We had our first Parent Teacher meetings at the school petang tadi. But it was just a general meeting with all the parents not individual meeting lagi. So, kiranya dapat lah we all tahu how the teachers conduct each class, sebab each teacher has their own special way of teaching the kids and also what they expect the kids to achieve throughout the year. For new parents like us, memang wajib lah kena pergi meetings ni sebab masa ni lah nak tau all the rules and regulations and the way the school operates. And masa ni lah konon2 nya nak make sure the teachers kenal who we are kan :-)).
Macam kat old school dulu, they really discourage parents coming to help with readings in the morning. Tak tau lah kenapa, maybe diaorang takut kot we all nampak all the teachers’ kelemahan. Miss 6’s teachers last year, memang tak ‘suka’ bila parents masuk kelas and nak tanya diaorang soalan. They looked like they didn’t have the time to talk to us. But it’s only her teachers last year aje yg macam tu, yang lain tu OK.
But kat sekolah baru ni, they really want and appreciate when parents help to do morning readings. Masa I kat Adelaide dulu, when Miss 10 was in Reception and Year I, I selalu jugak tolong with the kids’ reading in the morning. Our jobs were just to listen to the kids read and then help them with the words yang diaorang tak boleh baca or yang diaorang sangkut and explain the meaning of the words kalau diaorang tak paham. Alah, bukannya lama pun kena tolong, around 15 minutes aje :-).
And with Miss 6’s allergy, kat sekolah baru ni, I had to fill in 5 forms in regards to her allergy, plan of treatment and macam2 lagi lah. Kat sekolah lama dia dulu, bila I tanya about what I needed to do in regards to her allergy, no one could tell me what the correct procedure is. Borang pun takde yang I nak kena isi because no one knows what the correct form is! I guess lain padang lain belalang kan :-). But most probably the truth was, diaorang a bit slack and tak cekap kot. Oh well, I’m so glad they are not there anymore!
For dinner tonite, I made baked chicken and sweet potatoes. Chicken tu I marinated dgn maple syrup, tomato sauce, balsamic vinegar and mustard. Ok lah rasa dia :-). We all makan dengan ‘orange pasta’ which is actually sauteed carrots and also white bread.
Cantik kan the carrots bila buat mcm tu. I dapat idea from the Woolies advert kat TV, hehehehe…
warrghh.. menu akak ni sangat2 simple. kenyang ker kak? ni kalo jiya mau 4 kali makan... caya ndak??? hehehe
ReplyDeleteso yummy..nmpk simple tp kalau xtau buat ssh gak kan.hehe..btw, salam perkenalan
ReplyDeletesalam, LG...I pun perasan orange pasta tuh masa nengok iklan tadi. Memang teringin nak buat. Tetiba you yg buat dulu hehe.
ReplyDeletekat oversea, allergic kids nie kan selalunye dia focus. tak semua schools rupanye. :)
ReplyDeleteehehe, laju jeee try recipe baru! :D
salam kak min, dah lama tak singgah blog akak..hermm, kalau masuk sini sure perut saya akan berlagu2 lapar..aduishhh, tak tahan sungguh nampak makanan tu semua;)
ReplyDeleteGood Idea on the orange pasta. Gotta try it.
ReplyDeletehaah la kak, bila baca comment jiya, saya pon pikir benda sama. hahahaha kenyang gupanye. bandan pon senang nk maintain yer
ReplyDeleteKat US pun mcm gitu jugak...about the schools, I mean. Klu public school they welcome parents involvement. Yg lain tu hmm...boleh garu kepala sometimes, hehehe.
I think sekolah mat salleh ni mmg strict pasal allergy n volunteer work. Kat AIC pun so far I pernah sekali je buat volunteer. Yg selalu kena suruh, ialah buat kek utk bake sale. Tu saja. So far cikgu2 budak2 ni ok ok belaka. Mcmana tak ok, mommy dia selalu je kaypoh2 kat sekolah.
