Friday, 2 July 2010

A road trip we will go, a road trip we will go…

Hari ni last day of the school term and lepas ni The Little Misses will be having a 2-weeks break. Its’s quite nice sebab our birthdays all coincide with the school holidays. Miss 11’s is normally during the end of first term holiday, then we all pulak during the winter holidays and Miss 6’s is during the end of term 3 holidays. Cuma The Little Misses lah kesian sikit sebab tak dapat celebrate at school, hehehe….

And this time, our Winter holidays will be a bit special because we are going on a road trip. Well, if you live in a state as big as WA ni, nak pergi kemana2 pun akan jadi a road trip!

We are going to Monkey Mia and Shark Bay (which is still in WA) next week which is about 900kms from our house. Kiranya macam Singapore nak pergi Perlis lah eh, hehehe. But kat M’sia ada PLUS highway and so many R&Rs which makes driving a breeze. Kat sini ni, our country highways are basically only 2 lanes jalan bertar aje and not many R&R’s along the way and max 110km/hr.The Little Misses dah tak sabar2 nak go on this road trip but the trip ke camp ground yang only 1 jam dulu tu pun dah kata lama, they will be so so surprise with this one, hehehehe….

Tapi takpe, we’ve got our bases covered to not let them get bored. They’ve got Nintendo DS to play with, portable dvd players to watch in the car, dvds to listen to, books to read if they are not carsick, toys to play with and each other to argue with! (yang last ni akan membuatkan Mummy and Daddy mengamuk lah kan, hehehe). We are also stopping at nice playgrounds along the way so everyone can stretch their legs. But most of the time, it will be just a lonnnnnnngggg stretch of nothing except wildflowers :-).

But we’ll be stopping at Geraldton on the way there for 1 night so it won’t be such a long drive. And then straight to Monkey Mia to see the dolphins and the dugongs and the stromatolites. Hopefully, the dolphins will come out to play while we are there. And then staying there for 3 nights before coming back home. This will be the longest trip we’ve ever done. Dulu pernah pergi south but cuma 4 hours driving aje.

Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait, hehehehe….

I almost forgot, Miss 6 went to a birthday party tonite, the theme ‘disco dance’! I thought of getting her an afro wig and then some sequin dress, but we ended up just buying a feather boa and sparkly skirt for her. Kesian dia tak menang hadiah ‘the best dress’ tadi sebab Mummy dia tak terer mencari baju2 ala 70’s, hikhikhik….

This was how she was dressed.


Her Daddy said, “show the peace sign since the people of the 70’s love to do the peace sign!” The Other Half kata her gear is not bright enough to be from the 70’s. I said to him, “the sparkly skirt and the feathers are good enough! what more do you want :-)


Ini pulak her pose when I asked her to do her disco moves. And obviously, she didn’t win the best dance competition either! Hahahahahahaha. She’s got 2 left feet just like her parents, hikhikhik…..

One of her classmates came as a rapper to the birthday party. I think she got the wrong decade lah kan, kahkahkahkah…

And since The Other Half ditugaskan menghantar Miss 6 to the party so he and Miss 11 went out for dinner while waiting to pick Miss 6 up again. I pun makan dinner sorang2 lah kat rumah tadi which was so cool sebab I could make kuey tiaw soup! hahahaha…


Kuey tiaw soup tapi I pergi tambah kacang goreng, bawang goreng, daun coriander and sambal kicap! hehehe


Only Miss 6 and I aje yang makan benda2 macam ni :-).


  1. HAVE A NICE HOLIDAY ...N ENJOY U TRIP THERE...:)..btw ur kuetiaw sup dah nmpk mcm mee soto plak sbb ade kacang nsambal kicap bagai...:)

  2. i plak yg x sabar nak tengok gmbr masa trip tu nanti, kehkeh! is it just me or does Miss 6 look taller in that outfit? wpun bukan gambar penuh tapi rasa macam dia nampak tinggi. or maybe it's the outfit?

  3. Kak..miss 6 dah besar..akak ada 2 anak dara yg lawa gitu..hee..hee..
    huhuhu..rindu dgn pose miss 5 yg dulu...

  4. Have a safe trip...& Njoy...pasal bergaduh adik-beradik dlm kereta tu perkara biasa kan?..hehe..teringat zaman saya kecik2 dulu..mcm tula bila saya dengan adik je berdua dalam mom n dad geleng kepala je..hehe...comeinya Miss 6 with baju 60 an tu...hehe...

  5. kn bawak bekal makanan banyak2 ni kak Lg, nak jalan jauh..hehehe..best2x..mkn2, tido..dalam kete..wakakaka

  6. jealous, jealous, jealous. been quite awhile since i last did oz road trips. maybe your hubby's right kot...big hairdo n cermin mata lalat missing...haha

  7. Salam LG :-D

    Enjoy your Road Trip & Have a Pleasant and Safe Journey. Amin.

    Miss 6 is so radiant! Love her poses!

  8. Kak Lg,
    Mak oi, 900kms..nampak nah WA ni besar kemain. Kalau kita kat SA ni dah sampai Victoria dah, drive lagi 100kms dah sampai Melbourne.

  9. woohooo...rambu ramba miss 6
    have a nice trip LG...

