Thursday 20 March 2008

Khas utk Mama Anis....

2 large/size A eggs
1 3/4 cawan/420 mls susu segar
1/2 cwn/120 mls vegetable oil (I slalu guna canola sbb dia takde rasa yg strong)
2 tbsp gula kasar
2 cawan self raising flour
1/4 tsp garam halus
1/2 tsp vanillas essence

Pukul telur with hand mixer sehingga kembang. Kemudian add the rest of the ingredients and beat until smooth. Pour about 1 senduk nasi adunan on the preheated hot waffle maker and bake until golden brown.
Adunan ni boleh disimpan dlm fridge jika tak habis digunakan to use the next day or Mama Anis boleh bancuh malam utk makan breakfast the next morning.

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