Monday, 17 March 2008

Malam ni tak masak apa2, just leftovers from yesterday and some frozen finger food. The other half said this morning that he's had too much rice to last him a week now, hehehe...So minggu ni I can cook anything for dinner except rice. Sebab kononnya nak melayan guests makan, dia yg makan lebih2, pastu malam tadi pun dinner rice and hari ni pun rice jugak, itu yg dia dah exceeded his rice quota in a week, kehkehkeh...

So, since tonite takde gambar dinner, I want to show you some more photos of my weird looking chilli plant. I found some 'old' photos of the chilli plant and kira amazed jugaklah tengok pertumbuhan nya in a few months only. Tapi sedih lah jugak sbb Summer dah habis and it's Autumn now, tak lama lagi pokok chili tu wont be as productive as it is now and won't be as pretty either. Hopefully takdelah tanaman2 yg mati this winter.

This photo was taken on the 29th of Jan this year. Kiranya that's the first lot of chili lah and tak bnyk lagi stakes yg di bubuh sbb buah dia tak bnyk sgt lagi. If I'm not mistaken, chilli ni namanya "hot thai chilli", hehehe...Tapi memang pedas pun!

This photo pulak was taken on the 14th of March (a few days ago). I had to put a few more stakes utk elak dahan pokok tu dari patah dek kerana lebat sgt buah2 nya. Dah lupa berapa kali we all petik chili2 tu sampai tak larat2 nak makan and skrg ni masih lagi banyak bunga2 chili kat pokok tu. The other half said, memang pokok chili yg ini jenis yg membesar ketepi bukan ke atas so I just have to keep on adding more stakes kat dahan2 tu supaya tak patah. Lepas ni bolehlah bukak gerai jual chilli and daun limau purut, hahahaha.....

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