Tuesday, 16 February 2010

One step closer to being.. oops… owning a Ninja

Bangun pagi tadi, The Other Half was so excited sebab he’s finally getting his riding lesson today. Dia ni tak pernah ride motorbike yang guna clutch and gear ni, motor vespa scooter dia dulu was fully auto. Dia cuma masuk kunci and pusing and then tekan accelarator and tekan brake, itu aje :-). So, pagi tadi he was so excited but nervous at the same time sebab takut kena gelak dengan instructor tu. I said to him, “Don’t worry too much. Even the young kampung kids in M’sia learn to ride motorbikes in such a short time, you can do better than them :-).” Kat kampung I kat Ijok tu kan, tiap2 petang aje memang lah penuh dengan budak2 sekolah vrooming on their motorbikes from one end to the other. They make it look so easy kan.

I pun dulu, lepas aje abis SPM sementara menunggu result, I dah ditugaskan jadi supir hantar my Mak and my little brother to school on a motorbike. Masa tu lah baru kelam kabut I belajar naik motor my Atuk and terus kena jadi supir tak berlesen, hehehe. Masa tu we were staying kat rumah Arwah Atuk sebab Arwah nenek baru meninggal and takde sape yang nak jaga Arwah Atuk so since rumah we all yang paling dekat dgn kampung, my parents lah kena jaga Atuk. Tu yg I lepas abis SPM terus jadi bibik separa Indon and jadi supir kat rumah Atuk tu… But seronok jugak belajar naik motor masa tu sebab rasa macam one of the kampung folks, hehehe.. But if you were to ask me to ride a motorbike now, rasanya tak boleh kot sebab I dah lupa after more than 20 years tak naik :-).

Anyway, now The Other Half is complaining that his thighs are so sore after riding non stop for 2 hours, hikhikhik.. I cuma gelakkan aje sebab dia yang beria nak belajar ;-). When I asked him how it went, he said, “Ok but there’s still so many things I need to learn!” The instructor tu kata that he will need probably about 4 more lessons before he can sit for his test and he’s already booked the test at the end of March so he’ll probably do 1 lesson a week. Pastu he said to me, “I can’t wait to go bike hunting in Mid March so I can get my bike as soon as I pass the test.” Test tak pass lagi tapi motor dah nak beli, hehehe.. And yes, he is still yearning for the Ninja! And most probably, he’ll get what he wants. So, lepas ni, kenalah I belajar pakai skin tight jeans, high heel boots, leather jacket, buat rebonding rambut semata mata nak jadi Bike chick, wakakakaka…. Tak kuasa I, hehehehe…

Malam ni for dinner, I wanted to make chicken bake but bila dah nak start masak baru lah I terperasan ayam sudah habis maa! So, terpaksalah tukar haluan and masak mince instead. Fikir punya fikir I pun masak lah meat pie.


Orang lain ambik gambar, diaorang make sure kain alas tu semua dah di iron dulu. I ni main capai aje table cloth dlm linen cupboard tadi yg so crumpled, hehehe…


My meat pie tu takde base, cuma top aje I letak puff pastry. Pastu makan dgn cheesy toast and salad. The filling tu I letak onion, garlic, beef mince, curry powder, tomato puree, tomato paste, worcesteshire sauce, powdered chicken stock, diced carrot and peas. But I masak dulu the filling on the stove top so tak lah takut kot2 tak masak dlm oven tu.


  1. Salam LG, Wah! bagus la U bagi semangat kat TOH :). Kalau Mat Rempit boleh, your TOH mesti boleh punyer! I dulu pun masa tunggu result SPM, merasa lah jugak jadi supir bawak motosikal hantar adik pergi sekolah ugama.

    Pie U tu nampak sangat sedap, nyum nyum ;)

  2. wahhh..bestnya nak beli ninja!! akak doakan semoga ur other half pass the test n pas tu beli the ninja!!

  3. hehe. tell your other half, cutenye dah tua2 baru belajar bawak motor guna gear & clucth. hehehe... kalo kat m'sia nih budak sekolah rendah pun dah tau bawak motor. gear, clutch and all...siap boleh buat willy lagi!

  4. auchhhhhhhhh teringin i dgn ur food tu, i kene pegi perth ni :p

  5. Kak Acik,
    Salam.wahh, kita ni serupa lah ye, lepas SPM terus kena jadi supir, hehehe.
    TOH nya cita2 lepas ni nak jadi 'superman' mcm Mat Rempit kat M'sia tu yg baring flat atas motor dia. I said to him, "diaorang kurus, takde perut, bolehlah lie flat!" Wehehehe.

