Khas utk AmyS ;-)...
Baklava (simplified version)
10 keping filo pastry
100g butter, cairkan
about 300g mixed nuts (you can use pistachio, walnuts, almonds, cashew), grind until halus
For the sugar syrup
250g gula kasar
150mls air
a splash of lemon juice
1/2 tablespoon of rosewater (kalau ada)
- Masak air dan gula sehingga menggelegak. Let it boil for about 5 minutes. Add the lemon juice and rosewater. Pour the sugar syrup onto the cooked hot baklava.
Preheat oven to 180ÂșC.
1. Grease a rectangular disposable aluminium container (utk senang nak buang terus lepas tu :-)) measuring 8"x 12".
2. Sapu 1 keping filo pastry dgn melted butter. Kemudian lipat 2 dan masukkan dlm container, adjust sikit the filo pastry to fit. Repeat until dah letak 5 keping pastry dlm container.
3. Kemudian taburkan kacang ground kat atas filo pastry tu sehingga habis dan menutupi semua bahagian pastry.
4. Ulang step 2 dan letak atas taburan kacang tadi sehingga semua filo habis digunakan. Make sure lapisan filo yg di atas sekali disapu dgn butter bnyk sikit.
5. Potong baklava bentuk diamond sehingga lapisan bawah sekali sebelum masuk dlm oven.
6. Bakar for about 25 mins or until golden.
7. Take the baklava out of the oven and straight away pour half of the syrup on it. Let it meresap dulu, then pour the rest of the syrup.
8. Enjoy!
Nasib baik ada recipe ni..heheh..thanks sis..