container (utk senang nak buang terus lepas tu :-)) measuring 8"x 12".
2. Sapu 1 keping filo pastry dgn melted butter. Kemudian lipat 2 dan masukkan dlm container, adjust sikit the filo pastry to fit. Repeat until dah letak 5 keping pastry dlm container.
3. Kemudian taburkan kacang ground kat atas filo pastry tu sehingga habis dan menutupi semua bahagian pastry.
4. Ulang step 2 dan letak atas taburan kacang tadi sehingga semua filo habis digunakan. Make sure lapisan filo yg di atas sekali disapu dgn butter bnyk sikit.
5. Potong baklava bentuk diamond sehingga lapisan bawah sekali sebelum masuk dlm oven.
6. Bakar for about 25 mins or until golden.
7. Take the baklava out of the oven and straight away pour half of the syrup on it. Let it meresap dulu, then pour the rest of the syrup.
8. Enjoy!
Monday, 17 March 2008
This photo was taken on the 29th of Jan this year. Kiranya that's the first lot of chili lah and tak bnyk lagi stakes yg di bubuh sbb buah dia tak bnyk sgt lagi. If I'm not mistaken, chilli ni namanya "hot thai chilli", hehehe...Tapi memang pedas pun!
This photo pulak was taken on the 14th of March (a few days ago). I had to put a few more stakes utk elak dahan pokok tu dari patah dek kerana lebat sgt buah2 nya. Dah lupa berapa kali we all petik chili2 tu sampai tak larat2 nak makan and skrg ni masih lagi banyak bunga2 chili kat pokok tu. The other half said, memang pokok chili yg ini jenis yg membesar ketepi bukan ke atas so I just have to keep on adding more stakes kat dahan2 tu supaya tak patah. Lepas ni bolehlah bukak gerai jual chilli and daun limau purut, hahahaha.....
Gulai lemak ayam, Sup sayur with egg tofu and bakec sticky chicken wings.
Baklava which is a rich sweet dessert of ground mixed nuts (I used almond, walnuts and cashew nuts) encased in filo pastry layers with sugar syrup poured onto it while hot. I think this dessert is native to Turkey.
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Penat nya harini. Rasa tak larat nak post kat blog tapi sbb nak tunjuk segala aneka masakan yg dimasak utk guests harini, kenalah gagahkan juga menulis, hehe...Dari semalam dah bz kemas rumah and baking with the kids, malam pulak prepare a few things to marinate in the fridge. Pagi tadi awal2 dah sibuk kemas outside pulaknya and started the ball rolling in regards to lunch. Macamlah ramai sgt yg nak datang, hehe..cuma 1 family aje but from jauh so itu yg beria buat macam2.
Lunch Menu:
Entree - Prawn fritters /jemput2 udang
Mains - White rice with Gulai Lemak Ayam, baked sticky chicken wings and sup sayur with egg tofu.
Dessert - Chocolate cake with choc ganache and Baklava
Dah lama betul tak buat and makan choc cake ni since the other half went on a diet. Buat baklava tu sbb the little misses like them a lot. The kids devoured the chocolate cake and baklava like they've never had them before, hehehe...The adults enjoyed the sweet treats too ;-)
Biasalahkan bila dah lama tak berjumpa, borak sakan lah, tu yang masak awal2 so bolehlah berborak2 without having to sibuk2 in the kitchen. I like it when my guests really enjoy the food that I've prepared for them and eat it with gusto. Rasa seronok sgt bila penat lelah kita masak di habiskan, hehehe...
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Friday, 14 March 2008
( the photo below it is just another view from the other end)