The Little Misses love animal documentaries or docos as we Aussies call them :-). And they have been watching a NZ show called The Zoo for the past few nights. It starts at 7 o’clock at night which is usually well after dinner’s finished.
But tonite, we had dinner a bit later, after solat maghrib so when the show started, The Other Half and I were still busy cleaning up the dining table and the food and starting to wash the dishes. Since sekarang ni our kitchen and family and dining areas open plan kan, so while we were cleaning up, sambil2 tu bolehlah tengok tv with the girls.
And tonite’s show was about these cute tiger cubs at the zoo going through their vaccinations.
Suddenly, Miss 7 said…
Miss 7: Do you know Dad that they’ve been showing the tiger stories for the past few days already.
Dad: Really….
Miss 7: Yeah, the other day they were showing the big tigers mating, and then yesterday, they showed the tiger cubs being born and today, they showed the cubs being vaccinated!
Dad: R..i..g..h..t… Fascinating! (while looking at me wildly)
Masa ni I tengah terduduk menyorok belakang the kitchen cabinets, gelak giler2. Yang I gelak kan sebab the innocent way she said the word ‘mating’ to her Dad and The Other Half trying so hard to keep a straight face, muahahahaha……
We love it that they love watching animal shows but that’s the point with animals kan, they live to procreate and eat and survive. So, tak dapat lah nak elak in any animal shows for them to learn about that aspect of life :-). As long as she didn’t think it took only 3 days in real life from mating to vaccination dah lah, hikhikhik….
The reason why we all makan dinner lambat malam ni was because I didn’t start cooking until 5.30. Actually I betul2 tak tau nak masak apa malam ni until pukul 5 baru decided nak masak nasi lemak. And masa tu lah baru nak blender chilli sebab chili boh dah habis, baru nak defrost the chicken nak buat ayam goreng, tu yang start masak lambat, hehehe.
I masak sotong goreng berkuah khas untuk Miss 7 (sambil tu we all pun bedal sama lah :-)), bila letak kat pinggan, meleleh kuah dia around the nasi. Tu yg nampak berair aje kat sebelah nasi tu.
The shredded lettuce tu was picked from our garden. Miss 7 cakap, “It’s the best lettuce I have ever tasted!” Budak tu memang selalu over, muahahaha. But I guess any sayur when they are freshly picked, memang lah rasa sangat sedap kan!
i pon suka docooooSS :D esp pasal the nature + science/technology. Nyaaammm.. sedap sangat. Miss 7 mmg suka makanan melayu ke LG?
ReplyDeleteHari tu pon i masak nasi lemak. sambal dia ada je lagi membeku dlm fridge tu coz i dah malas nak masak nasi berlemak. i ni cerewet sket, kalau takde nasi lemak tak lalu nak makan sambal. hubby i je yg bedal semua. =P
p/s: ni my username baru =) instead of aquahartz (blogger of ~SodaPunch&RojakBuah~, just in case u r asking). saja nak keep low key buat masa ini :P
Hahahahaha! Lawak la cerita U LG pasal 'mating' tu, tak dapat I bayangkan U and TOH menahan gelak.
ReplyDeleteOH! Sedap nyer nasi lemak U, dah meleleh dah air liur I ni, jap nak lap. Slurp ....
ReplyDeleteI know it's you but I heran gak apasal you tukar nick. I thought you nak jadi mcm Prince (the singer) yg guna symbol aje one time dulu, hehehehe.
Miss 7 tu memang suka makan anything and everything, tu yg badan dia ada extra fat, hikhikhik.
Kak Acik,
I tak tau lah dia paham ke tak maksud mating tu but we all malas nak tanya sbb malas nak explain, hahahaha...
mesti nak kata "sedap" jugak! :D
ReplyDeleteNasi lemak memang sedap esp kalau bungkus dgn daun pisang kan :-)
kak min: agaknya time miss 7 tgk tu mesti dia tertanya2..apa kebenda la yang rimau ni buat..hehheheh...mujur tak tanya lebih lanjut kan....
ReplyDeleteadoh i memang tersedak gelak bila terbayang rupa TOH bila Miss 7 sebut mating tu, kahkahkahkah!
ReplyDeleteHey...we love watching The Zoo too. Don't anybody dare change the channel when we're watching it. purrr....meow!
ReplyDeleteBudak2 skang ni bijak2..cepat betul dieorang pick up apa yang dieorg tengok..
ReplyDeletei documentaries ni kureng sikit bila part makan binatang lain. esp time kita tengah makan, adehh... but hubby mmg favorite dia national geographic & animal planet
ReplyDeletekih kih kih, comel! i'm pretty sure she doesn't even realise what it means.
ReplyDeletewah nak buat nasik lemak gak la pagi esok..huhuhu terliur tengok nasik lemak u
ReplyDeleteLG, I cant imagine how both of u sorok muka sambil tahan gelak ... I yg baca ur cerita pun x tahan.... so innocent little gurl!
ReplyDeletekak min, i x bayang lain.. i bayang u tgh tahan gelak je. hahaha... and the daddy was trying to make a straight face.. haha, I should watch his face too!
ReplyDeletekorang nie kelakar lah.
wahh..temptingnya nasik lemak tu... nak jugak...nak jugakk..!!
ReplyDeletehm....ayu pun suka tgk documentaries psl animal etc.mak n abah ayu lagi suka dorg tgk rancangan mcm tu lagi bagus dr tgk citer yg merepek2.hehehe....
ReplyDeleteainnur n faris suka tgk citer psl ikan2.aritu tgk majalah 3 psl turtle kat aquaria...ainnur bising bila ayu tukar channel.pdhal masa tu tgh iklan.isk...btw nasi lemak akak tu amat menyelerakan.yummy!!
Wah, dah boleh tuai hasil dari kebun. Boleh la makan sayur fresh selalu ye...
ReplyDeleteHehehe...nasib baik masa episode mating tu, we all tak tengok sama :-P
Dia masa tu muka seposen abis sbb tahan gelak sgt2, hehehe
You can join my girls then :-D
biasalah kan, bila dah makin bnyk channel TV yg boleh di tengok, makin bnyk lah 'knowledge' yg diaorang dpt, hehehe
I pun klu tgh makan, rasa tak best betul tengok doco animals kan. Kalau tengok doco about foods, memang lagi laju the food masuk mulut, hehehe.
she knows mating is what animals do to have kids but I think dia tak tau erti sebenar2nya, hehehe
Kalau I kat M'sia, I beli aje nasi lemak pagi2, hehehe
Kak Rose,
Nak gelak depan dia, tak boleh sbb nanti sure dia heran apasal kita gelak kan, hehehe
Sbb tu I menyorok cepat2 bila dia ckp mating tu sbb tak tahan nak gelak :-). Sian kat TOH sbb dia kena buat muka interested tanpa tersenyum sedikit pun, a very difficult thing to do! hahaha
Nasi lemak I banyak lauk, takde sayur, tu yg you suka ye! hehehe
Documentaries ni memang best sbb benda betul kan. Sambil tu boleh diaorang belajar about the world :-).
Cuma lettuce and daun ketumbar tu aje yg boleh dituai sbb cepat memebesarnya, heheh