Sunday, 4 July 2010

A few more hours to go….

Esok my birthday but esok jugak I akan busy giler jadi Cinderella (hari2 jadi Cinderella tapi semalam, hari ni and esok memang kalah Cinderella lah) sebab Hari Selasa, our house will have its 3-monthly inspection. And pagi2 morning hari Selasa tu jugaklah we all akan start our long road trip. So, esok nak kena kemas and clean the house one final time (yet again!) and then nak kena packing segala tok nenek barang nak angkut gi Monkey Mia (minus the kitchen sink!).

We’ll be going up north for the road trip kan and the further from Perth the town is, memanglah susah nak cari halal food. And since we’ll be staying at self-contained cabins there, bolehlah I masak our own food instead of terpaksa makan vege pizza, fish n chips, seafood pasta at the restaurants all the time. Tu yang punyalah banyak barang/food yang I nak kena pack for the road trip ni. Alangkan bestnya kalau buat road trip kat M’sia kan, tinggal bawak duit aje penuh purse. Kan best kalau ada gerai jual roti canai, nasi lemak, kuey teow goreng, mee sup, pisang goreng panas, keropok lekor sepanjang2 the highway nak menuju ke Monkey Mia tu! Mau lah nanti, bertolak dari Perth berat cuma 48kg, balik ke Perth balik berat I dah 50kg! heheheheh….

Jadi, bila orang tanya I, “what did you do on your 40th birthday?”, I boleh cakap, “cleaning the house and packing!” What an interesting and memorable way to celebrate my 40th kan, hehehe. I’ll definitely tarik everyone out for dinner tomorrow nite so I can have a rest after a day of pretending to be Cinderella.

Malam ni I masak sempoi aje sebab nak menghabiskan the leftovers in the fridge. We’ll be having someone to house-sit our house when we are away so tu yang nak kena kosongkan fridge sikit. Kesian dia kalau terjumpa all these rotten food with mould in the fridge kan. Dah sahih2 dia tak nak house-sit lagi lepas ni, hehehe. So, I made mashed potato, steamed veges and leftovers sausages and schnitzel for The Other Half and The Little Misses. I pulak makan nasi and leftover kofta kari (from hari tu) and leftover sambal. (berapa punya banyak leftover stuff lah!). Nasib baik cuma kena kosongkan fridge sikit aje, kalau kena kosongkan freezer sekali, memang pengsan lah I!


Ini pinggan The Other Half and bila dia nampak the heaping mashed potato, he said, “I don’t think I can finish all that!” Alamat nampak gayanya, esok we all makan leftover mashed potato for lunch lah, hahahaha…

And Miss 11 pulak kata, “How come the broccoli is white?

Lerrr….. cauliflower dengan broccoli pun tak tau beza ke, hikhikhik. I guess sebab I ni memang jarang sgt2 beli cauliflower tu yang dia tak kenal :-).

The Other Half has just said to me, “Hey Love, only a few hours till you turn 40!”. As though I’m counting! Cissss………..


  1. Happy Birthday To You LG ! U turn to 40s, saya last two days sudah 36 but u look younger than me lah !!

    enjoy reading ur blog.

  2. kakak Cinderella...
    hati-hati ya nanti disana.
    and wish u HAPPY BIRTHDAY...

  3. U 48 kg...bagus :) I 48 kg dah tak hingat tahun braper coz nak kena belek2 buku sejarah..everytime u clean house for inspection, I will always wonder how fast the months have flown by..tsk tsk..oh ya adakah minus the kitchen sink itu bermakna u akan still bawa the batu lesung & batu giling? LOL!! have fun and happy bday lagik!!!

    P/S - cant help laughing that the word verification yg i dpt is hontu..ahakssssss..

  4. happy blessed birthday kak LG
    semoga tahun2 kedepan lebih hebat dan penuh kegembiraan serta berkah dr Allah

  5. Reen,
    Thank you for the wish and a happy belated birthday to you as well. I kan anak jawa, makan tempe selalu tu yg jadi awet muda mcm ex-MB Selangor tu, hahaha ;-)

    thanks :-).

    tu lah kan, I rasa baru aje I clean the house for inspection, tup2 dah 3 bulan! Time is definitely flying mcm Superman :-).
    I tak lah sejawa itu, mesti kena ada sambal kicap and batu lesung everywhere I go, hahahahaha.....
    p/s.. dia nak spell 'hantu' as in menantu hantu tp tak tau spell tu yg jadi hontu, kahkahkahkah

    thank you and amin ya rabbal al amin. Semoga doa you dimakbulkan Allah :-).

