Friday 22 April 2011

Scale, bracelet, pasta and buns

It’s Public Holiday here today and it will be a very long weekend! Hari ni cuti Good Friday, then the 2 day weekends, then sambung pulak cuti for Easter Monday and then sambung cuti for Anzac Day on the Tuesday! 5 hari cuti beb! hikhikhik….

Hari ni we all busy kemas rumah sikit2 sebab Miss 12’s friends are coming tonight for her party. But I tak busy memasak sebab cuma nak buat pizza and fries aje kan, kacang gitu! Smile. Takde mee goreng nor spag bol nor mee rebus nor laksa penang nor nasi ayam penyet nor kuih muih yang sedap2 at this party, hahahaha. Memang tak terliur lah I rasa kalau you all datang ke party ni Open-mouthed smile.

Cuma her birthday cake aje lah yang a bit fiddly to make.

She asked for a pavlova cake this year. Dah lama I tak buat pavlova ni lagilah sejak dua menjak we all tak makan dessert sangat2 ni. I made the pavlova layers semalam and bila nak makan nanti baru I decorate it with cream and choc flakes.

Esok aje lah ye I tayang the food and the birthday cake (since tak siap lagi kan Smile).

Hari ni I tayang other food photos and other photos aje…

As usual, the photo update of The Other Half’s weight.


He finally managed to get under 75kg! He is so chuffed because he has finally reached his goal.

Even at this nice weight, his BMI of 23.7 is still at the upper range of the normal BMI for his height. If he wants to get his BMI to 22, he still has to lose some more weight down to 70kg!

I’ve updated this entry to add these 2 photos side by side:

  IMG_3223i   IMG_8888

This was taken in May 2010                            This was taken just now, April 2011

Amatlah jauh bebeno bezanya kan! Dia pun terperanjat sangat2 tengok, lagi lah orang lain kan, hehehehe.

And ini pulak the photos of Miss 7’s new bracelet for life.


Remember the entry when we went to the allergy specialist? He advised us to get a medic-alert bracelet for Miss 7 to wear.


It’s written “allergy: peanuts anaphylaxis” on the back of the bracelet. She has to wear it as long as she lives.

And this was our dinner last night. Baked creamy pink salmon pasta. I just used canned pink salmon and milk and sour cream to make it creamy. Pastu letak frozen peas and mushroom in it.



And ini pulak the choc chip hot cross buns I made this morning for morning tea. I used this recipe except for the gelatine glaze.


But my buns tak secantik in that site but taste-wise is still yummy.


Gebusss inside with a ‘crispy’ top (probably sebab I terlupa about them in the oven, hehehe) Smile.


Madam Sooyaree said...

Sedapnye bun... macam kuih raya yang empat segi tu pun ade :D

Tak sabar nak tgk birthday cake Miss 12 :D

zuwaidah said...

Ya betul la, nampak sedap...ini baru je tengok dlm blog, kalau rasa..mesti berulang kali nih makan.

Ara said...

cantik jugak gelang tu kan...bagus lah wat mcm tu. kalo apa2 jadi org leh tau kan pemakai tu ada alergic apa...

kak min dah terima kad jemputan ara?.... :-)

Ummi said...

Assalamualaikum Min, xpa laaaa party ala2 ringan gitu...just for fun kan..makanan 2nd cerita gak..budak2 ada fries, cake and drinks ok dah...kalau nk lg suka tambah eskrem..sure diaorg lupa nak mintak mee, spag, bolo or else...hehehe...Wah Miss 7 kira duk dlm gelanggang perhatian gitu eh..xpa laaa...moga x menyusahkan dia bila berpantang makan camtu..hehe

Miss Twinkletoes said...

bagus jgk bracelet tu kan..nape kat msia dowg xwat catu..klo wat sng sket..sedap masakan akk..lapauw da nengok nie tau

Zaitun said...

Ya lah yang datang pun cuma rakan2 Alya tak kan diorang nak makan makanan melayu.
Kek buat sendiri mesti sedap dan cantik.

Nazirah said...

Happy Birthday Miss 12.. LG, if you want to see if Miss 12 & Ash ada iras, boleh check blog mak dia at I tak niat nak promote blog dia tau .. Hv fun tomorrow :)

Sizuka said...


cantik bracelet Zahra! :D

agak-agaknya kalau sham la berat 74kg, mau terus jadi vain pakcik tu :D

imanamani said...

kak min...lawo gak kan gelang tu....

DeLancrettLurpak said...

bravo!!! in less than a year, bravo!

the bracelet kena order dkt doc la ye? in yellow gold ade ke, kalau ada, harus "bengkok" nak membelinya kan? hehehe

akeem said...

lainye rupe abg matt..tak kenal dah ni..darweesy pun dah besar nanti kena la pakai gelang tu gak utk G6PD..

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Aunty LG,
Any chance of som Anzac biscuits? Semalam pi Bangsar Village, tengok ada jual Australian cake. Ingatkan apa, rupanya lamingtons!!!! I miss Sydney.... ehem...Mama kita lahir kat Ijok tau! purrr....meow!

lemongrass said...

I rasa I surenya tak pandai buat that kuih raya 4-segi. Roti ni I pandai lah jugak, ehhehe

Hehehe....Tu yg kena cepat2 simpan dlm container so I tak berulang kali makan.

I dah terima yr kad jemputan, thank you so much ye :-).
Tu sbb dia kena pakai, manalah tau kan, bila dha besar nanti tiba2 ada allergic reaction yg teruk and dia sorang masa tu. Orang lain boleh tau bila tengok gelang tu.

