Malam ni I’m not going to write about food, I’m going to write about The Little Misses’ school. Every 2 weeks, the school will have a public assembly where 1 designated class will be in charge of conducting the assembly and also presenting a short skit/song/drama during the assembly. Dari awal2 tahun lagi, dah siap roster of which class will be in charge of the assembly. So, the classes will have ample time to prepare their items. And the items yang they present have to have meaning. And during this public assembly, kaum keluarga di jemput hadir sama to watch their kids/grandkids perform at the assembly. I slalunya cuma attend if The Little Misses got a merit certificate or their class is doing the assembly.
Actually quite good jugak buat macam ni sebab it teaches the kids public speaking in front of their peers, teachers and parents. Bukan setakat budak2 kelas Year 6-7 aje yang handle the assembly, even budak2 Year One pun diberi kepercayaan being in charge of the assembly under their teachers’ guidance. You can really see it in their faces of how proud they are to be given this huge responsiblities and everyone tries their best to make it a successful assembly.
Miss 11’s class assembly was in June where they presented a skit called Be In It Today which was about being healthy. And her group had to perform the aerobics. I managed to get some photos of her but most of the photos are so blurry sebab I terlupa nak set the camera to ‘sports’ mode. Ye lah kan, diaorang beraerobics lompat2 bagai, so blurry giler lah most of the photos, hehehe. Pastu I pulaknya dah biasa ambik gambar food yang memang takkan bergerak unless moved by me so bila ambik gambar moving objects, I got so flabbergasted. Tu yg I tak tayang the photos on the blog, hehehe.
Pagi tadi pulak was Miss 7’s class turn to conduct the assembly and present the skit. Their skit was titled ‘From little things big things grow’. It’s about how a long time ago, 1 aboriginal man stood up for his rights and brought a positive change to his people. And Miss 7 also had to get up to the mike and lead the whole school in saying the school creed. And since their skit ni was mostly slow moving, dapatlah I ambik gambar yang quite nice jugak.
Layan aje lah ye the photos of today’s assembly and Miss 11’s assembly in June (sian dia, I letak lambat giler, hehehe).
Her group was supposed to be farmers so tu yang pakai shirts petak2 and ‘old style’ pants. Patut pakai gumboots but takde sape pun ada gumboots kaler hitam. Mana lah ada farmers dulu kaler pakai gumboots kaler pink and blue kan, hahaha. So, tu yg pakai aje lah sneakers.
Cakap dah, kat kelas dia mostly students from asian background, hehehe.
Miss 7 at the podium leading the school creed. Sikit pun budak2 ni tak seram sejuk nak bercakap depan orang ramai. I dulu masa kecik2, menari or menyanyi masa concert sikit pun tak malu and gabra but kalau bercakap depan orang ramai, nak terkencing2 sampai, wehehehe.
Presenting their item at the assembly.
Bila dah habis assembly, they must be saying to each other, “phew! that’s all done!” .
Ini pulak assembly item by Miss 11’s class in June.
She’s definitely the smallest in her class .
Bila the students have to do the assembly item, the parents kena provide the clothes yang diaorang nak pakai in that skit. But tak payah lah sampai kena beli baju khas untuk the skit, just punggah old clothes or make do with whatever clothes yg kita ada and then bega2 lah sikit.
Seronok jugak sekali sekala attend the school assembly ni.
The Little Misses at the end of the assembly today. Miss 7 tersenyum lebar because she got the award ‘Aussie of the month’. Mana tak tersenyum lebar, only 1 person is chosen at each assembly to receive that award and she got chosen today. Jeles kakak dia, hehehe. Tu sebab she’s got that badge on her collar tu .
bagus budak2 sana...takde nak segan kalau kena bercakap kat perhimpunan..cuba budak2 kat sini..rela duduk senyap jek kalau suruh bercakap...jangan kata kat perhimpunan..suruh ke depan kelas tunjuk jawapan pun tak nak..
ReplyDeletei nak bukak mulut dpn orang kat Charlie pun dah rasa nak pengsan. Kalah kat Miss 7 la cam ni.
ReplyDeleteAussie oi oi oi :P
Congrates dan well done zahra!!!..
ReplyDeleteBagus betullah sekolah buat macam least budak2 akan lebih confident 'kan....wah kak mynn...alya sudah nampak macam remaja gitu....hihihii
ReplyDeleteSamalah mcm I dulu, kalau suruh ckp dpn orang ramai, memang senak perut nak pergi toilet berkali2! Anak I tu relax aje, hehehe
hikhikhik...cakap nya sekejap aje kan, tapi rasa nak pengsan tu berhari2 :-)
tu lah kan. I pun memang setuju betul diaorang buat mcm ni sbb memang bagi budak2 ni ada confidence nak bercakap depan orang ramai.