  10. Maybe she need a wig to win hehehe.

    Selamat bercuti k.

  11. Kaklong,
    thanks for the wish. I rasa pun lah, my kuey teow sup tu dah banyak menderhaka n patut dipanggil kuey teow soto, hehehe

    I definitely intend to update my blog along the way tp depends on malas or not lah kan, hehehe.
    Miss 6 dlm gambar nampak tinggi but bila orang jumpa dia kat luar, they are so surprised to see that she's so kemetot like me, hahaha.

    Masa diaorang baru lahir dulu, rasa lambat sgt nak besar but tiba2 dah nak dekat 7 and sorang dah nak masuk high school, hehehe

    Thanks. I rasa maybe the first 2 hours diaorang tak bergaduh lagi kot, but bila dah keboringan duk dlm kereta tu, mau lah we telinga we all yg bingit nanti. Pergi n balik sekolah yg kejap aje tu pun kdg2 boleh gaduh! hehehe

    hahahaha....tau aje kamu ye :-). List food yg I nak bawak dah sepanjang lengan! wakakaka....

    That's what my hubby's dream is, to travel around OZ in a campervan one day. I don't know if we can stand being cooped up that long! hehehe

    Mia's Mom,
    That's what happens in Winter, the rosy cheek due to the cold house, hehehehe...
    Thanks for the wish :-).

    WA is 1 big state kan :-). We all pernah drive from Melbourne to Adelaide non stop overnight and boy, that was so tiring!

    I tak tau lah decade ke berapa rambu ramba tu, hikhikhik...
    Thanks for the wish :-)

    Definitely she would have won kan if I got the wig for her ;-)

  12. Terujanya dengar perkataan Dolphin. Ayang suka sangat dolphin. Teringin sangat nak tengok. Emm.. nak join boleh..hehehehe..
    Kak min, nape eeh, apa akak masak nampak sedap je... Bila nak jemput ayang gi makan? Kuang kuang kuang...

  13. wahh..nak pi holiday! mesti best!! enjoy urselves n happy bday in advence utk min sekeluarga.hihi

  14. Salam kak LG,

    kuewtiaw soup tu nmpk sedap betul dgn ayamnyer yg cenggitu...meleleh air liuq ni..ihihihi..saya rasa betul2 x sabar nak baca n3 akak psl journey n activities at monkey mia tu...ekeke...

  15. Salam LG.

    Seronok nyer nak pergi bercuti. Nanti hambik gambar banyak banyak yer. I pulak yang tak sabar nak dengar cerita U.

    Miss 6 ...sangat comel. Suka sangat. Kalau U pakaikan rambut palsu Afro dengan Spek Itam yang beso agak nyer boleh menangkan kut. Hehehehe

  16. Happy Holiday! Jangan lupa ambil gambar and share with us ya.

    For your dinner, you are typical javanese... keep it up. I like.........

  17. Ayang,
    Kat Perth ni banyak river dolphins and selalu jugak nampak. Dolphins yg we all nak pergi tengok ni sea dolphins, tu yg tak sabar sgt :-).
    Gambar aje nampak sedap, tp kdg2 tak lah sedap mana, hahahaha

    Kak Ain,
    Best kan sekali sekala pergi holidays ni, yang tak best nya packing adn unpacking lah, hehehe.
    Bday I this Monday and then hubby pulak the Saturday lepas tu :-).

    I suka tengok kuey teow sup yg ada ayam racik2, lagi I rasa meleleh2 tengok, hehehehe.
    I rasa kan road trip yg panjang ini sure nya akan mengajar we all erti kesabaran, hahahahaha...

    Kak Acik,
    Salam. You all dah pergi bercuti kat East Coast, turn I pulak cuti2 makan angin :-).
    Tu lah kan, sayang betul tak belikan dia afro wig dgn spek hitam tu :-)

    thanks for the wish and insyaAllah we'll take loads of photos :-).
    I cukup suka combination daun ketumbar with kacang goreng and sambal kicap tu :-).

  18. kuetiau sup dah macam kuetiau soto

    selamat ber-road trip! :)

  19. KOG,
    I think kan I nak makan soto actually yg siap dgn nasi impit n bergedil tu. Tapi disebabkan mood tak berapa rajin, tu yg jadi kuey teow sup+soto, hehehe

    thanks :-).

  20. Salaams Min, Have a safe trip and Enjoy. Mis 6 so cutelah dgn rambu2 and hairstyle.

  21. Kak Jamelah,
    salam. Thanks ye for the wish. InsyaAllah, we'll enjoy the very long road trip :-).

  22. LG,

    Ahhhh! Have a wonderful trip and travel safe! Jangan lupa ribuan gambo2 ye :D

    * Tergelak tengok Miss 6 pose cucuk bulan. Very the kiut gitu!

  23. road trip? sounds great...kat sini kalau nak balik johor dari penang, kami berenti sekali je..trip pun buat malam so the boys will sleep along the way..hehe

  24. Askom akk..
    anna br nk khatam akk nyr blog huu...part y anna suka akk nyr kebun best sngt au n anna tertarik dgn gift card akk...erm dgn duit 2 akk bli kn biji benih tuk kebuh akk ker baja ker moga mn au akk bli baja subur la hbgn akk n MIL akk...

    akk nsb ktr samer la huuu
