We had such a lovely day today without going anywhere (well, except for The Other Half and Miss 11 to painting session and to buy a coveted thing). The weather was perfect, sunny and bright, not wet . I stayed at home sebab konon2nya nak kemas2 rumah bersiap2 menunggu kedatangan tetamu2 next week. Miss 7 pulak stayed at home sebab I pujuk dia temankan I kat rumah, hehe. I did manage to kemas rumah but biasalah kan, mana boleh stayed kemas forever. As long as sedap mata memandang for us, cukuplah kan, hehehe.
Then after Zuhur and lunch, we started our mega project, memang busy betul2 until lah sekarang ni, baru lah boleh relax goyang kaki sikit (even though ada kain berbakul2 tengah menunggu untuk di lipat but mata I buat2 tak nampak aje ni ).
What’s our mega project?
We finally bought a gas BBQ, yeay!!!! Tapi seperti biasa, the BBQ needed some parts to be assembled by us. So tu yang tadi we all sibuk memasang BBQ. Pasang BBQ tu tak lah lama mana but we had to do so many other things in between, tu yang it took us more than an hour to finish assembling it. Masa tengah pasang2 tu, The Little Misses wanted to play on the lawn in the backyard. The weather pulak tu was really sunny tadi so I told them that I will bentangkan a tarpaulin on the grass and sprayed it with water and bubble bath and then they can slide on it. But then, The Other Half wanted to mow the grass first before we could do that, tu yang kena took a break from BBQ assembling and mow the lawn, prepare the tarpaulin slide and macam2 benda lain lagi. Nasib baik lah sempat gak assembled the BBQ before dinner tadi!
After it’s been assembled and The Other Half was testing the burner and knob. Masa ni I dah undur jauh2 ke belakang. Ye lah manalah tau kan, tiba2 Kaboom terus sebab silap pasang paip gas tu! hahaha…..
While we were doing this, The Little Misses were blissfully playing with water sliding on the tarpauline. Kalau lah the Water Department tau we all senang lenang guna air macam tu, mau lah kena fined, hehehe.
Layan aje lah gambar diaorang tadi ye (some of the photos might be a bit indecent ). Budak2 dua orang tu sekarang ni dah hampir sama kaler kulit dengan I sebab berjemur main air for nearly 2 hours! Kalau Mat Saleh pure sure dah merah padam under the sun but since diaorang campur jawa kan, so kulit diaorang jadi legam lah bila berjemur. But don’t worry, they did slather loads of sunscreen before berjemur tadi
Masa ni kulit diaorang dah agak merah but belum legam lagi. The Other Half helped once in a while spraying them with water.
Masa ni memang dah legam, hahahaha.
Psst… Nampak tak our vege patch yang makin menghijau itu? hehehe.
Next time we all nak join sama lah because it looked like so much fun! hehehe. Since the fences around the sides and back are quite high, memang the neighbours tak boleh nampak lah apa yang diaorang main ni. Tu yg kalau I nak join pakai bikini pun boleh, muahahaha. Miss 7 just couldnt believe how fun it was sliding on wet soapy tarpaulin. Ye lah, rumah lama dulu mana ada backyard with grass so tak boleh lah nak buat mcm ni kan. Bila dah ada rumah with backyard ni and the weather was perfect, barulah boleh nak main air. Masa kat Adelaide dulu, she was too small to remember doing it .
Dah habis huha huha tu, turn I pulak masak dinner.
Jangan terpedaya dengan gambar di bawah ini, he was just acting as though he was the one cooking! Sebab I had to take the photos!
We bought the BBQ with the side burner so kalau nak menggoreng apa2 kat sebelah tu sambil berBBQ, memang senang sangat2 lah . Masak burger, marinara mix, prawns on skewers and also goreng fries on the Barbie. Kalau I malas nak goreng benda2 berbau dalam rumah, I boleh lah goreng kat luar rumah kan.
Our dinner tonite, Burger and chips.
wahhhh! bestnya tengok your bbq set ni..ish kalau dekat, maunya i join skali makan bbq and main wet tarpauline tuh haha srunuk tengok kana2 tu main :D
ReplyDeletebtw, i pun slalu lari jauh2 if my husband nk test the gas burner ..hehe takut gas tu meletup haha
sama ah, kalo nak guna portable gas burner pun i slalu menyorok belakang my husband. Then dia tanya, dah tak sayang dia eh ?
ReplyDeletenway, wonder camner Water Corp tau kita guna air ke x since sprinkle use restriction ni. Ours jenis auto, mlm2 je on sendiri :p
cooooooooolll bbq set, dear! nak jugak!
