Thursday, 3 February 2011

Recycled food

The problem with going on our ‘diet’ is the food left over from dinners. Sometimes I akan teringat masa masak tu and will reduce all the raw ingredients accordingly. But sometimes I sort of forgot about it and still masak banyak.

Like tonite, I tak tau nak masak apa for dinner. Bukak freezer, I saw so many bags of cooked rice and hari tu punya kari. Dari buat menyemak kan freezer, baik I buat masak dinner kan.


I made nasi goreng sayur with the cooked rice but using non stick wok so you dont need oil actually. Tapi I letak jugak about 2 teaspoons which wasn’t much for about 5cups+ rice. I saje masak banyak2, pastu boleh simpan balik dlm freezer or makan for lunch esok, hehehe.


This was my plate. Our diet is a calorie-controlled diet so boleh makan everything (healthy stuff and non healthy stuff) including all the carbs. We love our carbs and we will always eat it no matter what and we can’t live without it. Smile.

But we also exercise everyday at the same time.

I know ramai orang yg kalau sebut diet, maksudnya tak boleh makan nasi. But nasi ni lebih kurang aje calorie dengan white bread or potato or mee or pasta or any other starch. What’s the point of not eating rice but bantai white bread and potato like mad, hehehe.

The Other Half has lost 8kg+ so far and I’ve only got 500g to go before reaching my dream weight, hehehe. The Other Half still has his treats occasionally which for him is potato crisps. But he makes sure he portions it so he knows how many calories he’s consuming. Tu yang buat dia lagi happy sebab still losing weight and can eat his beloved Pringles at the same time, hikhikhik….

(I know I asik cerita pasal our weight loss journey and diet aje kan. But mana lah tau kan, ada orang yang baca ni tergerak hati nak start losing weight secara healthy.)

I told The Other Half yang once I have reached that weight, I’m going to celebrate by making myself a decadent choc cake Smile. The Other Half tak kisah sbb dia tak suka sangat choc cake ni so kalau I buat pun, dia tak kan tergoda punya, hahaha.

Can’t wait for that day to arrive so I can makan choc cake! Open-mouthed smile

So, kalau tetiba I tayang gambar choc cake kat blog ni, maksudnya I dah berjaya capai my target weight lah Smile.


  1. Min, can I have yr email address and FB name? Nak introduce kawan akak yg nak gi buat PhD kat Perth satu family minggu ni..boleh ke?

    Kak Diny, Birmingham

  2. owh ssh nya nk mulakan diet..mmg mkn tak berkhasiat je..dushhh

  3. Kak Diny,
    my email is FB ni for me is a bit private. I cuma letak people yang I kenal and yang dah jumpa aje, sorry ye!
    But yr friend can email me first and bila dah jumpa kat Perth, insyaAllah boleh ber FB :-).

    we all dulu pun, susah jugak nak mulakan, tu yg I cuba masak all our favourite food but reduced fat and calorie lah :-).

  4. salam kak,

    baguslah tak membazir, membazir tu kan amalan syaitan...

    wah, abg akak dah lost weight 8kg? jeles ni, hehehe...

    betul ckp akak tu, diet ni not means kita tk boleh makan itu, tak boleh makan ini... yg penting, ialah bagaimana kita mengurus pengambilan makanan dgn baik...

  5. wah bestnye dah turunkan berat badan...mmg selalu teruja ngan story kat LG gigih untuk lost weight..saya pon dah start balik sesi diet n joging..

  6. k.min,

    I love my carb too tapi my carb is only limited to brown rice.. sedih sungguh! sob sob..

  7. Jawapan utk previous question:
    Coleslaw I buat le. Tp ingredient dia I beli yg dah siap potong n dressing yg dlm botol.;) Hehehehe. Instead of chippies I buat mashed potato n gravy. Yg tu I buat from scratch. Yum...

    I pun selalu recycle. Kalau ada extra steak or roast, the next day I buat asian dishes mcm daging masak cili or daging goreng kunyit letak sayur or stirfry noodles (mee goreng). Laki I mmg suka, laju je dia mkn. Tp my kiddies, especially the fussy one, dia tak makan leftover. So kenalah I masak yg lain utk diaorg.

  8. kak, jemput ke blog. ade blog akak.hehehe.

