Monday, 5 July 2010

Happy 40th to me.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful, kind and warm wishes and doas for me on my 40th. Semoga Allah dengar dan makbulkan doa2 everyone. I feel so blessed with what Allah has given me from birth till now and will be forever thankful.

We are going out for dinner tonite so tu yang I buat entry petang2 ni :-). I said to The Other Half, “let’s go out for dinner or you can cook me dinner on my birthday.” Obviously, he chose going out lah kan, berjaya juga reverse psychology saya, hehehehe.

When The Little Misses woke up this morning, they straight away gave me birthday kisses and hugs and their card and their present.

I pun said, “Wow! What’s this in this big bag?” dengan muka terperanjat habis. (But actually, it’s quite difficult to act surprise when you are still in bed in your pyjamas, hikhikhik). And then acted even more surprised and terharu when I saw the present. Terus saje je I tanya Miss 6, “did you choose and buy this for me?” Dengan innocent nya dia menjawab, “No, Daddy did it for us :-)” If only diaorang tau, wehehehehe….

I actually wanted a pasta maker/cutter at first but bila fikir balik, I’m only going to use it at most 3-4 times a year. So, rasa malas pulak nak beli sebab tak tau nak sumbat/simpan kat mana dah. Pastu, berat pulaknya tu, sian kat anak2 I nak mengangkut hadiah nak bagi ke I, hahahaha. So, I The Other Half ended up buying a handbag for me. But before I he bought it for me, he said, “why do you need another 1 again? Haven’t you got enough?” Hish! Don’t talk talk like that lah, there’s no such thing as enough handbags! Muahahaha….

But I tak mintak yang mahal, sebab I ni allergic sikit lah dengan handbags mahal, hehehe ;-).


And then The Other Half pulak bagi hadiah yang dia ‘beli’ kan untuk I. Tahun ni kan, hadiah I semua beli sendiri, hikhikhik…. Itupun, The Other Half suruh I beli kan birthday kad I on his behalf. I put my foot down and said to him, “No way I’m going to buy my own birthday card! You just have to go to any shop and they’ll have 1!” Apalah!

Ini hadiah yang I needed…. Miss 6 kata, “Wow Mummy! You are lucky! You’ve got a gold watch!” Muahahaha, anak I tertipu :-).


I terpikat kat jam ni bila salesgirl tu kata, “you don’t need batteries for this watch. It runs on solar power.

Jam I yg my Dad beli when I graduated a looooong time ago dah kembali ke alam barzakh. Lama betul jam tu bertahan, memang sayang sgt2 kat jam tu tapi apakan daya, hayatnya cuma sampai tahun ni aje.

Pastu, jam Tag Heur Petaling Street I yang I beli about 7 years ago pun dah putus nyawa jugak. And yang cuma tinggal is my Swatch yang I beli 2 tahun lepas kot but battery dah kong. I malas nak tukar battery so tu yang I beli jam baru, kahkahkahkah. The Other Half kata, “You know that it’s much cheaper to change the battery than buy a new one, don’t you?” “Of course Love, but it doesn’t have the same excitement as buying a new one :-)”.

Satu lagi hadiah I tak beli lagi sebab tak tau lagi nak beli perfume apa. Rasanya tak banyak kot perfume yang harga dia $25 or less kan, hehehehehe…..


  1. HePi BesDay to U... HePi BesDaY to U... HepI BeSDay To U... HepI BesDaY To U.... :D :D

    Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, sentiasa gembira, senyum selalu di samping family tersayang.. Amin ya robbal alaminnn...

    wow... dapat adiah.. yeah yeah... muaahhss to U..

  2. salam min...selamat Hari Lahir..semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, dan dikurniakan anak yg comel lagi..belum tutup kilang kan?..hehehe...satu lagi semoga pandailah ambik hati ibu mertuamu itewww..tahun depan tambah lagi 2 kosong jadi 2500...hehehe

  3. selamat hari lahir kakak LG. semoge panjang umur murah rezeki.

    whoooaaa bestnye bestnye road trip.

    btw, nak tumpang tanye, kat perth ade malaysian hall takkk??? harbour town dekat perth is the biggest in oz kan kan? ehehe.

