Monday, 25 October 2010

Petai Mat Saleh

Orang M’sia selalu associate petai dengan smelly urine or air kencing berbau. I tak sangkan lah yang Mat Saleh ni pun actually ada equivalent vegetable yang meng ‘smelly’ kan urine macam petai ni. Selama2 I makan vege ni, I tak pernah terperasan (or maybe I tak associate that vege with smelly urine so bila the urine smells lain macam, I thought it’s because of something else, hehehe).

Until The Other Half complained yang he loves eating this vege except for what it does to his urine. I pun pelik lah, pastu I cakap dengan dia yang selama2 ni I makan, takde pun bau apa2. Pastu dia kata, next time I makan this sayur, just smell the toilet bowl after I pee, t tell him again if it smells or not, hehehe.

Pastu I pun buatlah experiment (just to prove him wrong Winking smile), but unfortunately, it was me that was proven wrong, hehehe. Memang out of a sudden, baru lah I perasan yang air kencing memang akan berbau selepas makan this vege.

Nak tau apa vege yang ala2 petai ni?




We had grilled asparagus, BBQed sausages and pasta salad malam tadi so the toilet really stinks! hikhikhikhik….

Betul you, I baru aje tau yang bila makan asparagus, our urine will smell, hehehe.

But The other Half said to me tadi, “For me, petai doesn’t really make your pee smell!” takpe, next time I masak petai, I suruh dia smell the toilet bowl pulak! Wakakakaka…

Malam ni pulak nya, we all makan pasta lagi even though last night dah makan pasta. I made beef ragu for dinner and ingat nak makan dengan polenta but bila selongkar pantry, couldn’t find polenta so kenalah makan dengan pasta.



Ragu ni lebih kurang bolognese sauce lah but cuma guna tomato paste only for the red colour and guna fresh milk and apple juice(to replace wine in the original recipe) in the sauce. Rasa dia lain sikit dari sauce yang guna canned diced tomato or bottled pasta sauce ni. We think it’s a bit richer in flavour. But definitely takde rasa susu! hehehe.

Ini my version of the beef ragu recipe:


1 small brown onion, diced finely
2 cloves garlic, diced finely
1 carrot, diced finely
1 celery, diced finely
500g beef mince
1/2 cup apple juice (unsweetened/no added sugar)
4 tbsp tomato paste
3/4 cup milk (I guna low fat)
salt and pepper to taste


-heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a  frying pan. Sautee onions, garlic, carrot and celery for 3-4 minutess on medium heat until cooked.
-add beef mince and break any lump up and cook until all brown.
-reduce heat to low and add apple juice to the pan. Let it cook until all the apple juice have been reduced.
-add tomato paste and stir until well combined.
-add milk and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes until reduced. Don’t disturb it.
- Then add salt (or if you like, chicken stock granules) and pepper to taste.
-You can serve it with pasta, frech bread or sourdough bread or polenta.


  1. salam kabar?lama x ziarah Min & 2 anakdara tuh..ngee.Klu ngidam nk mkn petai..blh la gantikn ngan asparagus tue yer Min...sbb ada 'bau-bau gitu'...hihi

  2. hehhee..tak kuasa jaja nak pi cium toilet bowl... :p lagi pun jja tak makan petai2 ni..kalau berbau pun dr en zack je lah..hehehhe

  3. hahahahha..sapa2 yg gian nak mkn petai..bleh la bedal asparagus byk2 pastu suh dia cium bau toilet..ekekek..lepas gian kan.. la baru sue tau..yg asparagus pun ada bau gak ya...

  4. Atie,
    Salam.Alhamdulillah sihat :-). Nanti I nak cuba masak asparagus sambal udang, sure rasa dia meletup jugak mcm petai sambal udang kan, hehehe

    Hahaha...tau takpe! I pun tak kuasa nak mencium toilet bowl tu tapi konon2 buat experiment kan :-P

    Hahaha..mana lagi mahal?Petai ke asparagus? hehehe.

  5. hi Lg

    how've u been?

    really arr asparagus 'mewangikan' toilet bowl..really tak perasaan :)

    tak per nanti buleh try makan lagi asparagus & suruh dudans 2 orang tu experiment the toilet bow smell..wahkahkah..

  6. Saya selalu bg baby mkn asparagus tp x perasan plak kencing berbau...lepas ni kena bau la..hehe

  7. Yat,
    Hi. Feeling great after all the unpacking's done and the house looking a bit more presentable, hehehe.
    Next time kan, bila you masak asparagus. You go to the toilet, pastu, you suruh your Dude smell eh! Ada lah nanti dia kata you bunag tebiat, hehehe

    I pun selama2 ni memang tak pernah perasan until my hubby told me about it. Pastu, barulah konon2nya nak cium toilet, hahaha...

  8. salam LG..
    Erkk ye ke, makan asparagus kencing ada bau?..kalau petai atau jering memang lah tak payah kata...takpe, nanti saya pun nak test..erkk...hehehe

  9. Hani pun only found out yg asparagus has the same effect as petai when I was explaining to Nathan pasal petai tu jgn mkn bebanyak nanti bau kuat and he went "oh like asparagus?" hehe Hani mmg hantu petai, seb baik dpt si putih yg mmg melayu habes makan petai mcm hani juge hehe mmg bathroom out of bound lah after tu

  10. walaupun i tak makan petai tapi kalau buat sambal tumis petai, kuahnya tu habis i sapu so sama saja baunya, kehkehkehkeh! x sangka asparagus pun gitu jugak ah?