ReplyDeletebc blog akak ni mcm2 sy tau ttg prosedur sekolah kat sana..siap parent pun bleh participate ek..hemm..menarik gak tu..pastu dinner tu n yg sebelum2 ni nmpak menggoda sgt..yummy!!!
ReplyDeletesalam min. kat skolah cucu auntie pun parents boleh participate misalnya as assistant teachers. ramai juga yg take part.sedapnya dinner you... carrot tu cantiklah macam pasta pula.
ReplyDeleteSalam LG..
ReplyDeleteselalu jenguk ur blog baru hari ni nak tinggal jejak..
eh, sama lak ngan sekolah my kids, semalam pun ada parent teacher meeting.
Pasal allergy tu i tgk since diorg kinder apa yg diorg buat cuma tulis kat kitchen, list budak2 yg ada allergy dan diorg ban semua food yg ada traces of nuts. Kat primary school plak..diorg takleh share makanan.
kak LG,
ReplyDeleteit's awesome to be a part of your kids' learning process kan? gives you the bond and all. i love schooling in western countries. because parents dont just send the kids to school. they take part in teaching their kids!
best wishes for your family.
baguslah kalau parent digalakkan utk take part dlm proses pembelajaran ni. kat sini parents tak suka sgt bab2 nak sama2 ajar anak2, dia org lebih suka bab2 nak cari salah cikgu.hehe
ReplyDeletedinner u nmpak so simple, tp so drooling!!!!
ReplyDeletekenyang weh makan macam ni. But kalau my Abah yg dah biasa makan nasi mkn mcm ni, mau bangun tengah malam kelaparan, hikhikhik
Merah baldu,
salam singgah to my blog. I rasa western food ni lagi senang nak buat banding dgn masak lauk pauk, hehehe..
Memang nampak sedap kan that Mum masak tu yg I pun cuba. It was really delicious actually. Memang tak rasa mcm carrot langsung, hehehe
dia tengok school jugak lah. but most schools memang very aware with allergies ni.
salam..kena makan kenyang2 dulu baru masuk sini next time :-)
I used potato peeler to grate the carrot. Then sauteed it with olive oil, garlic n a squeeze of orange juice. My girls makan habis you, hehehe
Maybe sbb dah biasa kot tu yg boleh kenyang. But klu you dah biasa makan nasi hari2, tak tertelan kot, hehehe
Kak Yati,
macam2 schools, macam2 kan perangai the admin and the teachers :-). Sabar aje lah, hehehe
I pun dulu kat LIC, asik2 kena buat cakes for bake n sale jugak. Mula2 I kepah2 gak but lepas tu bila geram aje diaorang buat tak layan, malas terus I! :-)
lain negara, memang lain betul kan education system dia :-). I rasa kat sini tak se hectic kat m'sia which is nice for me lah.
Auntie Meriam,
best lah sekolah tu ye sbb kita as parents ni kan, lagi suka kalau dpt involved dgn sekolah tu. Baru lah rasa mcm sayang sekolah kan :-).
thanks ye sbb sudi baca my blog. I guess schools yg ada severe peanut allergy, memang kaan ban all nuts in that school. Kat their new school ni, they haven't banned it yet sbb takde kids yg ada severe allergy lagi. But sharing food still boleh but my kid knows not to share food with anyone because of her allergy.
that's right. We like to know what's going on daily at school and with this new school, they are really good in letting us know about all those small details :-).
Kak Ain,
kat sini pun ada gak parents yg depend entirely on the teachers to teach the kids, pastu blame the teachers bila kids tak pandai baca or problematic, hehehe
Your girl ada allergy?, Allergy with peanut ke?. Ya memang susah kalau you kids ada allergy.
ReplyDeleteItu lah juga i suka my kids school. The parents can came to they school anytime if your kids ada apa apa masalah.
ReplyDeleteModerate peanut allergy aje, not life threatening which is good.