  4. happy birthday to you!

    kalau tak dapat perfume for $25.00 (kena tengok dua tiga kali tu before putting the dot in the middle), u beli je laa deodorant, confirm berbotol-botol boleh dapat :-D

  5. kak min: i wish my birthday celebration can be that way too..heheh..mine lagi 5 hari..hahha bertambah jugak la my age..anyway..handbag to so lovely..jaja suka colour dia..warna2 suci gitu...

  6. happy 40th birthday to u, may Allah bless u all the way bersama keluarga tersayang.... oleh okeh yo adiah e.. apik2 pulak tu.. kepingin aku!

  7. Hepi besday LG..40 tu still young what, masih berrrrgetahh...hahaha. Wanita dan handbag tak bley nak dipisahkan....mcm ni nak bukak kedai jual handbag juga lah, jenama Mat Gebu..erkk, tak bes langsung kann..hahahah

  8. kahkahkah how true, mana ada such thing as "enough handbags"! men! nak nyanyi lagu birthday haji bakhil utk u lah

    Allah selamatkan kamu
    Allah selamatkan kamu
    Allah selamatkan LLLLGGGGG (kena panjang sebab nak cukupkan harkat, kehkeh)
    Allah selamatkan kamuuuuuuuuu

    $25 tu pun kira banyak dah, kalau haji bakhil dia bg seringgit ja, kehkehkeh! happy birthday!

  9. LG

    happy besday!!have a great dinner tonite!!

  10. Otanjoubi omedetou.. glad that i came across your blog.. such a wonderful one..enjoy every tidbits.. may u will always be blessed by Allah...

  11. Salam kak LG,
    Happy Birthday,kak. Moga murah rezki, bahagia slalu bersama family trsayang dan tercapai sgala impian. Amin..
    La... saya dok intai2 mana gambar kak tengah buat2 surprise tu. hihi. mesti cun, kan? hihihi.
    Wah, tahniah dapat hadiah jam tangan. cantik... wink* wink*
    kak...kalu taknak 25au tu, bagi saya jer kak. cukup sebiji corelle tu. :D

    Malam ni, candlelight dinner ya? ;)

  12. Selamat Ulangtahun Kelahiran. Moga yang terbaik buat mu...

    Moga terus berbahagia, ceria sejahtera.

    Hmmmm bestnya dapat hadiah, tak kira ler pilih sendiri or tak surprise, asal ada, rasa best jer kan?

    Heheheheheh... tumpang gumbiraaaa!

  13. Happy Birthday LG @ Min,

    Semoga Allah memberi keberkatan dan rahmatNya di hari yang berbahagia ini, InshaAllah. Doğum günün kutlu olsun! *Hugs*

  14. Selamat Hari Lahir ..not a year older but a year better .

  15. salam mbak yuu! epi besdayy seng 40tahunn! malah tuek malah ayuuuuuu! kihkihkihkih....

  16. Happy Birthday dearie!!! Wish U all the best in Ur life....

    40? I can't believe that!!! Sweet! :D

  17. happy birthday kak LG

    semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki..

    road trip tu hadiah selepas jadi ala2 cinderella lah yer?
    balik sblm midnight ok? krg plinggg!!! tertukar custume plak..hihi

  18. happy birthday to u! may yr birthday blossoms into lotsa dream come true..

  19. happy birthday!!!!

    hik hik hik
    memang tak boleh blah la $25 tu....cepat2la pakai....

  20. happy birthday to you !!!

    May Allah bless u & ur family with happiness, here & hereafter.


    ps : dah boleh dapat anugerah pelakon harapan terbaik ni :p

  21. Happy bday kak min.. a year older, a year sexier eh.. hope you have a blast bday bash.. :)

  22. true..true..true.. "there's no such thing as enough handbags"... hahahaha..

