Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Exciting sms

Something exciting happened petang tadi.

At 4.50 I heard Miss 13’s phone’s received an sms, then my phone received an sms.

Then a few minutes later, the house phone started ringing.

But I was busy in the kitchen so I couldn’t answer the phone.

But The Other Half was nearby so he answered the phone.

But he quickly put it down looking so perplexed.

He said to me, “I don’t know who rang. It’s a weird number and all I could hear was whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop. So I put it down.

Then I read my sms and quickly said to him, “Shut all the doors and windows quickly! Tell the girls to shut their windows too. It’s a warning.

This was what I got on the sms.


(the first sms was the alert/warning sms which came at 4.52 and the second sms came a couple of hours later when everything is clear and we could go outside and open the windows and doors again)

Isn’t that so cool!

Tak pernah2 we all dapat this kind of sms.

The Other Half pun dapat this sms but he put his phone on silent tu yang tak dengar tadi.

I am very impressed with the way they alerted everyone in the vicinity of the accident.

They sent an sms to all the mobile numbers in the affected area and they also rang all the house phones.

The phone call that The Other half answered on the house phone was the warning as well, tu yang dia bunyi whoop, whoop, whoop, hahahaha.

What happened was that there was a fire at one of the factories nearby which lead to chemical spills.

And then since the winds were quite strong at that time, they blew the chemically-laced smoke toward our area and the surrounding suburbs.

So, the police and the firies had to shut a lot of the highways and roads down and alerted everyone who live within the path of the smoke.

Alhamdulillah lah it wasn’t a really hot day today so it wasn’t that bad having to have all the windows and doors shut.

But still quite stuffy sebab we all tak boleh turn the aircond on because our aircond system guna vents which requires open windows and doors.

But, masak memasak still kena buat jugak kan walaupun kepanasan kat dapur tu.

Luckily lah menu yang I masak untuk dinner malam ni cuma guna oven aje so the rest of the time I boleh lepak2 depan kipas, hehehe.

I made oven baked honey and mustard sausages and smashed baby potatoes.



The sausages I marinated sekejap with honey, whole grain mustard and olive oil. Then I bake them in the oven with sliced onions until cooked.


The smashed baby potatoes pulak I boiled them in their skins until cooked. Let it cool.

Then I guna my tapak tangan untuk penyekkan dia sikit.

Arrange them on a baking tray, pour olive oil on them, sprinkle some fresh rosemary, salt and pepper.

Put a few cloves of unpeeled garlic around the potatoes and bake them in the oven until the potatoes are bit brown and the skin a bit crispy.

I baked the potatoes at the same time as the sausages. The potatoes on the top rack and the sausages on the bottom rack.

Itu yang I boleh bersenang lenang depan kipas while they are cooking, hehehe.


  1. Bagusnya Terus hantar sms kan.
    Guna Tapak tangan penyek2 tu yg Buat best tu kan.

  2. All of us yg ada mobile kat rumah only dpt bila all clear. Our landline pun gitu. Recieved all cleared phone call. Apapun kira canggih le jugak sbb my sister nye telephone prepaid lebara n vodaphone.

  3. All of us yg ada mobile kat rumah only dpt bila all clear. Our landline pun gitu. Recieved all cleared phone call. Apapun kira canggih le jugak sbb my sister nye telephone prepaid lebara n vodaphone.

  4. Maknanya, pihak pihak berwajib di sana kena tahu semua phone number setiap penduduk bandar tu la ya?

  5. it's kindda exciting and scary at the same time..
    apa pun yang penting, everyone selamat :)

  6. Bagusnya diorg siap bagi sms pada semua org. Sis, next time kalau dengar bunyi beep tu gi check phone cepat2 tau. Takut2 ada important message mcm tu. :-)

    sis, bestlah tengok u punya dinner. Tapi kalau umah i x boleh masak gitu sbb kalau food gitu diorg kira starter jer...hehehehehee..

  7. Their disaster response system is very efficient.

  8. assalamualykum

    kak lg, dh lm sy cari resipi sosej. boleh akak blogkn resipi ni. :)

  9. gerraammmm i tengok sausages kat sana.. macam2 rupanya.. here kan sama je though brand lain2...

    u take care tau..!!!

  10. baguslah kalau alert guna sms n phone..oohh smashed potatoes tu senang la buat..boleh try

  11. Oh...rupa2nya ada jugak smashed potatoes ye..I ingatkan mashed potatoes je :)
    The sms alert is cool. Cepat pulak tu.

  12. Akak, agak2kn, klu saya guna meatball resepi buat sausage ok x? Bosan mkn sausage sini...

  13. wahhh..canggih dan efficientnya..sms ke semua org...your dinner tu,,sgt sgt sgtttt menggiurkan lah...nakkkkk!!!

    wishing u and your family a very happy and prosperous new year 2013. semoga segalanya dipermudahkan dan diberkati..aminnnnn...;-)..(dah setengah bulan baru nak terhegeh2 wish new year...teruk betoi kan? kekeke)

  14. Kak Kasih,
    skrg ni semua dah canggih kan :-). Tapak tangan tu yg buat rasa dia lagi oomph, hehehe

    tu lah kan, memang canggih. Kiranya efficient jugak lah kan some systems kat OZ ni :-)

    Kak Azie,
    Saya rasa government ada agreement MOU kot dgn all the telco companies. Kalau ada benda2 mcm ni, the telco companies yg akan sebarkan all the info.

    tu lah you. Dah lah masa tu I nak masak guna rosemary so I suruh lah hubby gi keluar petik rosemary. Siap kata kalau dia tak balik dlm masa 5 mins, pergi cari dia kat kebun, hahaha. Macam lah kebun tu jauh bebeno :-D

    I ni jenis orang yg tak check handphone sgt unless mmng tgh bersms or berwhatsapp dgn orang, tu yg terlepas pandang :-).
    Rumah I jarang ada starter sbb sure punya orang terlebih makan sampai dah tak larat nak makan main, heeee

    it is very efficient which we really like :-).

    keluarga ramli,
    Waalaikumsalam. Kita orang tak pernah cuba buat sosej, beli yg dah siap flavouring mcm2 tu kat kedai aje. Alhamdulillah lah kat Perth ni senang nak cari sausages yg halal. Nak cari casing sausage dia tu susah sikit so tu yg we all ta pernah cuba buat sausages sendiri.

    memang betul tu, mcm2 flavours ada, tinggal nak pilih yg mana sedap aje, hehehe.

    memang bagus kan sbb skrg ni boleh katakan semua orang ada mobile phone and house phone kan :-)

    Mashed potatoes kena mashed until smooth, smashed potatoes just penyekkan sikit aje, hehehe

    Along Najwa,
    Sausages ni lain sikit dr buat meatballs sbb daging dia lagi hancur. And then kena guna mince yang agak bnyk fat jugak lah so lagi sedap. Perasa and breadcrumbs tu sama aje tapinya. tapi ena cari casing dia pulak, tu yg susah.

    Wan G,
    takpe, ada lagi 11 setengah bulan nak wish, hehehe
