Saturday, 24 July 2010


We went to Target tadi sebab starting from Thursday hari tu, Target buat their biggest Toy Sale. But tak sempat2 nak pergi Target until today. We knew that the toy that we were looking for would have been sold out so quickly on that Thursday itself, but we still went there anyway to go to their ‘raincheck’ counter.

I ingat lagi masa I awal2 sampai OZ dulu (zaman tok hek dulu), when my Aussie coursemates said to me, “can I take a raincheck on that?”, I akan terpinga2 because for the life of me, I had no idea what that meant. I was saying to myself, “what is it about Aussie and rain ni and why do they have to check on the rain?” Punyalah pening kepala I pikir pasal ni, hahahahaha. Until I asked a friend of mine what raincheck means, baru lah eden paham maksudnya! hikhikhik…..

To people who are not familiar with that saying, raincheck loosely means ‘to do it another day’. For example, when you invite a friend out for coffee you belanja and the friend says, “I’m so sorry but I’m really busy today but I’ll take a raincheck on that.” What she/he meant is that she/he would love to go out with you for coffee another time and she/he will definitely one day take up on your offer to belanja them. Selalunya, they’ll come up to you one day when they are less busy and say, “Is that coffee offer still on? Do you want to go now?” Hehehehe….

But I think other countries use this raincheck term jugak kan, not just kat OZ…

Anyway, so tadi we all pun pergilah ke the ‘raincheck’ counter and put our names on the toys yang dah sold out tu. What they’ll do is that they’ll take our details and the details of the toys we want and then when they get their next shipment of the toys, they’ll give us a call and we buy the toy dengan harga masa sale itu which is 50% off the RRP. Which is so cool right! :-). At least, when they do like this, orang tak lah marah bila the sale items they want are sold out. But they don’t do it all the time, cuma on mega sale days like Toy Sale ni. Sometimes bila diaorang buat sale benda2, you can see on the catalogue on the fineprint, ‘no raincheck on these items’. That means they won’t take raincheck order kalau dah sold out. They’ll say to you, “sapa suruh datang lambat sangat, kan padan muka dah habis!” Hehehehe….

But tak tau lah bila we’ll get the toys that we’ve ordered ni, the lady said probably mid to late September! Lama giler kan but ok lah tu sebab boleh lah jadi hadiah Raya, hehehe.

Dolu2, memang pening nak paham the Aussies and the unique words and sayings that they use but now, dah terer I, kahkahkahkah….. Cuma bila balik M’sia lah I have to make sure that I don’t use the OZ sayings sebab tak ramai yg paham OZ-talk ni unlike American-talk which ramai yang paham :-).

Malam ni, I masak 2 jenis dinner sebab The Other Half nak makan scrambled eggs and sausages for dinner and I maleh beno nak makan benda2 ni. I pun masak lah kuey teow goreng untuk I. Sebab I yang jadi chef kan, so tak kisah lah kalau chef mengada2 nak makan benda lain dari yang lain, hehehe


Ini dinner The Other Half and The Little Misses, breakfast for dinner.


Ini dinner I, kuey teow udang goreng.


JaJa'Z said...

boleh pulak ada raincheck cenggitu least tak la kempunan kalau ada bebudak nak toys yang dah sold out tu..

miralatiff said...

KakMin..mira pon tak tau ape maksud raincheck baru tau...thanks for sharing...hehehe.

Sriyana said...

wondering toys apa menjadi pilihan anak-anak u LG..hehe

dieya said...

americans also use the term "raincheck".. selalu je dengar dlm movies :-)

some aussie slangs that i find funny - maccas and sangers. when my friend once said she wanted to go to maccas, i was like apa hal tiba2 nak gi mekah pulak ni? :-D then only i figured out oh she wanted to go to mcD!

and sanger, my oh my i thought it was some kind of alcoholic drink coz it sounds so close to sangria! imagine my surprise when someone wanted to have it for breakfast, not knowing it was actually sandwich!

Lelord said...

