Friday, 11 January 2013

The face of the thief/guest

Went straight to the back windows when I woke up this morning.

Pulled the blinds and saw the thieves again!

Mentang2 lah kau lawa, we all duduk diam2 aje dalam rumah perhati kan you all bersenang lenang makan the grapes.

Sambil cakap, “look how pretty they are. such amazing colours!

Manalah si magpies and gagak2 liar tu tak tension jeles kan!

I saw one gagak the other day chewing and tearing on my dragonfly solar light, dan2 tu jugak I bukak pintu halau the gagak!

Kalau the parrots yang chewing on it, sure I diamkan aje….

I guess that’s the bonus of being beautiful kan, tak kisah lah orang ke animals….

Boleh buat orang tergoda walaupun perangai hmmmmmm, hehehehe….

And I managed to take some of photos of the beautiful thief (there’s 2 of them but the other parrot was closer to the door so hidden from my view).

But first of, let me show you the grapevines with bunches of the ripe grapes.



Dari jauh nampak lah sangat2 menggiurkan kan!

Mana lah parrots tu tak tergoda, macam dipanggil2 aje suruh datang makan, hahahha….

But then, when you go closer to it, you can see that most of the grapes are split and also pecked.

Not many yang cantik whole without any defect.


All of the bunches are like this! Splits and damaged from the birds.

From what I read, the splits on the grape berries could be due to mildew or heavy rain.

And now the beautiful face of the thief, hehehe



Cukup cantik dia berdiri atas the wood and the grapes terhidang depan mulut, heeeee



Sedapnya mengunyah!

Pastu, dah puas makan, bersepah rata2 atas lantai.


Makan tak share, tapi I jugak yang kena sapu!


And then, mid morning after the birds are gone, I pun keluar petik all a lot of the grapes.


I got 3-4 bakul of grapes but after washing them and after sorting the good ones from the bad ones, cuma dapat secontainer kecik aje.

Yang lain tu semua dah kena pecked dengan the birds and have split. I tak berani nak makan yg dah split tu even though they were still very firm and nice looking.

I masukkan dalam the composter instead of buang macam tu aje. At least, dapat jadikan baja ye tak.

When I told The Other Half about it, he said, “I think we should just leave the rest of the grapes on the vines and let the parrots eat them”.

Since dah cakap macam tu, I can’t call them thieves anymore lah kan, have to start calling them tetamu kehormat, hahahaha.

I guess too many grape berries yang damaged so might as well just give the rest for the parrots Sad smile.

We’ll just buy grapes at the shops if we really want to eat them, hehehe.

We’ll try again next Spring and Summer, making sure that there’s no mildew, enough water and sun and no parrots!

So, what did I do with that small amount of grapes?

I turned them into grape and walnut bread using this recipe.



Dapatlah jugak kan merasa the grapes walau sedikit.

Ada satu lagi jenis yang tak masak lagi on the vines. They are the green variety.

So far I tak nampak lagi the parrots eating them so memang belum masak lah tu, hehehehe…..


  1. LG, niat sedekah je..dapat gak pahala...walaupun binatang yang makan..hehehe..

    i sometimes wonder byk2 pokok buah kat kawasan perumahan i..pesal dia gi rembat the one at our home yang udah ler buahnya tak banyak..then i fikir..maybe the squirrel cari yang ada cop halal kot..hehehe..

  2. hehehe..cantik nya parrot mat saleh tuh..yg nie sure tak pandai cakap like melayunyer parrot kan.. sayanglah sis kalau u dah give up ngan grapes tuh..sure banyak lagi kan yg boleh dikutip..mungkin kena suruh hubby u lastik the parrots tuh..heheh

  3. LG,berbagi pahala disitu n tentu die juga doakan anggur tu subur sbb die boleh dtg mkan lg..jngan kt die..knah juga tergoda tngok anggur LG :)

  4. seronoknya ada kebun grapes kat rumah ... he heheh ...

  5. Dah lama baca blog ni. Bestnya ada kebun anggur. Fresh! petik cuci makan terus. Terbaik!

  6. Kalau ke Perth nanti boleh la berjumpa. Hahaha (berangan)

  7. cantiknya parrot! tangkap bela bagi boleh bercakap, hihi...
    kalau saya suka je tetamu ni datang sebab cantik.

    BTW itu pun kira sedekahkan
    macam petani tanam padi belalang makan, itu bahagian dia.

  8. Aunty LG,
    Kata orang NSW, pasanglah netting kat kebun anggur tu. Bukan burung saja, kelawar pun tak boleh kacau. Lagi satu, kita pernah tengok orang pasang mirror globe yang macam disco strobe lights tu kat kebun ceri. Katanya, lebih efektif dari scarecrow untuk halang burung. Cubalah, tak perlu lastik ke apa....tak menyakitkan burung, tak menyakitkan hati penanam anggur. purrr....meow!

  9. cantiknya colour parrot tu. burung liar ye kak?

