Sunday, 23 March 2008

Woke up with a sore throat this morning. Must have caught the bug from the other half. At least it's a Sunday so I could have plenty of rest if I want to. Luckily the little misses woke up late so I had a longer quiet time this morning to feel miserable. Since they woke up late, I decided to make brunch for everyone to save some energy. We had some smoked salmon sitting in the fridge that needs to be used up. When we went to the shops on Thursday, we walked past this crepe eatery which made really good looking crepes. The other half wanted me to try making some crepes since it didn't look that difficult at the shop, hehehe....

So, tried my hands at making them for brunch and they turned out quite good for a first timer. Except that I think I should have maybe blitzed the batter in the blender to have a really smooth batter. The little misses asked what they are so I told them they are crepes. They went, what's that?, so I told them it's lempeng, they went...ohhh! Kalau dah jawa tu, rupa mcm mat saleh pun tetap lah jawa, hehehehe.....

The little misses had their 'lempeng' with susu pekat and maple syrup while we had ours with smoked salmon, grated cheese, sliced tomatoes and diced gherkins! I also made jemput2 pisang for the brunch spread and the hot cross buns from yesterday. I definitely do not have to make anything for lunch!

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