Tuesday, 25 March 2008

I still have a slight cold but it's getting better. Thanks to everyone who wished me a speedy recovery. However, having the kids at home today didn't really help with my sore throat. I guess with 2 girls in the house, the good thing is diaorang tak mengganas like some boys but it's the constant talking macam murai2 tengah buat AGM tu yg I really can't stand bila tengah sakit ni. Dah lah setiap kali nak bercakap I will be coughing because of the 'frog in my throat'.

Pastu the endless questions that needs answering yg keluar dari mulut Miss 4 1/2 since she woke up this morning. Kalau tak jawab, she'll ask the same question again and again macam record player buruk but kalau jawab, it'll lead to another question. Macam mana lah nak baik my sore throat ni! Berapa kali dah suruh dia diam hari ni, kejap aje diamnya around 2 mins max, pastu mula bercakap balik. In our house, no one's allowed to say 'shut up' because it's not polite...tapi sametimes the other half and I really feel like shouting the words to them bila they just talk non stop, hehehe....Kids! We love them to bits but they can still drive us nuts!

Anyway, our dinner tonite is homemade burger with roast potato and salad. Didn't take any photos sebab semua orang dah biasa makan burgers kan, hehehe. But I want to show everyone our plants that have bore fruits, yeah yeah....

Ini Pokok limau purut with its first ever buah. Kecik lagi tapinya but at least adalah gak buah. Ingat dulu kena tunggu lama lagi baru berbuah. Masa we all kat Adelaide dulu ada tanam pokok ni gak and buah dia banyak lah jugak and I made Citrus Pie with it. Dia mcm baked cheesecake but without the creamcheese. lainlah rasa dia dr klu guna lemon or oranges saje.
( Cik Mat and Hani jangan jeles ye, hehehe)

Ini pulak our capsicum plant. Dah ada a few capsicums tapi masih hijau lagi. I'm not sure kalau buah tu akan membesar lagi or that's the biggest size they are ever going to get to. Takpe, kita nantikan perkembangan nya. :-)

Ini pulak our one and only terung. Kat sini terung yang panjang2 mcm ni dia panggil lebanese or japanese eggplant. Kalau dia berbuah satu satu at a time, jenuh gak nak mengumpul buah nya ye nak buat pajeri terung, hehehe...


  1. LG....mat bukan jeless saja, sekarang ni tgh guling2 kat lantai, nangis...whaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!...hahaha. apa2 pun tahniahhh....paling suka tgk capsicum u yg comel2..ishhh lagi jelessss nihh.....mmr u ni "Green Finger Lady" laa...

  2. wehkehkehkeh cik mat, sbb summer tu yg green finger.nanti bila dah winter, i tempek gmbr pokok2 surenya kena gelak dgn orang, hehehe...

  3. suburnya tanaman...segar-bugar, seronok kan tengok pokok yang ditanam sendiri menjadi...cik moon pula suka taman tapi nak menyiram tu yang sangkut....