Kak Ummi,
Tu yg best nya buat party utk budak2 ni kan. Diaorang tak kisah langsung bab makan, asalkan ada benda2 mcm fries and junk food tu, hehehe.
Mak Pak budak ni yg slalunya nak makan yg best2 :-).

Kat M'sia pun ada yg pakai bracelet ni cuma ta perasan kot. Sbb company yg buat bracelet ni ada branch kat M'sia.

Kak Zai,
Kalau Zahra nya parti, memang kena masak berat2 lah kan sbb dia suka makan, hehehhe

I've had a look at the girl, memang ada rupa lah kan but she is definitely so much taller than my girl, hehehe.

Boleh lah Sham join Matt nanti sama2 vain, hahahaha.
Bracelet Zahra tu cuma sterling silver aje tp mahal giler!

Lawa jugak lah tp still besar sikit utk tangan dia :-)

In 1 year fr fat to slim, hehehe.
The bracelet we all kena order from MedicAlert and that sterling silver one cost $55. They've got gold one as well but the price was around $650! I told Zahra that once she's grown up she can use her own money to buy the gold one, hehehehe.

Boleh kalau nak buat bracelet tu skrg utk Darweesy. Kat M'sia ada branch MedicAlert foundation ni. Rasanya ada website dia.
Memang kalau Bg Matt balik M'sia and Akeem terserempak dgn dia tepi jalan, memang tak kenal nya lah, hahaha....

Do I have to give you the anzac biscuit secretly so your parents won't find out? hehehe....
I like the name lamington better than australian cake :-).
Lerr...Mama you orang Ijok jugak ke! Is she jawamari like me? ;-)

realitybitesss said...

nak tanye pasal bracelet tuh
kena tempat kat spital ke bleh je gi buat sendri? my son pun ade alergy gak ler.

lemongrass said...

we all tempah hers from the Australian MedicAlert foundation. They have branches everywhere in a few countries around the world. But ada banyak websites yang buat bracelet ni.

marinahunny said...

kak LG,

suami akak diet makan dan bersenam ke..? citer lah skit. kagum lah. nampak muda...;)

adad said...

samekommmmmmmm kakkkkkkkk!! ngeee! lama tak jengah. sehat ker? terkejut jap tgk perubahan somi akak... nampak muda belia... he he he

Dinas Aldi said...

Senang pakai bracelet gitu, bolehla orang tahu dia allergic to peanuts, kan :)

Jangan lupa letak gambar pavlova tu nanti naa :D

Bibu said...

bertambah segak n kacak pahlawan you tu...apa rahsia?dia serius diet ke?nak dera kat laki ai pulak....tuk jd pahlawan cam pahlawan segak you tu

lemongrass said...

we all buat dua2, kurangkan calories consumed and increasing calories burnt. I pernah buat an entry on how he did it before. Ini link dia

Wassalam. Apa khabar kamu dan kambing2 kamu? hikhikhik. Memang lain sgt muka dia skrg bila dah kurus ni, mcm bujang teruna aje lagi kan! hahaha

Memang senang. Ye lah kan, mana tau one day bila dia dah besar nanti and kena reaction teruk when we are not there with her. Orang lain tinggal tengok aje the bracelet and tau nak buat mcm mana.
Nanti I tayang gambar pavlova tu ye :-).

My hubby serious berdiet as in dia akan kira the calories of segala benda yg masuk dlm mulut dia. Tapi dia makan segala benda as long as still within his calories allowance. I pernah tulis entry pasal apa yg dia buat, ini link dia

MamaFaMi said...

Min, prefer your other half masa tahun 2010. Chubby cam teddy bear... hehehe... itu statement hasad dengki okay... huwaa...

Honest statement : I salute him!

lemongrass said...

hahahaha...satu tahun dulu mmng serupa badan chubby bear, sekarang ni serupa badan Bruce Willis masa muda2 dulu ;-)

ejaescobart said...

wow! memang lain giler akak nye husband.. paling ketara tang pinggang yang ramping tu le... isk isk.. kagum sungguh sy tengok..

K.Nor said...

wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... mmg slim melim!! rasanya masa min peluk pinggang dia pun rasa cam tak peluk jer.. mesti rasa lain.. k.nor cakap ni based pd my hb yg masa lepas bypass dulu tu (he lost 13kgs) mmg rasa berbeza sgt peluk pinggang dia yg dah banyak slim tu.. rasanya lebih syok yg berisi sket hihihihi syhhh!!! haha

K.Nor said...

eh.. akeem dah dapat bb ya? tahniah dr k.nor buat akeem dan wife.. dah jd ayah la ya.. :)

lemongrass said...

tu yg kena beli seluar baru aje skrg ni sbb pinggang dia makin mengecut! hehehe

Kak Nor,
Memang bila dah lost weight ni, flat terus perut diaorang ni kan, bukan mcm kita. Tak boleh nak bergayut pegang lemak kat pinggang dia tu, muahahaha ;-P.
Ha'ah, akeem dah jadi Abah Ogos tahun lepas tak silap. First cucu lelaki dlm family we all. Abah I suka sangat2, senyum manjang dia dah dapat cucu lelaki finally :-).

NenetPenne (NP) said...

i think, i lebih suka ur hubby masa dia berisi sikit dari masa dia kurus... mcm i lah...bila dah kurus sangat rasa mcm ...

Hazzy Ishak said...

salam akak,

saya silent reader akak selama ni. hehe. Saya suka baca blog akak, terutama sekali pasal anak2 akak & makanan. Dan akak juga lah sumber inspirasi saya supaya lebih rajin bawa 'lunch box' ke office.