  23. Hepy Besday Sis.. May Allah bless U & famly..

    Plez dun stop blogging coz I'll follow u till end...

    Enjoy ur day..

  24. Happy birthday to U...
    Moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. Dipermudahkan segala urusan, happy n bahagia selalu...
    Cantiknya handbag...

  25. happy birthday..hope sentiasa sihat dan bahagia disamping keluarga tercinta

  26. Salam...kak min,selamat ulangtahun kelahiran...kite dilahirkan pada hari yg sama tapi tahun berlainan nampaknya..hehe..semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan sentiasa di bawah naungan rahmat Allah...

  27. akak..hepi besday ya :D

    *dah lama jadi silent reader..huhu*

  28. salam,
    happy birthday:) moga sentiasa sihat,dipanjangkan umur,dimurahkan rezeki,dalam lindungan dan rahmat Allah dan ceria selalu! selalu org cakap life begins at 40 kan.(ke utk lelaki je?)

  29. happy birthday Sis LG. May Allah always bless U.keep on yor blog so much..

  30. Happy 40th birthday k. min...semoga dirahmati Allah selalu akak still cute aje..

  31. epi burfday yea Min..semuga Allah melimpahi rahmat dan kebahagian buat min,hb dan 2 cute gegirl...

  32. Happy birthday LG...semoga diberkati Allah, panjang umur, murah rezeki n ceria selalu. Psst...perfume kat chemist warehouse ok gakkan

  33. wow..40! tak sangka kan..masa begitu pantas berlalu.. :) selamat ulangtahun buat LG..semoga umur u panjang dan murah rezeki disamping keluarga tercinta..

    p/s mine..23 day je lagi.. :)

  34. Happy Birthday LG, semoga panjang umur,murah rezeki dan berbahagiaselalu...salam dari Intan

  35. Happy Birthday to lg, semoga Allah merahmati dan bahagia disamping suami dan anak2.

  36. wishing you a very happy birthday min. life begins at 40....betul ke? moga panjang umur, dilimpahkan rezeki dan dirahmati olehNya sentiasa...

  37. zum geburtstag viel glück kak LG... :)

  38. Happy Birthday LG!
    takpe kot wish banyak2 kali hehe..

    woww..cantik ur handbag..i like the color..masuk ngan semua baju kann..
    jam pun cantik..i pun, jam dah dekat 10 tahun baru ganti baru..

    dah siap2 nak ke monkey mia ke?? ke dah on the way??

  39. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU CIK MIN. Semoga cik Min dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur. Have a wonderful birthday and have a good time too. Manjakan diri anda .....yeah baby

  40. salam... Allah selamat kan kamu.... Allah selamat kan kamu.... Allahhh selamat kan... kak min LG... Allah selamat kannnn kamuuuuuuu.... selamat hari jadi..... semoga sentiasa hidup dalam keberkatan.... bahagia dunia akhirat.... panjang usia.... murah rezeki... aminnnnnnn

  41. happy birthday sis..semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan bahagia selalu =)

    nanti bile dah spend $25 tu jgn lupe ambik gambar n send to ur PIL..hehehe

  42. Happy Birthday again. Beg dah ada, jam dah dapat but to complement the bag you must a matching shoe. Why don't you spend AUD25 for a pair of matching shoes to go for a ball tonite. That would be

  43. Happy Birthday K.Min!!! mmmuuaaahhhssss....moga ceria slalu ye.

    hm...bila tgk jam akak,terasa mcm nak beli jam baru je.jam skrg yg ayu pakai ni jam hantaran kwin ayu.still elok tokleh nak tukar2 la sbb ada 1 jam je kan.yg lain seme dah arwah...bateri kong!!!

  44. Salam LG ... sila nyanyi yer

    Panjang Umur Nya
    Panjang Umur Nya
    Panjang Umur Nya serta Mulia
    Serta Mulia
    Serta Mulia ...