  9. yg sy semangat nak buang 3kg ni..ehehee

  10. LG,
    Memang seronok bila bukak freezer dan nampak left-over food. Meaning tak payah nak masak beriya. I love to recycle my food too! :D

    Congrats to you and hubby! Loosing weight slowly and in a healthy way is definately the way to go. *chaiyok!*

    * menunggu tayangan choc cake! :D

  11. congrats for both of u. kak letak la mcm mana akak punya routine harian exercise tu. saya kalau part2 exercise ni lemah sikit haha

  12. Congrats... just 500g to go!!
    Yup, you're right... bila baca pasal your diet, memang my hati tergerak, but my bottom refuse to bergerak... :(

  13. Salam Min,

    u ni mmg creative dan tak membazir. Bagus tu... Akak pun dulu biasa buat. Tp bila dah pakai bibik, akak dah jd malas.

  14. LG,
    i'm one of those yang dah ikut jejak langkah you..hahaha.. i sign up for myfitnesspal yesterday..thanks to is easier for me to keep track of my cals and plan what to cook..yeahh..
    boleh lah makan nasi..hihihi..but i go for brown rice...and see how it goes :D

  15. min, i mmg SUKA bila ada recycle2 mcm ni..buka fridge terus ada mknan...mcm magic! :))

    *word verification...witch!hahaha :DDD

  16. Rumah kak Zai pun banyak lebihan makanan,penuh fridge.Kadang2 dah terlalu lama terpaksa buang juga.

  17. Jangan peram makanan lama2...beracun nanti kakk....huhuhuhu

    yey!kurus!kurus!!!mari kita bersenam!!

  18. i mmg suka baca bab makanan kat ur blog.. especially semuanya berkaitan utk mngurangkan berat badan..ehhehe.. tp nak membuatnya tu masalah negara tu..akakkaka

  19. Areef,
    Salam. Memang kalau boleh tak nak membazir langsung tapi tu lah, kita ni manusia, sentiasa terlupa kan. Rasa guilty lepas tu kalau buang makanan :-(.

    Hubby I lah yg memang syiok habis skrg sbb weight dia dah turun giler2. I pun tumpang seronok sbb hubby I hensem balik, hahahahah

    I memang tak kan boleh ikut diet you lah sbb we love our carbs too much, hehehe.

    Kat rumah ni I lah yg paling suka masak leftovers sbb tak perlu susah payah spend too long in the kitchen. Luckily semua makan tanpa banyak songeh, hehehe

    thanks ye buat N3 tu :-)

    nak mula buang tu yg susah kan, but once you've started, not that hard, hehehe

    Tak tau bila lah I boleh tayang choc cake ni sbb tgh bloating tunggu period so weight naik balik, tension!!!!!

    Nanti I letak apa aje yg we all buat ye! :-)

    kalau bottom refuses to move, I tak boleh nak tolong lah, hehehhe

    Kak Yan,
    Salam. Rumah we all takde bibik so memang kalau chef tgh malas, makan recycle food aje lah we all, hehehe

    Congrats! Memang we all join that myfitnesspal pun sebab nak keep track of our calories. Sebab kalau ada diari ni, baru lah we all tak terbabas makan everyday, hehehe

    Sape yg witch eh? hikhikhik.... :P
    I pun suka ada magic freezer ni, membuatkan hati I berbunga2, hahaha

    Kak Zai,
    We all pun slalu jugak buang makanan yg dlm fridge tu. Tp bila simpan kat freezer, tahan lama sikit :-)

    hehehe...tak lah sampai bertahun we all peram :-)

    Ticer Syah,
    I ni jadi rajin buat diet food sbb hubby I memang beria nak lose weight. Sebagai isteri mithali, terpaksalah turutkan, hahahhaaha

  20. You're right...apa guna tak makan nasi tp makan mi, pasta, roti berkeping-keping. Yg saya tahu 2 keping roti is equivalent to sepinggan nasi. Saya suka cara akak diet sebab still blh enjoy eating whatever yg kita suka. Count the calory and exercise...

  21. Unaizah,
    tu lah kan. Mat Saleh yg tak makan nasi hari2 ni pun berlambak2 yg obese so obviously bukan nasi lah the culprit kan :-).
    We all skrng memang beli apa aje tengok the calories so senang nak catu, hehehe.