ReplyDeletebest la diorang main air cam gitu. eh, i thot the water ban has been lifted since last month. ke tu kat melbourne je? u tau tak, now dah boleh basuh kereta kat rumah sendiri :D not like b4 cuma kat carwash centres je.
oh ye, cian ur hubby kena test burner sorang2. seb baik tak hangus. :P patut pakai shield ceramic ke apa dulu b4 testing it? :P gurau hahaha.
ReplyDeleteafter living here for so long, baru ni lah we all ada gas BBQ ni! memang bukan OZ tulen lah kalau takde BBQ set ni, hehehe.
Apalah kita ni kan, tak percaya kat our hubbies ability pasang gas burner, muahahha.
Bukan tak sayang, tapi tak best lah kan kalau dua2 kena gas, hahaha.
Water Corp tau klu kita guna sprinkler outside the day kalau ada orang komplen. My sprinkler pun auto tapi we all set the time :-).
I beli kat KMart aje, diaorang tgh ada sale, hehehe. I beli yg 3 burner aje, cukuplah utk a small family like ours :-).
Perth sekarang tgh makin ketat water restriction sbb our Winter was really dry :-(. Tu yg rasa guilty aje tadi pasang the hose for them.
ReplyDeletekalau dia hangus, barulah sama kaler kulit kita orang, hahaha
nampak seronok sgt main ayaq tu, teringin pulak i, kehkeh!
ReplyDeletemak i pun bila i tukar gas kat dapur, dia dah siap tunggu kat pintu depan nun, kahkahkah!
salam min..bab main air tuh syok abis..sure terjerit2 bila kena spray..teringat zaman kecik2 dolu klu lepas cuci kete, mandi kat luar cm gitu...best ooo :)))
ReplyDeleteerkkk.. ni chef dlm sini "license to grill" ke? camna tukang masak tu kaler cerah! hehehe.. min tumpang bbq gak :)
ReplyDeleteMuahaha, Mak you lagi teruk, siap tunggu kat pintu depan lagi tu :-D.
samalah I masa kecik2 dulu, klu my Abah basuh kereta, mesti nak tolong sbb boleh main air sampai basah lencun, hehehe
Kak Nor,
Tukang masak kaler cerah tu posing aje khas utk ambik gambar, hahaha.
Tu dia..aktiviti yg sgt seronok..terutama budak2..Tak payah pg bercoti pun ok dah tu..bercoti dirumah ajalah..heee
ReplyDelete5 years ago when my hb nak beli gas BBQ i macam not happy tau.. he said its a must to hv it.. i think masa tu dia lupa agaknye yg he no longer an aussie PR hahahha.. dah tu bila dah beli, kita hardly use it.. maybe if we super rajin we will use it max 5 times a year but one thing for sure tiap tahun.. malam raya i sure akan guna kan side burner buat rebus lontong hahaha
ReplyDeletebest nye main air! rasa cute u panggil set bbq = barbie :D
ReplyDeletebess nye ada BBQ kat umah.. sedap pulak tu nampak menu mlm ni.. iskk.. tetiba lapaq tengah2 mlm nih.. huhuu
ReplyDeleteSonoknya berlari2 atas carpet yang licin tu..hehe...lepas tu, isi plak perut...fuh..meletop....masa saya tengok, terbayang..bestnya kalau dapat buat camtu jugak...tai, kena beli rumah ada laman la ye...pastu, buat pagar tinggi2...hmm,,...
ReplyDeleteActivity tak keluar duit ni lah yg paling best for me, hahaha.
Once an Aussie, always an Aussie when it comes to BBQ, hehehe. Every house kat sini mesti ada BBQ, even though like you said sometime guna dia maybe 5X a year :-). I hope we'll use it more often lah esp klu I nak goreng ayam or ikan since x nak the house to be smelly.
Masak lontong best ke kat situ?
Aussies kan memang renown for shortening everything, tu sbb they called BBQ Barbie :-). Umbrella pun boleh jadi brollie! Nampak no malasnya diaorang ni nak bukak mulut lebih2, hahaha
Dah bertahun2 duduk OZ ni, baru lah we all beli gas BBQ ni. Tu yg rasa nak berBBQ every nite, hehehe
Memang seronok bila pagar tinggi2 ni sbb kalau nak buat benda2 yg indecent, tak lah takut jiran sebelah or belakang terjojol biji mata, hehehe.