  6. kak Min,
    Happy 40th Birthday!! tak sangka akak dah 40, sy gok ingt akak early 30's lagi.hehehe
    semoga panjang umur and murah rzeki bukan utk akak je, utk husband n litle misses! hehehe
    may Allah s.w.t shower u and family with His blessing..

  7. happy birtday to u kak LG.. lepas ni kalau ada yang tanya umor akak cakap je baru 25.. ;)

  8. happy birthday ma'am, semoga penuh dengan keberkatan....have a safe journey and a 40th to remember

  9. eppi besday journey....

  10. Hepi besday, sis...Best jadi Cinderella ni..awal2, rasala kepayhannya..but, last2 happy ending..hehe...sonoknya...

  11. dear kak min..happy birthday in advance..semoga kehidupan akak dan keluarga bertambah sempurna, ceria dan happy selalu..

    have a safe update tak? hehhehe

  12. happy birthday dear min... welcome again to the club..jgn lupa submit borang tu ya.. semoga panjang umur dan sentiasa ceria dan happy bersama famili yg tersayang tu.. :)

  13. Kerry,
    hikhikhik...terasa muda belia pulak early 30s tu ;-). Thank you so much for the wish and doa.

    25 tu muda sgt you, definitely orang takkan percaya bila tengok wrinkles kat muka I ni, hahaha

    thank you for the wish and the doa :-).

    thanks for the wish n the doa :-)

    Sebab ada Prince Charming ye at the end tu? hehehe. Tapi, memang seronok tengok rumah bersih berkilat lepas penat menyental, hahaha...

    amin amin ya rabbal al amin. Semoga doa Jaja dimakbulkan Allah.
    My hubby suruh I update masa travelling dlm kereta tu! Dia pulak yg tetiba jadi blogger tegar, hahaha

    Kak Nor,
    thanks for the wish and doa:-).
    Psst...kalau tak isi borang, usia tak meningkat naik kan? Sentiasa sweet 39 aje? hahaha... Makin ramai lah ye ahli kelab KRS ni sekarang :-)

  14. Hi LG
    Mentang2 dah dpt $25, you are not counting the few hours to being 30.. ehh 40, eh?? hehe..

    Happy birthday n have a nice holiday. Salam

  15. Cik Som,
    what $25? Ohhhh, yang itu ka? Kahkahkahkah, saje2 buat2 lupa, mentang2lah cuma $25 aje ;-). Kalau $2500, hari2 I mention kat blog kot, hahaha...
    Thanks ye for the wish :-)

  16. have a great trip! u nk masuk 40 pun nmpk muda so x pyh fikir sgt. i ni 38 tp nmpk mcm 48 but still happy with myself. sejak lewat 20an lg org dh panggil i makcik, kahkah! mula2 terkejut tp dh lama2 tu dh biasa dh. lps ni i tunggu org panggil i tok pulak & celebrate occasion tu, ngeh ngeh

  17. akak kena la update blog..kena dengar cakap ur hubby..heheh..kalau tak berkurun la nak tunggu story2 akak..jgn lupa snap gambo banyak2..

  18. Dinas,
    Macam bila pergi pasar lah kan, semua penjual lelaki tu panggil I makcik or kakak. Kdg2 tu mcm nak hempuk aje diaorang bila sah2 nampak diaorang lagi tua dr I, hehehehe....
    I dah ada cucu sedara sepupu yg panggil I tok, sedihhhhh ;-)

    I ni kdg2 carsick bila kena baca dlm kereta. Pastu, dahlah pakai notebook yg kecik aje tu, lagilah poning eden nak menengok screen :-)

  19. KakMin..

    Happy Birthday to you! Age is just a number..yang penting akak still nampak mude and vouge gitu..

    Have a safe trip tau..kisses to Miss 6 and Miss 11..

  20. Assalamualaikum, Kak LG...act tadi saya menahan mata dan hati tak nak tidur since it just a few more hours to go kan..hihi..konon tak nak tidur nak tunggu jam 12, nak wish akak tapi nampaknya kena tidur gak..lambat lagilah jam 12. esok kena bangun awal, nak pergi sekolah..hihi..apa pun, kak..once again saya nak ucap Happy Birthday great 40...Moga panjang umur, dan terus menikmati rahmat dariNya..amiin...