  10. Akak blehla wat grape juice... Hari2 minum grape juice!!

  11. parrot tu cantik sgt! :p
    tapi cantik2 pon,habis dipatuk2 buah tu.haha.tapi takpe la. niat sedekah kat si cantik tu. hehe

  12. Lor..untung betul jd parot tu..sedap je hidangan dorang tiap2 hari..hehehe

  13. yeayy...
    finally i can see the 'beautiful and colourful thieves'...hehe
    kan? kami di malaya belum tentu boleh tengok burung parrot dari tingkap rumah tau!..
    ok now i know why grapes are expensive...
    again i envy you and the grapes...tetiba...haha

  14. untung tetamu tu dapat mkn buah segar dr ladang.

  15. sedapnyer tgk anggur2 segar tu...untung betoi tetamu comei tu...he he he...

  16. salam sis...bestnya tgok grapes tu semua...salam kenal dan i follow sini...

  17. Hi Kak LG,
    Takle lastik ke parrot tu?
    Cantik sangat..nak suh Miss 9 buat pet

  18. wah bestnyaaa tanam anggur sendiri..manis tk sis

  19. comel burung tue...senang hati la burung tue..nak makan jer datang umah akak..makanan dah terhidang...hehhehe

  20. Nina,
    memang untung sbb makanan sedia terhidang pagi petang siang malam, hehehe

    muahaha...I rasa betul kot theori you tu sbb neighbour I sebelah rumah ni pun ada pokok anggur tp tak pernah nmpk the birds there. But I think maybe the birds takut nak makan their grapes sbb the 'baja' they use. You do not want to know what kind of baja they use!

    we all dah give up dgn the red grapes, tunggu next year's season baru buat betul2. But yg grapes hijau ada lagi so hopefully boleh lah selamatkan. Parrots ni gerenti tak tau ckp melayu, hahaha

    kak nah,
    tu lah kan, memang dah rezeki diaorang, untung2 dpt pahala sikit kan :-)

    memang best tp tak best bila burung2 dtg makan :-)

    thanks sbb sudi baca blog ni. Memang seronok ada pokok buah2an kat kebun tp part menjaga tu yg tak larat gak

    memang we all suka, tu yg we all biarkan aje dia dtg makan. Kalau burung gagak yg dtg, mau kena lastik awal2, hahaha

    that's what I heard fr a friend as well re the shiny hanging things on the vines. maybe kena try lah kan but we like watching the pretty birds though :-)

    ha'ah, burung liar. Memang banyak kat sini, bising betul pagi2 and petang2 bila diaorang banyak2 terbang pulang ke sarang. Tapi yg dtg makan only 2 at a time.

    kena kumpul 1 bakul besar baru lah best buat grape juice :-)

    memang cantik kan, tu sbb bila diaorang dtg, we all sanggup tak buat noise sbb tak nak bagi diaorang terbang, hehehe

    chekgu azrine,
    hahaha...memang untung parrots yg dtg ke rumah we all ni :-)

    Like you said, now I tabik all the grape growers for being able to keep their grapes away from these birds. maybe sbb all the birds dah kenyang mkn kat rumah we all, haahaha

    Kak Mah,
    memang sgt untung, sgt lah segar nya :-)

    memang nmpk sedap aje kan anggur2 tu tp we all dpt merasa sikit aje. yang untung burung2 tu lah :-)

    sbb cantik, we all bagi diaorang terus mencuri, hahaha

    salam singgah. thanks sudi follow blog ni :-)

    hahaha...klu my hubby start melastik, mau lah gelak guling2 we all sbb bukan kena ke burung, kena balik ke muka dia kot :-).

    ada yg manis betul, ada yg still masam sbb tak fully ripe lagi. tapi burung2 tu lah yg dah makan yg manis.

    mrs kayrul,
    best kan jadi burung kat rumah I ni, lapar terus dtg makan, hahaha


  21. LG,
    sbb tu lah kot..the birds nak makan yang halal dan toyyibah..hihihi

  22. Wauuuu anggur dah masak...tamu tu makin syokkk lah jawabnya

  23. Wahhh..sue dah ketinggalan ketapi sesangat ni. Bestnyaaa..Anggurrr.

  24. Kak Mynn,

    Kalau arwah abah Kak Mynn ada, sure dia happy je memetik buah anggur tu and makan sambil bersantai kat kerusi luar rumah tu. :)

  25. blu4sky,
    betul tu, tak sanggup the parrots nak makan grapes ah soh sebelah rumah sbb dr jauh dah berbau, hahaha

    Kak Kasih,
    tiap2 pagi slalunya mmng the parrots akan dtg singgah makan :-)

    Sudah masak and sudah kena makan mah, hehehe

    Memang I rasa kalau dia ada lagi, mau kot dia dtg sini semata2 nak ajar we all pasang net kat keliling pokok anggur so burung2 tak makan.

  26. Ha'ah ek? then why u all tak pasang eh?? Pasang la.. so takde lah si tetamu tu asyik datang hari2 makan grapes u.
