Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Seperti biasa, I had to think of what to cook for dinner today. Dari malam semalam dah tanya the other half what's for dinner today. He just said, not pasta, then I said, not rice either. There goes 2 major carbohydrate groups out the window. Nasib baik ada lagi a few more carbs to choose from, hehehe. I can still play around with potatoes and bread kan :-).

So, our dinner tonite, potato and onion tart with sausages and carrots.

Ini rupa tart tu baru keluar dari oven.

Ini pulak rupa dia selepas kena potong.

Since sekarang ni Spring kan so pergi mana2 pun memang penuh dengan bunga. Nak tunjuk satu lagi pokok yang terdapat banyak kat WA ni but not native to here. It's called Jacaranda tree. Flowers dia warna purple and when it's Spring time and the flowers bloom, the whole tree will be covered in purple flowers, sampai tak nampak daun hijau dia langsung kadang2. Ingat tadi nak stop kat one street ni which was lined with jacaranda tress on both sides and it was really beautiful, but tak sempat pulaknya, maybe tomorrow I'll try to take some photos of the street.


  1. Since skrg dah Spring, boleh we all cuci mata tgk all the sceneries + the yummy foods. Keep cooking & snaping photos, LG!


  2. alahai LG.. suka sangat menyakat hati & prasaan kita dgn scenery kat perth tu.. :( tgk langit yg biru tu kan.. terasa sayu jer.. teringat kat kg kita lakss.. (mcm kat tpt kita x de) tp mmg x sama kan.. tempat jatuh lg dikenang kan.. :P scenery tu kat ur area ker?? sonoknyerrrrrrrr!!! :)

    Skunk ni mcm x tgk sgt ur food tp tertunggu² gbr scenery yg siok tu!! ahahhhahaaa...

  3. LG....

    resepi please....


  4. Hi Intan,
    tu lah kan, masa Spring ni lah nak tengok scenery yang cantik aje, hehe. Wknd boleh lah gi jalan2 cari bunga yang cantik2 :-).

    meh lah dtg sini, airasia tgh ada offer kan skrg? Baru lah boleh tengok scenery ni first hand, hehehe.

    Hi Ida,
    Recipe will menyusul kemudian ye, don't worry :-).