  11. Salam LG ... tak sangka yer, asparagus pun ada bau. Kalau tak baca blog ni, saya pun sampai kesudah tak tahu. Tapi petai tetap di hati, sungguhpun bau nyer meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam. Tu yang sodap tu ... hahahahaha

  12. assalamualaikum akak LG, need help if u dont mind. u ada email?
    my email:

    btw, asparagus bau ke? i baru beli bergulung2 smalam. aiseh.

  13. Hi there,
    According to my MIL,not only the urine will smell but the colour will be greenish..she's a Pakeha Kiwi by the way.Everytime I masak and makan asparagus, lupa pulak I nak check...hihihi.Since kat NZ ni musim asparagus,akan I beli today and buat experiment..kena beli berkilo-kilo la ni to have the green tinge to the urinekan?Pasal petai tu,my hubby memang selalu proofkan that whatever that excrete from the body smells of it...and that include the number 2 and the wind that associate with it...yucks!...sengsara when petai was demanded to be on the dinner table!!!!

  14. wah, kena buat eksperimen ni. satu hal pulak nak bau toilet bowl, hahahaha

  15. asparagus? ye ke kak? saya suka mkn tp x pernah perasan. maybe sbb bau dia x setengit petai kot. hehehe

  16. wahhh ye ke asparagus pun bau mcm petai? i tk jarang masak petai coz tk tahan bau toilet tu tp i slalu masak asparagus n boleh tk perasan pulak bau toilet tu hahaha :D
    btw, i pernah tengok beef ragu ni punya recipe tp takut nk try sbb takut rasa milk yg cepat muak tu ;-) but then since u kata tk rasa milk, bolehlah nanti try...

  17. when I nampak the post title, my instinct teka that it must be asparagus. betul pun. tau, sebab when we first started eating asparagus regularly, my spouse though dia sakit sebab bau semacam. hahahaha.

    I pun suka letak susu in my Ragu/Bolegnese, the sauce jadi macam silky/smooth kan?

  18. wahhh dah ada bbq set dah mcm ala2 chef kat astro tu yang king of grill...

    lagi satu kalau makan cendawan kaler hitam tu pun sama, kencing berbau..i lupa apa nama cendawan tu

    tapi i rasa asparagus punya bau taklah 'sehebat' bau petai...

  19. ye ke kak asparagus buat urine kita b'bau? baru tau ni.huhu...ayu punya la suka mkn asparagus.pantang nampak...mesti beli kisah la bau ke tak.yg pasti takde org lain yg akn cuci toilet melainkan ayu.hehehe...

  20. hehehheheh..tak perasan la kak aspragus ada bau..petai tuh mmg tak payah cakap la..bau satu alam..he3..

  21. Cik Mat,
    Hubby I ckp, Mat Saleh semua tau yg asparagus buatkan kencing berbau. Disebabkan I ni kan pure Jawa, tu yg tak tau, wakakaka.
    Psst..lepas makan asparagus, duduk lah lama2 kat dlm toliet tu ye! :P

    Samalah kita, my hubby pun suka petai so lepas makan petai, memang tak larat I nak masuk toilet tu, hehehe...

    Aura2 petai tu sure ada kan kat dlm sambal tumis tu, hehehe.

    Kak Acik,
    Kita ada petai, Mat Saleh ada asparagus. I ingat nak buat sambal tumis petai+asparagus, macam manalah agaknya bau toilet tu nanti ye? hehehe

    My email Lepas ni you makan the asparagus, you sniff sniff sikit eh! ;-)

    Hi. I guess it's well known among the Pakehas that asparagus makes your pee smell like the asians with petai :-).
    It's asparagus season here now, that's why our toilet now smells most of the time, hahaha. But I haven't tried the white asparagus yet, should do it 1 day just to compare the smell :-).

    you suruh your hubby yg smell, wakaka :-P

    bau dia memang tak setengik petai but still lain dr normal smell lah. Cuba lah makan asparagus hari ni :-)

    I pun selama2 ni tak pernah terperasan asparagus pee is smelly maybe sbb kita tak associate it with smelly pee kan. But bila dah tau, suddenly memang perasan sgt2 the smell, hehehe.

    Hikhikhik...tu lah kan, I pun ingat my pee smells because of something else, tak sangka pulak sbb asparagus :-).
    The milk definitely makes it taste a bit different kan tp not milky, creamy maybe? :-)

    Shitaake mushroom tu ke? Bau jugak ye? I tau, masa kita letak dlm air panas, memang berbau. Lepas ni kena buat experiment lagi sekali lah dgn mushroom pulak, hehehe.
    Gas BBQ tu memang senang nak guna, tu yg we all finally decided nak beli :-).

    Master bedroom we all ada ensuite, tu yg klu makan asparagus, memang tau sgt2 lah, hahaha :-)

    Petai memang bau harum semerbak kan, 1 rumah tau kita makan petai, hikhikhik

  22. LG,
    Sama la kita, saya memula pon tak perasan bau asparagus bila ke toilet. Huhu!
    * suprisingly, si Tomi and famili minat and suka la pulak dengan petai (derang cakap bau dan rasa mcm truffles, buleh gitu?)

  23. Aida,
    petai and truffles, rege dia macam langit n bumi tak kat Spain tu? hehehe.

  24. LG,
    Truffles 4 ketul sebesor kuku pon dah 10EU. Takat nih tak jumpa lagik petai kat pekan nih (ulu sket ye). Mak saya pos petai dari Mesia. Huhu!

  25. Selalu gak makan asparagus tp tak perasan lak bab berbau tu. Next time boleh buat experiment hihi.

  26. akak....... laparrrrrrrrrr.. huhu