Alya kan nak masuk high school dah, tu yg nmpk mcm dah besar, padahal kecik aje, hehe
Aduh .. anak anak U makin comel LG. Sukernya I tengok...
ReplyDeletebagus bila dari kecil diajar tuk x malu nak buat speech kat dpn public..
ReplyDeletenati boley masuk debate...
Salam Perkenalan..
ReplyDeleteBagus nya cara sek. kat sana..
Kekecik dah pandai public speaking..
Thanks for sharing.. juga sistem macam ni..kalau adapt kt Malaysia, agak2 ada bantahan tak dari gomen? hehehe
ReplyDeleteHi there,
ReplyDeleteWhat is good schooling in Oz,NZ and other western countries I believe is that each and every student are given ample oppurtunities to be outgoing and encourages public speaking.It brings out confidence in children.If only kat Malaysia, all students are given the same oppurtunity instead teachers choosing only the 'terror' students or their pets to participate.Kesian to those students yang kira tak berapa terserlah bakat mereka..dahlah kurang terserlah,langsung dilupakan.Sad!
congrats zahra!
ReplyDeleteoh my, the girls are just 11 and they hv b**bs! cepatnya membesar anak2 mat salleh ni. oops of all the things there in the photos itu je yg i noticed? *lol*
ReplyDeletePenuh kayakinan lahh...i pun sekarang tak berapa nak yakin..hahaha, nasib baik yakin sangat2 masa baking atau masak, kalau tak sudu semua masuk dalam kek..Tahniah utk LG!!..
ReplyDeleteKak Acik,
ReplyDeletemakin meluap2 nak jadikan menantu lah ye? hahaha :-P
Tu lah kan, I dulu bila sebut debate aje, memang terus pergi barisan belakang sbb tak sanggup nak bercakap depan orang :-).
salam singgah ke my blog. Bukan semua sekolah buat mcm ni but most schools. Memang bagus sbb it teaches them confidence dan menghargai diri :-).
Kat M'sia, budak2 yg pandai2 aje diberi kepercayaan organise stuff, hehe. Rasanya cikgu2 kot yg akan bantah? ;-)
that's right. Each kid is given the opportunity to try their hands at this sort of things, than only they know whether they like doing it at not. But they are kids yang still prefer to play truant kan.
Kat M'sia, if you are not the teachers' pets, memang so difficult to get choosen for anything, tu yg the neglected ones feel so unmotivated to go to school.
thanks :-). She's so happy to be chosen, hehehe.
Most of Alya's classmates are already 12 and 13 but most of them have got bigger boobs than me! Memang I terasa so inadequate bila jalan among them, hahaha.
Cik Mat,
Hikhikhik...kalau Cik Mat tak yakin masa memasak, abislah we all tak dapat nak tengok makanan2 yg cantik jelita kat blog Cik Mat tu :-D
Bestnya... cara ni mengajar bebdk ada rasa confident pada diri sendiri...
ReplyDeleteTo Miss 7:
Congratulation & celebration... hehehe... Tahniah eeh dapat award tu.. Untie tumpang gumbira....
Cara yang baik untuk melatih kanak2 punya keyakinan diri.
ReplyDeleteTahniah buat miss 7.
kak Zai.
ReplyDeleteMemang best bila sekolah ni buat mcm ni. Budak2 pun rasa very proud with their achievement.
Kak Zai,
Ni kira melatih secara lembut and fun lah kan :-).
masa i skolah dulu pon tetiap minggu ada persembahan kat perhimpunan, setiap kelas ikut giliran. best la jugak kalau ingat2 balik. cuma sang pengawas2 skolah je yg handle the perhimpunan. its quite interesting that ur kids school ada this every fortnight & diorang get to handle the perhimpunan kan. its good opportunities for their leadership skills + blaja jadi responsible from a very young age.
ReplyDeletegood job miss 7 :)
ReplyDeleteKat sekolah the girls, the teachers cuma akan naik pentas bila they have to give aspeech or a special award mcm tu, yg lain tu semua the kids yg buat. Even the merit certificates pun the school captains yg akan announce and bagi.
I really like the way they do a lot of things at this school :-).
Baguslah education system diorang, expose the kids to public speaking early. Confidence level pun di build up.
ReplyDeletewah..congratz ye zahra@miss 7..
ReplyDeleteyou go girl..!
ReplyDeleteCertain schools aje yg buat mcm ni. But memang best this system sbb it teaches the kids responsibility and to be proud of their achievement :-).
hehehe... tak habis lagi sengih dia tu ;-)