Rasa berbaloikan beli rumah ni....now that you can start enjoying living there. Untung ada backyard luas n highly fenced....
ReplyDeleteBetul tu LG.. once an aussie always an aussie..Best ke tidak if my kitchen stove dah fully booked.. burner yg comel pun i akan guna kan untuk rebus lontong hahaha
ReplyDeletesalam lg..waduh bestnya klu dapat bbq set macamtu..kat sini mahallah..tak daya nak membelinya.
ReplyDeleteOur class had wet saturday n BBQ for dinner too!plus tukar2 hadiah..n dalam hujan.Bertambah2 sejuk angin kt pantai 2 ..huhu..any way,nice chips^^.we had our kentang wrapped n burn it dalam timbunan arang while waiting for our BBQ.
ReplyDeleteBerapa ke reqe gas BBQ tu b4 and after discount? Nak buat perbandingan rege kat M'sia ni. I felt very sad since yesterday nite cos our intelligent siamese bred cat, Gordon was hit by a stranger car bumper infront of my house and he died instantly. Lucky, my neighbour was caring enough to pull him infront my house and cover his body with newspaper.As soon I arrive, he came and convey the news. To make thing worst, it happenned while I was away. My daughter Aisyah cried cam orang mati laki.Because Gordon will walk her to school everyday about 500 meters and waited for her infront of our house gate at 2.30 pm.
ReplyDeletewahhhhhh..... dah beli tempat BBQ tu...yeahhhhh..
ReplyDeletepsstttt.. mahal tak? hehe.. saje nak tau.. :)
i yang tengok budak2 tu melalui gambar ni pun dah tersenyum.. inikan yang melaluinya.. hehehe.. mmg fun.. cam rasa nak ikut serta.. :)
waahhh....best! best! best! best tang dpt main air sambil guling2 tu.tp bbq tu best gak.lps penat main mesti lapar kan.perghh....syoknya! rasa mcm nak join skali je.hehehe....
ReplyDeletehuhu...tokleh nmpk ainnur dgn faris ni coz depa mmg pantang nmpk air.lgsg tak takut dgn ombak.siap nak masuk lg ada le.isk...
bagus ya BBQ yg guna gas ni u don't hv to use coal, healthier too(not talking abt the fat fr them burgers but you know mkn BBQ guna goal can cause cancer that's y kita makan timun lepas makan satay.hehe)and so good ada tempat menggoreng next to the BBQ griller.bestnya.its healthier to grill fish semua kan.bestnya.hehe..berapa byk best daaaaaaa
tak leh cari makan dah Rober Rainford lepaih ni. habih la dia...hehehe.
ReplyDeletesyioknya. teringin gak tapi takut under utilize...LG wockay lah the rajin the very.
ReplyDeletebila dpt buat benda2 mcm ni sesuka hati kita, baru lah rasa berbaloi nya ada rumah sendiri :-).
hehehe. But memang I pun rasa lapang sikit sekarang ni kalau nak masak so many things at 1 go, tak payah lah bersempit2 kat my dapur yg memang sedia sempit itu! :-)
Kak Ina,
Kat sini sbb memang culture BBQ tu dah sebati dgn jiwa Aussies ni, memang mcm2 harga ada, dr yg murah ke yg mahal :-).
You had a really wet BBQ saturday lah ye, siap dgn hujan sekali :-).
Condolences to you and family for the lost of Gordon. Kalau I jadi your daughter pun, mau gak agaknya meraung mcm tak hingat dunia :-(.
We got our BBQ for A$250 aje. But nanti kalau end of Summer, lagilah sale giler2 masa tu sbb dah not BBQ season anymore :-).
BBQ kat sini tak mahal sgt, ours tu cuma A$250 aje.
Budak2 kalau main air, memang tak hingat lain dah :-)
ReplyDeleteyang main air bebudaknya, tapi yg mak pak ny apun sama2 lapar lepas tu, hahaha.
Kalau Ainnur n Faris join sama, adalah yg menangis agaknay bila disuruh masuk dlm rumah lepas main ;-).
Yg cancer causing tu, the burnt bit of the meat yg memang akan slalu ada kalau kita guna charcoal. Tapi klu guna gas BBQ and kita rentung kan the meat, boleh jugak cause cancer, hehehe.
We all ni sbb tgh nice weather utk berBBQ tu yg teruja sungguh nak berBBQ. Bila dah masuk Winter sejuk nanti, tak kuasa I nak berdiri kat luar berBBQ, hehehe
OIC,so the burnt part yg cause cancer, not fr the coal?mm..something new learnt today.tx