Kepada kengkawan yang bagi tags for me to do, minta maaf banyak2 lah ye sebab terpaksa di peram dulu semua tags tu. I dah lama tak makan tapai so ingatnya kalau peram tags tu lama2, mana tau kan, bertukar jadi tapai, boleh gak merasa, hahahahahaha.... But akan dibuat juga one day, InsyaAllah :-).
Our dinner tonite, beef schnitzel wrap. Miss 5 asked when she saw me took the bread out to the table, "are we eating the schnitzel with roti canai?". Alahai dah memang sahih anak campuran Malaysia, roti canai aje yang dia tau sebut, hehehe. We told her rupa aje macam roti canai sikit but they are called tortilla bread :-). Since it was quite hot today, it was really nice just to have cool food for dinner and not too heavy.
The other half dah tak sabar nak makan but kena jadi model tangan sekejap, wehehehe. Thanks Love :-).
Ini untuk Mommy Lily sebab dia tanya apa yang I isi inside the Little Misses lunch boxes every day? Well, selalunya the list of things in their lunch boxes will change daily, depending on what I have in the pantry and what we have for dinner the night before and what the Little Misses feel like eating that day and also what Mummy feels like making that night/morning :-). But since they have recess/ snack/ fruit break and also lunch break, so I kena make sure they have things to eat for both breaks lah.
Hari ni they had fruit salad and biscuits for recess and for lunch they had sausage rolls, butter cake and jelly. And sampai rumah pukul 3.30, they'll have afternoon tea of milk and biscuits or cereal. Tak lah susah sangat nak bagi makan budak dua orang tu, hehehehe.
Banyak jugak you letak makanan dlm lunch box anak you. My anak2 cuma dpt 3 jenis ye. Buah (pisang, grapes, plum or apple, sejenis-sejenis sbb tak reti mkn cecampur), sandwich/or whatever main dan one chocolate or biccie or muesli bar dan of course air minuman. Kalau bagi bebanyak nanti bila balik still ada dlm beg. Balik sekolah minum hot choc dan biccie dan terus pergi mengaji dan balik terus dinner. Maknanye dinner kenalah masak awal. Nanti kebuluran pulak budak2 berdua tu kalau lambat makan. Kkdg bila mommy baik mood, on the way balik dari sekolah or ngaji singgah beli eskerim. Bila mood baik lah tu.
ReplyDeleteHal2 pindah lak, I tak pack sgt sbb upah mover. Mmg dah sound2 kat hb I tak nak buat lagi. Rumah dpt kat same suburb. Susah lah kalau pindah tmpt lain. Jauh lak perjalanan nak ke sekolah, ngaji n swimming nanti. Mak jugak lah yg susah.
wah..wah..wahh....supermom dah keluarkan kuasaa "power rangers" diaa...ahaks!
ReplyDeletewaaaa...healthy food..kan bagus budak2 kat mesia ni makan like ur asik2 goodies!!!huh..patut my students lambat skit nak PK..hahahah
ReplyDeleteBrp u bayar your hubby for the tortilla advertisement? Mesti mahal tu...hahaha
I selalu pening bile pikir pasal lunch pack kanak2 riang sbb nak prepare for snack n lunch... n kena tukar menu selalu sbb takut they all jemu... lagi satu kena banyak makanana kan..sbb they all balik kids sama ngan yours... pkl 2.30 or 3.30... kadang-kadang jenuh cari resepi yg mudah n cepat utk lunch pack they all..he..he
ReplyDeleteermmm.. beshnya k.min tortilla tu nnt nk try buat la susah x?
ReplyDeleteslalu beli kt mcd jer tp lain skit la kan.
ReplyDeleteLega kan dpt upah orang pack for us utk pindah ni sbb mmng lah tak larat nak pack sorang2.We all pun nanti klu pindah,mmng akan hire movers, tak sanggup wei barang bnyk,hehehe. Lunch boxes my kids tu mmng slalu I letak mcm2 cos I'd rather diaorg bwk balik things dr tak cukup esp Zahra tu!
Cik Mat,
bila tgh rajin masak, mmng bnyk power u, sampai lebih2 lagi, kahkahkah....
Hi katak ayu,
I slalu gak selit junk food dlm lunch boxes diaorg,hehehe but fruit tu mmng hari2 adalah.Kalau dah siap potong kecik2, Miss 9 tu lagi terminat nak mkn, tu yg buat fruit salad.
Hahahaha Intan,
I dah masak kan dinner tu kira upah lah tu, ;-).
Hi Moi,
tu lah kan, mmng pening nak fikir apa nak letak dlm lunch boxes tu. Kita pun jemu jugak klu hari2 mkn benda yg sama. I tiap2 mlm kena tanya both girls diaorg nak mkn apa for lunch esok, hehehe...
Hi Halen,
tortilla bread tu akak beli kat kedai but filling tu buat sendiri lah.Actually apa2 daging or ayam or fish pun boleh as filling. So far, akak tak pernah lah try buat the bread sendiri sbb tak pernah ter over rajin pulak nya, hehehe.