Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The hot weather

The Other Half kata dia baru aje start cycling to and from work 2 hari, dah lost 2kg!

Omak Ai! banyak gilers!

Jeles bini dia yang berazamangan2 nak lose 3kg ni.

Then he said to me, “If you were to ride 50kms a day in 41C heat, you’ll definitely lose that much too.

Semalam and hari ni kan panas sangat2 but he still cycled to work so tu yang lost that much weight.

Hikhikhikhik….itu yang I tak berapa gemar nak dengar Smile.

Nak keluar rumah jemur kain and siram tanaman in this really hot weather pun bercinta, lagi lah nak cycle 50kms a day.

Mintak mahap lah ye, heeeeee….

Takpelah, I cuma nak lose 3kg in 3 months, which is way more manageable for me instead of 2kg in 2 days.

Slow and steady wins the race kan, hahahaha.

Semalam I saw on the news a map of Australia showing the hot spots over the years.


Panas jugak kan OZ ni!

The hottest temperature Perth has ever got to was 46.4C which is quite hot jugak lah kan.

But luckily sepanjang we all kat Perth ni, tak pernah lah sepanas itu.

I tak boleh bayangkan having to live in Oodnadatta, panas weh! (Tetiba teringat geography lesson masa sekolah menengah dulu. Nama Oodnadatta ni sounds familiar Smile).

And in OZ ni, if the temperature is expected to exceed certain point, they will put up a total fire ban across the state.

Total fire ban means…


So, kalau ada total fire ban, memang we all tak boleh guna our charcoal BBQ lah, kena guna yang gas aje lah.

Dah nak buat macam mana kan, memang OZ ni terkenal dengan our bushfires during Summer due to the extreme heat so tu yang they have to do this to avoid any fire being accidentally started.

And since panas and I nak lose weight, last night for dinner, I makan chicken salad.

I made chicken burritos for everyone else.

So, I just took some of the chicken meat untuk makan dengan salad.


And shred some of the tortilla bread onto the salad.



But with the guacamole and the cheese, fattening jugak jadinya, hahahaha….


  1. wow that's very hot..
    Kalau i kena mcm tu punya temperature mau hari-hari telan ubat sbb i selalu dpt migrain klu kena panas.

  2. Nice day to stay indoor,watch tv n eat icecream, i'd say!!!

  3. sama lah kita on diet nih...he he he...

  4. panas kak, tapi semalam dan harini, sejuk pulak, suhu jadi 8C, pastu dekat bukit nak snow?? padaham hobart haritu dah 41, pelik2 weather sini, hehe

  5. uiii..panasnya..the other half shed 2 kilos but gain 1 kilo at home eating your home cooked dishes..hehehe
    saya nak diet selalu tak jadi..asyik nak makan je huhu

  6. uish, cam ni saya yang berat ala2 anak gajah ni kena pi duk kat desert la kot, baru boleh turun 6kg sehari.. haha.. tapi panas sungguh ye kak, kalau saya confirm la kena ada ponstan hari2 sebab migraine.. huhu

  7. mak oih, 50? celcius! the most i've experienced is 45 and tu kat madinah, so tak lah heran kot... dah memang gurun je

  8. kat klang ni pun malam2 dah start panas rasanya

  9. Kak LG, Panas camtu jemur ikan kering n buat kuih siput lah. hahah

  10. So panas.
    Paling panas I pernah rasa was 54 in spain. Makan aiskrim pun cair.

  11. Lagi panas dari tepi laut Pantai Timur ni... Simpan semua charcoal2 tu dulu..

    I melantak cheese tanpa segan silu.. Fattening..?? Isshhh tak baik cakap camtu mua hahahaaaa...

  12. wah LG,
    udah macam kat Middle east gamaknya.

  13. blu4sky,
    tu sebab bila that kind of weather memang lah I tak keluar. Luckily lah I surirumah and the kids on holidays or else memang pengsan.

    Nak exercise pun malas because it's too hot but nak makan icecream memang sangat2 I like, hahaha.

    Chekgu Azrine,
    hehehe...thank you :-)

    selamanya on a diet tapi asik lah terbabas aje, hahaha

    tu lah, I tengok news kat Tassie siap major bushfire lagi but kat hills area siap ada snow, hehehe

    dia cuma hilang air aje yg 2kg tu so memang naik baik lah lepas makan and minum, hehehe.

    hahaha...kalau anak gajah duduk kat desert, mau lah terus jadi anak rusa lepas tu.

    the areas yg dpt 50C+ tu memang very dry deserty regions kat OZ ni. But I pun by 45C tu dah tak larat nak buat apa2.

    dah habis ke musim hujan kat Msia?

    Miss Cool,
    Nak keluar menjemur nya tu yg tak larat, hahaha. kalau larat, memang best sungguh nak buat ikan masin, keropok ikan kan ;-)

    that was really hot, 54C! Kat sini, kalau suhu dah 49C, petrol station kena tutup sebab unleaded petrol evaporates at that suhu.

    Alah, I pun melantak cheese tanpa segan silu jugak. Bila dha habis melantak tu lah baru terasa fatteningnya, hahaha

    memang dah mcm kat middle east sbb OZ ni pun ada desert jugak :-)

  14. panas tu kak....
    kat cni dah dua hari ribut sampai tercabut atap umah org....

  15. Azra,
    uish, scary tu sampai tercabut atap. Hopefully, takdelah nyawa yg melayang sbb ribut tu.

  16. Panasnya
    Kat msia pun x sepanas tu kan.
    Sampai ingat geo waktu Sek men dulu ye...hihi
