Monday, 15 February 2010

Monday ramblings

I tanya The Other Half semalam whether he had a fixed set of menu when he was growing up. Lebih kurang macam Sunday nite is roast chicken nite, Monday nite is pasta nite, Tuesday nite is Lamb chops nite and so on and so on. He said he can’t remember most of what his meals were like when he was growing up but he can remember having one pot pasta meal which his Mum loved to cook which he really hated and still hates and having loads of baked beans which makes him hates baked beans now. Tu sebab our household tak pernah ada baked beans and I tak pernah masak baked beans, hehehe. Even though kat OZ ni ramai yang suka makan baked beans on toast anytime and anywhere :-).

But he still remembers going to his Nenek sedara’s house and having the typical English style meat and 3 veg with lamb chop, boiled potato, peas and boiled cabbage all the time! He said Nenek sedara dia ni kalau boiled cabbage memang sampai kobis tu transparent abis lah and boleh nampak on the other side, hikhikhik. Sayur ruji kat rumah Nenek dia tu peas and cabbage aje lah sebab sayur2 lain tu kiranya sangatlah exotic including carrot :-).

Pastu dia tanya lah I what were my meals like when I was a kid. I said to him, of course lah rice, rice and more rice hari2 for lunch, what else was there anyway, hehehehe. Bila dinner barulah kadang2 makan mee or kuetiaw but selalunya leftovers from lauk pauk lunch. I rasa masa I dah besar sikit kot baru lah I jumpa burger and fries ni sebab duduk kampung kan. Tapi masa kecik dulu tu, makan nasi hari2 pun tak gemuk kan so nampak sangat lah bukan sebab nasi tu yang menggemukkan :-).

I guess in our household, makanan yang memang I gerenti akan masak weekly would be pasta and potato. Nasi tu tak tentu sangat, kadang2 twice a week, kadang2 once a week and kadang2 once every fortnight. But yang gerenti nya, I memang tak boleh masak nasi hari2 sebab memang akan ada lah yang meng komplen nanti. Tapi kalau masak potato hari2 takpe sebab The Other Half kata potato boleh buat macam2 cara, roast one day, mashed the next, fries after that, hash brown pulak lepas tu :-). Nasi pun boleh buat macam2 cara sebenarnya weh, cuma I guess tekak dia aje yang tak boleh nak telan nasi hari2, hehehehe. I boleh masak nasi ayam on Sunday, risotto on Monday, sushi on Tuesday, nasi goreng on Wednesday, pilaf on Thursday, paella on Friday and then buat rice pudding for dessert on Sunday, hahahahaha. Baru lah masa tu terkulat2 muka semua orang nak makan dinner :-).

Another dish yang I terpaksa masak most week is pizza. Kalau dah seminggu tak makan pizza, mesti The Little Misses akan mintak. Which was what Miss 10 asked for last nite. So, I pun malas nak fikir 2-3 kali, buatlah pizza for dinner tonite and everyone was happy :-).



frankfurt n pineapple pizza.


  1. rainoserez,
    rice pudding ni memang betul2 english food lah especially during their olden days boarding school. Lebih kurang mcm the indian kheer lah :-).

  2. oohh.. i tak penah mkn pon, u penah? apa kata u try buat? hehe.. then letak pic kat sini, i bleh tgk, kalau nmpk mcm sedap, i mintak resepi kat u, hehee..

  3. aarla kak
    nk tgk gak rice pudding tu cmne
    pizza tu napak sedap
    newey malam ni hasni try ur muesli resepi
    tgah mnunggu hasilnya
    tanx kak for da resepi

  4. pizza mu itew nmpk sungguh menyelerakan...

  5. ohhh ngences tgk pizza itu!!!!!!!

  6. Salam LG:-D

    I baru balik kelas ni - buka blog u cerita pasal makan dan makanan - fuhhhh.... terus I rasa lapar tahap Avatar! :-D

    LG, macam mana lah nak gemuk walaupun makan nasi hari2 masa kecik dulu - aktiviti harian pun melampau jugak rasanya - macam I, tiap2 hari ikut my brothers pergi memancing la, memanjat pokok la, naik basikal ke hulu ke hilir dan paling extreme I pernah buat main api - sebab apa extreme? Sebab kena kejar keliling rumah dengan my Mum - kalau berhenti kang, tentu2 I kena teruk punya - hehehe. Nasib baik sekarang time kita jadi Mak kita lebih sporting kat anak2, kan? :-D

  7. salaam, kak LG.
    Seronok membaca penulisan org lain dlm dunia blog ni sbb dapat ilmu. Hai..haaii...macam2 cerita makan dari rumah akak ni..i looiikkee!

  8. LG,
    Pizza you sungguh mengancam! Memang kids dengan pizza tak boleh dipisahkan. I tabik u boleh makan nasi just 2X seminggu...for me that is ibarat puasa dah tu..anyway, my blog is UP..visit me at AN EVENING IN KGDALE....

  9. Mynn,
    Pizza tu you buat dgn franfurter kan, and not sausage - where can i find frankfurter in Perth? Dah tak larat nak telan sausage dkt sini. My kids pun dah tanya nak makan frankfurter, but I dont know where to get them.

  10. bestnye pizza :) u really have the skills at kitchen right?? :)..

  11. Dear,
    been ur silent reader for a while...tapi arini kena bersuara sebab ur food mmg mengancam ok....can i hv the pizza recipe? :)
    p/s btw, bila u letak gmbr western food tu, letak la sekali resipi nyer...boleh ler org mesia ni try..

  12. Rainoserez,
    I pernah makan rice pudding but I tak suka sgt so tu yg I tak pernah buat, hahaha. But my hubby suka so probably I'll make it one day just for him :-D.

    how's the muesli? Bolehlah lepas ni you makan breakfast sambil jln gi lecture hall ye,hehehe..

    thank you :-)

    abislah basah keyboard itu ;-)

    Mia's Mom,
    salam.. Lain kali lepas balik fr lecture, terus gi fridge and makan s'thing dulu, hehehe.
    I pun dulu masa kecik, memang jarang ada kat rumah, naik basikal dr pagi sampai petang pastu panjat pokok, main masak2, main kejar2, tu yg sekeping aje kan unlike now :-)

    Salam..tu yg kadang2 leka blog hopping kan sbb asik sgt membaca sampai terlupa kerja lain :-)

    Kak Yati,
    Nasib baik lah I pun jenis yg tak suka sgt makan nasi hari2 so tu yg boleh ngam dgn tekak2 mat saleh kat rumah ni, hehehe..
    Finally blog you dah di kemas kini ye :-)

    I beli dekat Carousel meat yg shop dia kat Cannington on Cecil Ave on the way to the train station. Frankfurt yg I beli ni yg ada red skin tu, is it the same ones yg you've been looking for?

    The poetry rhymes,
    Nak kata I ada skills in the kitchen, tak jugak because there's so many things yg I tak reti masak, hehehe

    thanks sbb sudi singgah my blog :-). With pizza, I slalunya tak guna resipi yg sama, I ubah2 ikut mood. But pizza yg ini, for the dough/pizza basa I ikut resipi
    The toppings pulak ikut apa yg ada dlm fridge.

  13. Sama lah dengan my hubby tu hehehe. He say his mom tidak pandai masak veggie hehhe. she always boil the veggie without any perasa. He say,u imagine almost everyday!, hahaha. kesian dia.

  14. SJB,
    probably a lot of english-descendent people are like that kot compared to the ways Asians cook their veges yang penuh dgn perasa and spices. I like our way better :-)
