Tuesday 13 May 2014

My last post

I’ve tried but to no avail….

I thought that I could find my blogging mojo back by hibernating for a few months and a few weeks….

I’ve searched high and low for it….

But, puas I cari tapi tak jumpa jugak!

So, dengan berat hati and a lot of sadness, I am going to blog for the last time tonight.

It’s been a wonderful 6 years of blogging.

I found so many cyber friends and even met a lot of them in real life.

Without the blog, I would’nt have ‘met’ so many lovely people around the world and be known by so many lovely people as well.

But all good things must come to an end one way or another.

The Other Half said that I should end it when I still have some feelings for the blog so I can end it nicely Smile.

But, dont worry, I won’t make this blog private so you can still search for any recipes you like.

And manalah tau kan, 2-3 tahun lagi, kot2 tetiba terbukak hati I nak berblogging balik, hehehehehe….

Walaupun I will be stopping blogging, you guys can still follow me on instagram.

I have made a special instagram account as a continuation of this blog.

And I have made that account public so sape2 boleh nak sekodeng or nak follow Smile.


But I’ve just made it today, so there’s only 2 photos on it so far.

Since it’s a public account, I wont be putting up gambar gedik2 selfie, we-fie, silly and stupid photos so sape2 yang ada severe allergy to selfies and we-fies, boleh lah follow the salam2benua insta account tu.

And I will keep it clean as well Winking smile.

So, akhir kata…..

I sincerely apologize for everything that I had said, written and posted in this blog that had in one way or another offended anyone.

Please forgive my mistakes.

I am truly honoured to have a blog that is liked and read by many.

I am glad that I managed to make some of you smiled, giggled, ketawa terbahak2 and ROTFL with some of my postings.

And I am happy that some of you and your families have enjoyed trying the recipes I put up here.

If any of you ever terserempak with any one of us anywhere in the world anytime in the future, do say hi.

We might look unfriendly and aloof, but we are not that bad actually, we dont bite Smile with tongue out.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making my blog so lively for the past 6 years.

Assalamualaikum and goodbye blogging world.


Anna Da Lady said...

ala! janganlah pergi!

marhaeink said...

Tak pe..nanti ade rasa nak menulis,just post it here :)

akak Roosni said...

sedih.tapi mungkin itu yang terbaik...bila teragak nak menulis postkan aje.

||alis|| said...

babai kak. sy ttp biarkan blog akak kat side bar blog sy. n sy takde ig plak. ni yg nk create acc smata2 ni.. hihi..

.ieLah. said...

Kak mynnnnnnn sedih! Sobs

♥♥azatiesayang ♥♥ said...

Salam Min...sedih la pulak,lps sorang2 kwn blogger 'tinggaikn' blog.Apapon..good luck utk Min...walau apap jua yg MIn lakukn.
Atie xder instagram... :(

Oyis said...

truly honoured to have landed on this blog and got to know u and your lovely family. All the best, kak LG. You will be missed!

MamaTiaMia said...

Gonna miss your writing LG- take care- shall skodeng yr IG:):) hugs.

Mat Gebu said...

Huhu....tiba2 rasa sedeh pulak, walaupun tak pernah jumpa 4 mata, tapi kita kenal lama juga kan LG, sejak MyResipi dulu kan?..takpe lah apa2 keputusan sekali pun, harap LG gembira bersama keluarga...kita jumpa di Insta pulak ok...terima kasih atas perkongsian cerita2 gambar2 dan resipi2...Moga Allah swt memberkati keluarha LG dan senantiasa diberi perlindungan....

orked said...

tq so much for years of joy & happiness shared in this blog kak LG... gonna miss your stories so much... T__T

I am Iman Umar Muhammadi said...

auntie(he,he)..don't go..
suka apa yang puan tulis.. :)

lydia said...

Instagram lagi mudah nak berbicara.. ;)

shadbrooks said...

Thank you so much I have been following your blog for a long time and I have learned a lot from it I even adopted some of your organization skills in meal planning and always like your ideas of serving everything on one plate Always make simple menu appetizing and yummy It was always a balance diet on every plate Its ok to retire from blogging and Instagram is as good as blogging I pun mintak maaf if ade ape2 in my wisper when following your Blogs Akhir kata Assalammualaikum

nanisha said...

i've been a silent reader of your blog for the past few years. it's sad to see you go, but i get where it's coming from. semoga Allah panjangkan jodoh kita. i hope to meet you and your lovely family some day. tell them your blog will be missed dearly. salam.

