Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Their first day

First day of school went really well for The Little Misses. Miss 7 got the same teachers she had last year so she was really happy. I am happy as well because they were really good teachers. And some of her good friends are still in the same class as her so adalah kawan dia nak main2 and pergi makan sama Smile.

But it was sad to see her teacher (the one who had a stillborn baby) standing there in the class and us knowing how sad she must have been. Miss 7 straight away hugged her teacher when she saw her and said, “I’m really sorry and sad about what happened to your baby.” And she answered, “It is sad.

It is funny kan yang we adults will feel awkward in that situation, not knowing what is the right thing to say to that bereaved person. And not knowing how to act either. But with kids, they are so innocent, they will say what’s in their mind and what they are feeling at the time. And they normally say the right thing….

Miss 11 had a blast as well on her first day of school. I sent her to the school gate aje and there were already ‘big’ students which they call ‘peer leaders’ and teachers waiting for the new students to take them around.

After primary school, her high school seems so big. It is the biggest public school in WA so I guess memang besar betul2 lah kan the school, hehehe. They were given maps of the school as well so they won’t get lost when going around the school ground looking for their classes which are everywhere. Dah lah anak I tu kecik aje banding dgn budak2 lain, sure nya lah boleh hilang kat tengah2 lautan manusia tu, hehehe.

Luckily the high school finishes 15 minutes earlier than the primary school so I have asked Miss 11 to go to Miss 7’s school lepas habis sekolah and wait for me there. Tak kuasa I nak mencari dia kat the high school, memang tak kan jumpa punyalah Smile.

And for a treat tonite, I made crispy baked chicken, oven-baked fries and low calorie coleslaw for dinner. Ye lah, nak makan kfc, mana ada yg halal kat sini. Kalau beli kat chicken shop, sure punya the chicken and fries will be deep fried kan and the coleslaw penuh dgn lemak. Habislah diet we all, hehehe.

But, the chicken set that I made tonite was only 420cals aje but still rasa macam makan kfc, hikhikhik…


I had 2 pieces of chicken, 100g of coleslaw, 100g of fries and a bit of sauce. Memang sangat2 mengenyangkan.

I sort of guna this recipe for the chicken wings but I didn’t have a few of the ingredients so I tukar ganti with a few other spices. Memang rasa dia sangat2 crispy but much lower in fat.


Nak buat coleslaw rendah calorie and lemak, you can substitute the mayo with reduced fat mayo or cari yg lower calories and use half mayo half very light sour cream. The taste is still creamy but less fat.

Miss 7 makan coleslaw tadi lagi banyak dari we all, hikhikhik. She even requested to have the coleslaw untuk lunch esok Smile.

The Other Half was 1 very happy man sebab dapat makan this set tanpa rasa guilty, hahahahaha….


  1. mesti teacher dia rasa grateful with anak murid dia yang very thoughtful...bless miss 7..

  2. Sue lg berkenan dgn menu akak ni daripada kfc..hehhee

  3. So sweet of Miss 7. betul la kan, kita yg adults ni kekadang rasa terkedu tak tau nak cakap apa dalam situasi macam tu..

    eh, coleslaw tu rupanya sama benor macam yg kat KFC, hehe

  4. makanan yang sedap dan di hidang dengan pingan mangkuk yang cantik memang menambat selera tau..

  5. baca entry ni terus lapar. pendek kata baca blog ni terus lapar hihi..

    budak2 memang x pandai menipu kan. semua pun jujur je

  6. min, 420cal tu berat tu, tapi awak taklah gemuk mana pun, kalau macam saya ni memang 420 tu menambahkan lagi lemaklah.

  7. Sedapnya KFC buat sendirik...

  8. oh my...baca blog kak lg ni makes me realize that dieting doesn't mean kita kena cut out these yummylicious food. cuma kena pandai make it into a low fat version. ni buat saya berkobar-kobar ni. hehehe. :)

  9. Blu4sky,
    Some of the students memang so prihatin but I tengok muka cikgu dia memang nampak sedih semalam.

    bila tau rendah lemak, lagi lah nampak makin menarik kan ;-)

    I guess kita ni think too much, tu yg kadang2 lidah kelu nak berkata2 kan :-).
    Tu yg Zahra makan coleslaw tambah berkali2, nasib baik sayur yg dia tambah, hahaha

    And then bila dimakan dek orang2 yg kelaparan, memang sgt2 nikmatnya kan :-D

    Budak2 memang slalunya cakap 'lepas' aje kan, hehehe

    I don't know why you rasa 400cals tu a lot sbb for us 420cals for dinner is not a lot sbb the minimum calorie requirements (before I exercise) for me to exist and lose weight is 1200cals/day and for my hubby yg besar tu is 1800cals/day.
    So, kalau bahagi to 3 meals of bfast, lunch and dinner, kiranya around 400cals/meal lah kan for me n for hubby 600cals/meal.
    And he's losing weight still.
    Kalau kfc set 2pcs chicken with coleslaw n fries aje dah 700cals+.

    Kak Zai,
    Memang lagi sedap sbb tak penuh dgn minyak :-)

    Miss interpreted,
    With us sejak we joined myfitnespal site tu, we have been counting our calories. Tu yg we are more aware of what we can and cannot eat in terms of calories.
    So, as long as we stay within the calories requirement and still dpt makan yummy food, we are happy, hehehe...

  10. LG,
    My BONDA pernah cakap, budak-budak ni tak pandai berbohong. Tulus jer depa akan cakap.

    Betul, kan? Kita lak sering mencari2 ayat sesuai supaya tak kecilkan hati orang yang sedang dlm kesusahan.

    Wow! KFC buat sendirik. Teruja nihhh... I like coleslaw too.

  11. Salam LG,suka sgt2 cara pemakanan LG sekeluarga,so simple and yet mengenyangkan dan yg penting sekali berkasiat.

  12. I'm making this for dinner. Except I beli chicken schnitzel kat butcher di Carousel tadi. Ngelat lagi.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Kak Azie,
    Memang betul ckp bonda you tu, Kita adults ni, terlalu sgt fikir pasal perasaan semua orang sampai tak tau nak cakap apa kdg2 tu kan.

    I ni malas duduk dapur lama2, tu yg my food mostly sgt2 sempoi. But now I kena masak food yg sempoi and reduced calorie jugak, pening jugak, hehehe...

    Hehehe...coleslaw you buat ke beli?