    Selamat Ulang Tahun , Semoga sentiasa dia dalam Rahmat, Perlindungan dan Kasih Sayang NYA. AMIN ;)

  45. hepi besday LG ..
    cantik no 40 tuh hehehee

  46. epi besday LG...
    pssttt....xnampak mcm 40 ponn...serius.. :-)

  47. Happy birthday akak... Sweet 20th.. Oppss.. 40th la. Hahahhaaa.. Moga bahagian bersama anak-anak & hubby tercinta hingga ke akhir hayat... Amin...

  48. ALLAH selamatkan kamu...3x (tang ni teringat Ahmad Nisfu nyanyi)

    tkde la tua sgt kalau banding dgn akak ni....
    best kan? dpt hadiah, walaupun beli utk diri sendiri..

  49. Happy Belated Birthday Min. Sorry lah terlambat nak wish. School holiday biasalah kan bz. Nice pressies. My birthday last month I still tak beli apa2 utk I sendiri. Selalunya hb I tak belikan apa2 sbb dia tau I ni cerewet tp dia bagi greenlight to spend money. Sampai la ni dia tanya why I tak beli2 lagi pressie. Actually I'm not looking forward to this birthday. I was your age long time ago. Tu sbb tak excited.

    Happy roadtrip utk you. This holiday we all tak gi mana2. Pening gak kepala nak entertain 2 restless monkeys at home right now....

  50. hepi besday kak min..
    semoga terus berbahagia bersama family...

  51. wah henbeg baru best..hehe

  52. Happy Birthday. Beg dah dapat, jam dah dapat. Since you are going for the Ball tonite and you don't have a shoes to match on. You have the AUD25, why not get one a pair of shoes then...

    Make sure you return home before the clock strike at 12.00.

    Have a blas birthday dinner, love.

  53. Happy birthday kak LG...semoga bahagia selalu.....

  54. wahhh bestnya dapat mcam2..
    i? tak ada siapa nak bagi mcm tu
    jam yang i pakai ni pun masa usia i 27 tahun..just imagine skrang usia i dah 40 tahun..huh lama benar... tu pun ex bf kasi before dia poie london sambung study..

  55. hapi b'day.....actually everyday i read ur blog but if i'm not wrong this is 1st time i leave my comment...

  56. Happy Birthday LG..selamat melangkah ke angka 40..i akan ikut u..on October..hehehe

  57. Kak Min, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Is doakan moga Allah panjangkan umur, murahkan rezeki dan berbahagia selalu disamping family tersayang...Aminnn..

  58. Selamat hari lahir LG, semoga sentiasa sihat dan gembira. Semoga semua impianmu akan menjadi kenyataan.
    Hepi..hepi..hepi birthday to you.

  59. happy belated bday min!!! semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati min dan family. semoga doa2 min juga dimakbulkanNYA!! cantik2 hadiah yg min dapat tu!!

  60. LG,

    Happy Birthday ye LG! And for many more to come! Wishing you happiness with your family!

    * Suma suprise gifts tuh cantik! :D

  61. happy belated birthday sis

  62. Happy belated birthday kak LG..lambat i wish kan..sebab..tenet tak izinkan.. anyway..semoga diusia 40 ni make your life much more better than before.

  63. Happy belated birthday sis! semoga sihat2 selalu dan bahagia bersama yang tersayang..

  64. Assalamualaikum and good day to semua,
    thank you so much for the wishes and the doas and the prayers. I caouldn't have wished for a better group of readers than you guys :-). You've made my 40th so much nicer by all the doas and the warm wishes that you gave me. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart.
    Blogger's comments being playing up for the past few days, so I'm not able to read a lot of the comments.

  65. Wah luckynya you dapat handbag & watch. Siap dengan gold watch lagi heheheh.

    Anyway, Happy Birthday to you semoga di panjangkan umur dan di murahkan rezeki :D.