    Kak Ain,
    tu lah you, tak larat I dengar dah dia dgn ninja dia tu. So tu yg I bagi green light untuk dia.
    I pun hope dia pass lah test dia tu sbb sekali test will cost $123 :-).

    tu lah kan, dah tua2 ni baru nak belajar bawak motor. Budak2 sekolah kat M'sia semua terer bawak motor, hehehehe

    Jom2 dtg Perth but nake sure you bawak the snow fr Brighton ye sbb we all teringin nak tengok snow, hehehe

  6. salam kak min! lawak lah ur hb rupanya baru nak emk test haha... takpe ramai yg doakan semoga lulus ameen!

    best nya pie tu tapi kak cukup ke zahra tu? if alia sure lah takpa kan...well adik boolat tuh kan gebu sikit so mkn pie ni i mcm tertanya2 dlm hati pulak cukup ke idak le ;))

  7. Hi Min,
    Sorry lama tak bertegur sapa..I busy giler ngan beberapa project ka kerja..anyway your pir looks yummylicious..I must try it.
    Even this long weekend kat sini for CNY hols pun I duduk depan lappie banyak drpd kerja lain...
    Take care and catch up soon

  8. LG,

    Wah.. kemas bersih sungguh meat pie tuh! Kalo saya buat, mesti dah sememeh membuak2 keluar juicenye. :D

    *So dah decide on being/buying a Ninja la nih? Bagus2. :D

  9. Salam LG :-D

    I harap TOH berjayalah dapat lesen - ya lah... alang2 dapat sore thigh biarlah berbaloi, kan? Kiranya you dah bagi approval for him to get the Ninja ya?

    Wow.... Sekali-sekali berangan jadi bike chick, OK je :-D Anyway, kalau dah pakai leather jacket, knee-high biker's boots (what about biker's leather rusksack?) tu dah ada gaya2 fesyen musim sejuk kat sini dah tu - kiranya macam achieve 2 goals in one...hehehe...

  10. Isteri mithali mesti jugak sesekali jadi biker Chic...temankan yr hubby tu...he he ...

  11. LG,
    All the best to your Other Half for his bike test and to you for tolerating the Bike fever..hehehe.

  12. Rempit PERTH in the making...hehehhehe

  13. Maryam,
    kat OZ ni majority orang takde lesen motor sbb they straight away ambik lesen kereta when they turn 18. Bila dah mature/berusia sikit baru diaorang ambik lesen moto :-).
    Semlm Zahra tak sihat so dia tak mkn bnyk, I buatkan pie yg kecik2 utk diaorang, hehehe...

    How are you? Kesiannya you busy sgt2. Make sure you get enough rest ye, nanti sakit pulak.. Take care!

    mcm mana tak kemas, isi dlm tu tak penuh, wakakaka...
    Tu lah you, I nak jadi Ninja chick ni :-D!

    Mia's Mom,
    salam... Belum bagi approval 100% lagi sbb dia tak bentang lagi kertas kerja utk dapatkan Ninja tu, hehehe ;-).
    Kalau I duk kat UK yg sejuk tu, OK lah klu jadi bike chick. Ini duk Perth yg panas so memang susah sikit lah nak pakai knee high boots tiap2 masa :-).

    thanks :-)

    wehehehe... Dah semestinya akan jadi isteri mithali ;-)

    Kak Yati,
    nasib baik lah dia nak beli bike ni untuk ride pergi balik kerja. Klu setakat utk melaram weekend aje, memang nya lah I tak benar kan :-).

    Itu yg I tak sanggup nak tengok tu! Sure mcm circus aje kan! wahahaha...

  14. salam min.. 2nd photo cantik.. makin hebat dah tuhh dr dslr :)

  15. Kak Nor,
    salam... hikhikhik...
    Alhamdulillah, ok lah banding dgn dulu but bnyk lagi nak kena improve, hehehe

  16. weee..

    terjumpa blog ni hari ni..sangat suka baca..tengah dalam usaha nak khatam kan.

    luv ur blog~

  17. Hi LG..baru jumpa this blog today..tak taw la tp ur stories make me feel happy :) thanks ye LG..I wish u'll be happy forever with TOH n the little misses for ever after
