Sunday, 16 November 2008

Activity hari ni, cycling around the Swan River and having a picnic at the Burswood Park. Tak lah jauh mana cycling, cuma 9 km aje but jauh lah jugak for the Little Misses because they had to ride their own bikes, especially for Miss 5 with her short legs, hehehe..... And for us pulaknya, sikit nya susah ke sebab kena kayuh perlahan aje to make sure they can keep up with us. Macam mana lah peluh nak keluar and nak exercise macam tu kan. Some photos from today

These are Kangaroo's Paw plants which I think are native to WA. They are so named sebab the bunga resembles kangaroo's paw/ tapak kaki kangaroo. This is the red flower type, ada yang black, orange, purple flowers. We all dulu tanam gak pokok ni kat depan rumah but they grew for about 2 years aje then got 'eaten' by bugs so jadi tak cantik.

I'm not sure if the plants are tall or Miss 5 is short, hahahahaha ;-).

Mummy and daughter, don't we look the same? ;-), wehkehkehkehkeh......

The other half's dream apartments yang in the background tu, cantik kan! Kena tunggu we all jadi millionaire lah dulu......

After the ride, it was so nice to sit down for a picnic :-).


  1. LG...Cantiknyaa apartment kat belakang tu....u kalau dah pindah sana nanti, jgn lupa yeaa ajak kami semua singgah ek..hahahaha.I doakan u (u?)...jadi millionaire dan sampai hajat duduk kat situ yea..insya allahh, nasib manusia ni sapa yg tau kan....Lagi satu kat Australia ni pokok native dia cantikkan....

  2. bestnya picnic lepas penat cycling. teringin jugak nak ajak hubby & kids picnic pagi2 tapi klu pi picnic naik kereta kurang syoknyer.
    miss 9's dress buat dia nampak dewasa.

  3. Hahahaha Cik Mat,
    semoga termakbul lah doa Cik Mat and jadi millionaire lah we all,hehehe. Tapi memang around that area, apartment nya menawan kalbu sungguh! Kalau we all dpt duk situ, mmng Cik Mat ajdi guest of honour lah! Ahaks!

    Hi Lia,
    Yr hubby dah ada bike, bila u all nak join dia? :-).Pastu bolehlah gi picnic lepas ronda 1 taman.

  4. Hari tu another shopping mall kat rumah I jual winning ticket $21+ Million. Multi millionaire winner tu. Nasib dia jadi millionaire dgn cara goyang kaki je. Jeles ku.

    This weekend we all tak buat apa2. Hb bz sorting his tools and boat. Next week dah nak pindah dah. Once dah settle boleh lah u n anak2 dtg for mothers n kiddies get together. But this time no swimming pool.

  5. Hi Mallan,
    I heard on the radio the winning ticket was sold at Forrestlake, bertuah sungguh that person, hehehe.
    So, u dah dpt rumah ke? Kat mana? Sian u kena pindah randah mcm ni, dah habis pack lah ye?

  6. LG..kalau perhatikan kat slideshow tu, masa miss 5 masih baby dan tak de rambut, muka dia cute kan, lepas tu tgk pulak "mat salleh" u tu..ehh..macam sama lahhhh..hahahaha...amponnn..ada aku kena campak dalam dalam sungai depan apartment tu nanti.....

  7. Pok. tapak kaki kangaroo tu sesuai tak di tanam kat cuaca mesia ni??:p

  8. Cik Mat,
    Miss 5 tu masa kecik xde rambut skrg lebat, Mat Salleh I tu masa kecik takde rambut, skrg pun takde gak, hehehe..... Dia perasan nak jadi Bruce Willis tu yg asik cukur rambut aje bagi licin, wahkahkahkah. Alah Cik Mat, sungai depan apartment tu bukan dlm sgt pun, dalam lagi Tambak Johor tu, ahaks!

    Tak tau pulaknya boleh tnm kat M'sia ke tak pokok tu tp maybe boleh kot sbb dia bunga masa tgh panas2 masa spring.