Oooo...cenggitu ek...good2 pelajaran baru nih.


lemongrass said...

dia buat ni sbb tak nak kids kempunan lah. Kalau parents kempunan, lantak pi lah diaorang kan, hahahah...

I pun skrng aje yg dah terer guna word raincheck ni bila dah tau makna dia, hehehe....

Mommy Lily,
diaorang tgh giler2 nak main dgn Zhu Zhu pets. Kecik aje benda nya but kalau tak sale, harga $20!, tak sanggup I nak beli, hehehe...

Aussies ni memang well known sgt to shorten everything, tu yg McD jadi Maccas and sandwich jadi sangers, hahaha.
Umbrella jadi brollie, Breakfast jadi breakie :-). Malas sgt nak bukak mulut agaknya, hahaha

lemongrass said...

banyak lagi benda2 yg diaorang pandai2 aje pendekkan or bagi slang sendiri, hehehe

Dinas Aldi said...

Hehe memang itu maksud raincheck. dulu masa i primary school selalu dengar Americans use it on tv. zaman tu (zaman tok nadoq) kuat tengok tv, especially sitcoms macam Family Ties, Facts of Life, The Cosby Show, etc. It's how i learned the language & how to differentiate American English & British English. Oz English tak pandai pasal masa siri The Sullivans ada kat tv tu i kecik lagi, ingat2 lupa. Ternganga ja bila dengar, hehe

lemongrass said...

tu lah kan, we were/are so used to American english sbb majority of the sitcoms and fims semua from America. Tu yg bila I first time dtg OZ, susah sgt nak faham apa diaorang cakap, hehehe...
But now, bila dah duduk sini and dengar all these accentd from people fr merata dunia, I boleh lah tangkap where they come from slalunya :-).

Miz CanisTaL said...

raincheck... hem.. bljr bnda bru g ngan kak... toy apa la tu ye.. ;p

Anonymous said...

dulu i tak paham why some end their sentences with a 'but' or 'as' tapi takde sambungannya. actually till this day pun i tak tau.

raincheck? bright n shiny tadi :-)

Unknown said...

Been here for 12 years, never heard of that raincheck counter before. Kat mana ek, raincheck counter ni? Satu counter dengan lay-bys ke?

:: riha :: said...

Kak LG,
u masak apa pun nmpk sedap n i bet rasanya pun sedap...teringin nak rasa at least once...

erm, memasak ni selain bakat semulajadi dan minat, practice pun perlu jugak kan?...i ni beginner, lps dh keja jauh drp family, baru la nk blaja masak sendiri...tgk blog u, at least bg i smgt utk lebih tekun mencuba resipi...hehe

:: riha :: said...
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Natasha said...

back in california, we used that terms too... and bila i balik sini... i use it among my friends... and they understand. i think malaysian are way ahead now... hehehehehe....

Zaitun said...

Perkataan baru buat kak Zai.

lemongrass said...

Miz Canis Tal,
best jugak kan sekali sekala belajar perkataan baru ni :-)

Hahaha....I pun kadang2 tak paham jugak why they use certain words but after a while, you just accept it as their strange quirks :-).

dia cuma buat temporary counter tu masa Toy Sale yg mega2 ni aje. Slalunya right at the front entrance bila you masuk. Sale lain dia tak buat kot :-).

Mrs Rainbow,
Ada banyak benda yang I masak tak sedap or tak kena kat tekak we all, hehehe. Sallunya we all akan jamah sikit and then masuk cik tong lah.
I pun mcm you jugak, bila dah jauh fr family masa students and then bila dah ada family sendiri, baru lah 'rajin' nak masak and mencuba ni :-).

I guess for people yang selalu converse in English or slalu tengok tv, they'll understand this term kan :-)

Kak Zai,
Anak2 Kak Zai sure tau perkataan ni kan :-)

zeta said...

Perkataan baru utk sy..
Thanks..klu xbgtau..tah2 xtau smpi bila2..kikiki..

Ketiaw sedap..tgh teringin nk mkn char ketiaw ni..sedap2..Miss 6 xmkn ketiaw??