Thursday, 10 January 2013

The fruit thieves

We think the grapes are ready to be eaten.

Do you know why we think that?

Because the parrots have been eating them!

I managed to startle them this morning when I went out to water the garden.

And then this afternoon, we saw 2 of them eating the grapes.

They are such clever birds , they know which ones are the ripe ones and they can also ‘spit’ the skin out.

Pastu, masa we all tengah dinner tadi, we saw them eating the sunflowers pulak.

What do they think we are?

Their own private canteen?????

Miss 9 kata yang the parrots, breakfast and lunch makan grapes, dinner pulak makan sunflower seeds.


Then when The Other Half got home he said he’s been seeing the grapes’ husks on the ground for a week now.

He thought it was the mice eating the grapes.

Rupa2nya the parrots have been eating our grapes for quite a while lah ye.

Ish, ish, ish…..

Tuannya belum sempat petik, the parrots dah makan dulu.

Takpe lah, rezeki diaorangkan … banyak grapes bergantung2 tu, memang tak habis kalau we all aje yang makan.

Maybe the parrots jugak kot that have been eating our strawberries…. hmmmmm…..

Sebab our strawberries pun sama, tak sempat nak rasa lagi, dah kena makan.

But I think it’s most probably the mice kot yang makan the strawberries kan.

The Other Half kata nasib baik diaorang tak makan the snake beans and the blueberries….


Daun kunyit, cili and biji kari bersepah2 sikit punya banyak, diaorang tak nak makan pulak nya.

Dasar parrots Mat Saleh!

Hahahaha Winking smile.

Malam ni for dinner, I memang buntu sangat tak tau nak masak apa.

Tanya The Other Half, dia pun takde idea nak makan apa.

So, I ended up making toasties.

But upmarket punya toasties instead of just cheese and bread.

So, bila dah upmarket, nama pun kenalah tukar sikit kan…


Nama baru: Cheesy melts with beef silverside, gherkin, dijonnaise and cranberry jam.

Sikit punya panjang nak menyebut, hahaha.



It really hit the spot!

I think I was craving for something like this without knowing it.

Sekali dah dapat makan, terus rasa kenyang and sated Smile.


The Other Half punya upmarket toasties was made even more upmarket by the addition of mango chutney into the mix.

It added a bit more oomph to the melts (that’s what he said lah).


  1. Memang Sah parrots mat saleh...hahhaha
    Kenyang le Parrot2 tu kalau duk rumah LG...siang malam mkn free je.
    Diaorg lagi pandai pilih buah yg mana masak mana tidak.

  2. agak2 kalau letak scarecrow parrots tu lari tak?

  3. ada parrots kat sana yang berkeliaran ye? hehehe...pencuri terbang rupanya...alahai toasties tu sungguh mengiurkan la...

  4. nak tengok gamba parrot matsalleh tuh bole? yg siap bertenggek dgn anggur itu?
    (flora n fauna just a step away from own weh!!!)
    cepat2 la petik utk tuan sendiri makan...
    the rest, let mother nature do their part...

  5. Oohhh tidak...parrot, hangman makan my grapes ( perasan sungguh) !

  6. kalo i la, mau pasang jerat nak tangkal parrots tu.. usaha gigih sudah dinikmati oleh si kakaktua...

    oohhh your menu nama panjang tu as always bikin i ternganga la kat sini...

  7. LG,
    sama mcm pokok buah mata kucing kitorang..belum sempat nak ambil dah dirembat oleh squirrel..
    But our buah mangga dirembat oleh manusia..sian aisyah punyalah dia tunggu buah mangga tu masak, sekali tgk dah kena cantas..hish

  8. Ade tuan ke sis parrots tu? takpun letak getah lekit kat dahan2..terus melekat kaki...huhuh..

  9. Kak Kasih,
    parrots lahir kat negara Mat Saleh, tastebuds pun ikut Mat Saleh, hahahaha.
    Memang makan free betul, untung diaorang :-)

    kalau letak scarecrow, my kids pulak nanti yg nightmare, heeee

    memang banyak grapes bergantung2, tp tuan tanah tak sempat lagi nak petik, hehehe

    kat sini memang banyak wild native parrots sbb banyak pokok around the area. I guess diaorang tau rumah mana yg ada pokok buah, tu yg diaorang singgah :-)

    I managed to take some photos this morning. Memang the parrots bfast dgn grapes tiap2 pagi, hehehe

    Along Najwa,
    tu lah kan, tunggu lah tuan rumah dah makan puas2, baru lah the birds boleh dtg makan :-)

    I ni kan masa kecik2 dulu pernah pasang jerat utk tangkap burung kecik2 kat Msia, itu pun tak pernah berjaya. Nak tangkap parrots dgn jerat, mau lah kena gelak kaw kaw dgn the parrots, hahaha.

    I guess klu animals yg rembat our fruits, tak lah rasa sakit hati sgt kan sbb it's their nature to 'steal'. Kalau orang yg curi, memang buat hati panas sungguh sbb takde kesedaran sivik betul!

    takde, they are wild native parrots. memang banyak around this area.

  10. tayang lah lg grapes akak yg bergayut2 tuh... untung betul parrots tu blh merasa buah2an yg akak tnm

  11. kite nk mnyebut nama makanan tu, dah abis akak makan sepinggan benda tu..


  12. Kt sini xde anggur tp pkok mata kucing menjd target. Pkok mata kucing besar dgn buah yg blm menjd byk amat. Blk kg lg 2 minggu, tgk kat pkok sebiji buah pn xde. Mak kata kelawar dah mkn... Hua??? Sisa pn diorg x tinggalkn.

  13. Gambar-gambar bukti xde ke? teringin pulak nk tgok grapes yang dah ranum tu and kalau ade geng2 parrots tu lagi gempak hehehe..

  14. Itulahkan kalau dah bukan rezeki kita, yg dlm mulut pun blh terkeluar. Nampak gaya anggur-anggur LG this year rezeki sang parrot. Don't worry, dpt pahala tu tak banyak pun sikit.

  15. Dana,
    memang untung parrots tu sbb kiranya semua grapes tu belong to them now, hahaha

    hahahaha...betul tu,. kalau kat restoran pulak, penat waiter tu menunggu kita habis sebut the menu, heeee

    alahai sayang nya. Sama lah mcm kat rumah Mak I, buah rambutan and buah2 lain semua habis dikerjakan dek monyet.

    Blog anak mama,
    dah tayang gambar bukit :-)

    takpe lah, untung2 dpt pahala kan :-). Maybe next year, we'll try some stuff to keep them away :-)