  21. Happy birthday..

    Welcome to the 40 carats club...

  22. Salam,
    hepi birthday kak min!!!... enjoy your trip.. have a safe journey ok!..

  23. LG,

    Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful trip with your loved ones and enjoy! Travel safe!

  24. Happy Birthday Kak Min :-)

  25. Salam,

    Selamat Hari Jadi...Semoga murah rezeki,kesihatan yang baik, dilanjutkan usia dan gembira selalu. ur birtday sama ngan my youngest son. he is 13 today.

    All the best and be happy always..

  26. Happy Birthday LG!

    Kalau u tak mention u dah 40, sampai sudah i ingat u tua setahun dua je dari i..ohh..sila berbangga ok hehe.

    mmg kita kalau berjalan jauh ni, mmg segala mak nenek kena bawak especially halal food...sungguh heaven kalau berjalan2 kat Malaysia kannn??

  27. have a very happy birthday, cinds ;)

    not everyone gets to go on a road trip naik pumpkin carriage!

  28. angah, happy besday to u!malas nak sms,so thru blog pun ok kan.semoga panjang umur,murah rezki n heppy selalu.

  29. Happy Birthday to you and have a safe trip! Enjoy!

  30. happy birthday yang ke40 kak lg, moga panjang umo murah rezeki :)

  31. hai LG, selamat ulangtahun yang ke 20 semoga panjang umur,murah rezeki dan diberkati Allah selalu. Semoga selalu happy disamping keluarga tercinta n everything that u do...CHEERSS!!!!!

  32. happy 40th birthday LG...semoga panjang umur murah rezeki...happy happy selalu

  33. happy birthday kak min, semoga happy n berbahagia selalu bersama insan tersayang


  35. Happy Birthday LG!!! life begins at 40..betul erkkk...
    takde fairy god mother ke nak tolong birthday girl to clean the house...

  36. leftover pun nampak sedap..huhu
    oh happy birthday to you.. ^_^

  37. Happy 40th Birthday! Congratulation and I welcome you to 40s Club. It is new beginning...

    Me..dah 43 still sweet you know...perasan

    Next September, I have to host a special birthday party for my dear husband for his 50th birthday a.k.a 1/2 Century..LOL.

    I would like to see the gifts..D

  38. happy birthday! may allah bless you and your family!

  39. salam k.min...

    pekabo? 1st of all...ayu nak ucapkan happy birthday to u!!! moga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki & bahagia b'sama keluarga hingga akhir hayat.ucap in advance sbb takut esok t'bz mcm slalu.

    hm...psl gift card dr ur PIL tu ekceli ayu rasa sedih sgt.ntahla..tetiba ayu t'ingat kat my MIL & arwah FIL.sejak ayu kwin till now...dorg baru jejakkan kaki ke umah ayu skali je.tu pun masa raya n selps ank laki dia sound.n hadiah dr my MIL sempena masuk umah lps kawin is...kuali! kuali biasa tu...yg kaler silver tu.bkn yg canggih manggih tau.hahahaha....kesian ayu least dia bg gak dr takde lgsg.

    tp bila pikir2 blk...bagus gak dia xdtg umah ayu.buatnya dia buat sport check..mati ayu wwooo!!! hehehe...

  40. Salam LG,

    Happy Birthday to you. May Allah bless you and your family. You're such a beautiful person to your family and friends.

    Sorry, akak belum habis baca your posting...I need to wish you first! Hikhik! :-)

  41. To everyone,
    Assalamualaikum n G'day ;-). Thank you so much ye for the warm and thoughtful wishes that you guys berbaik hati ucapkan untuk I.
    Semoga Allah dengar segala doa2 all of you and makbulkan doa2 tu untuk I sekeluarga and also for you guys n families as well.
    You guys deserve all the happiness and the kindness in this world for being so nice to me even though you all tak kenal I sangat.

  42. Happy Birthday K.LG!! God bless and many happy returns ya! I wish you good health, wealth and happiness sentiasa (so that we can continue reading your celoteh yg best2 tu..hehe)

    Tanjoubi Omedeto!

  43. Hahaha kesian miss 11 confuse sikit. Tapi ada juga cauliflower warna kuning tau. Maybe itu yang miss 11 ingat kot.