Hudalatip said...

Ala sedihnyaaa takpe nanti saya akan follow instagram akak yea..Tq for all the entries ..

Nani said...

salam sis...sedihnya....tapi tak per lah, semoga akak dan keluarga sentiasa bahagia dan sihat2 selalu...saya terbayangkan suatu hari nanti insyaallah akak akan buka blog semula...saya tungguuuu....

ok, jumpa lagi di Instagram...tapi saya tak de akaun lagi nihh...

Neny said...

Ohhhh sedihnya :(((((

Though I follow ur insta, perasaannya x sama reading ur blog. U know what kak min, u inspired me a lot in cooking, gardening and healthy lifestyle.

Thank you so much! And thank you for keeping this blog open to public.

cik tasukeecOklat said...

assalamualaikum kak..

sedih gak akak da x ber blog da.. tp actually sy paham kot sbb da masuk bln 5, blog sy pon da berhabuk walhal sy suke menulis dan memgarang.. lately malas sy nak mengarang.. lg pulak boleh update di fb and isnta kan..
so will follow ur insta.. and thanx sbb berkongsi resepi yg kebanyakan sy da try from ur blog.. have a nice day..~

-cik nOrm-

Chekgu Azrine said...

Ala sis..knp nk stop blogging..
Will gonna miss ur writing..huhu
Jrg bkk ig..
Nti rin follow salam2benua erk

Umm AA said...
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Umm AA said...

salam sis
thanks a lot kerana bnyk berkongsi dialam maya nie...i hope u will not go...somehow we have to let u go....:),
how i wish i ade insta...hmmm..takce care n will miss u all..

Ina Hashim said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....insta tak sama dengan blog,,,,x dapat baca celoteh akak huwaaa...so saddddd......takpela kak...seminggu 1 post kat blog pon jadikla......

Rdimple said...

mmmm sedihnya...
sesekali jer i comment, tp i make sure hari2 nk tgk blog u LG..., canner pun all the best and be happy kay...

AinKhaliq said...

But why...??? :'(

JunAina said...

Kita memilih yang terbaik buat diri kita serta keluarga jadi andai itu yang terbaik teruskan moga akan sentiasa berjaya kelak.

Insyaallah Aina follow IG nanti.

t.a.t.a said...

Kak, nyong on IG semata-mata arek follow salam2benua. Yayy wes follow wes.

Babai akak. Kapan-kapan balik Ijok, let us know okay?


ummisara said...


will miss ur celoteh :(

zai said...

cryingggg !!!

Norma NML said...

Hmm..sedihnya..walau x pernah bertentang mata dan kenal dialam cyber aje...for sure akan rindu apdate u & family especially 2 org puteri yg comel tu :-)..apapun hope always pray the best for u & family..:-)

me suya said...

definitely will follow ur IG.. Will miss u kak Min.. Take care n keep feeding the IG so that we wont miss ur blog that much :'(

norezlin said...

Hi, Myn, i mengambil masa selama 1 bulan 8 hari untuk membaca semua coretan you from 2008 until 2012, and then terus hari-hari lepas tu, mesti bukak yr blog . Seronok membaca. Sampai sekarang pun i masih ingat tentang satu pokok yg aruwah yr father sebut ala-ala perkataan jawa tu. So, sedih dan akan rasa kehilangan bila rutin setiap hari dah berkurang satu blog.Tapi tak pe, mana tau tergerak hati nak menulis khabar berita sekadar ucapan hari raya ke, apa salahnya, i tetap tak delete yr blog.

Unknown said...

assalamualaikum kak,

saya tak pernah tulis apa-apa komen di blog akak sebelum ni. just a silent reader only. tapi utk yg terakhir post dari akak, saya nak ucapkan terima kasih kerana menceriakan hari saya bila baca blog akak. keep on writing yer kak. even kt insta pun boleh menulis lagi. wish u all the best and good luck to u and ur family.

Lynn Abd Latib said...

Sedihnya..sy follow blog nih dah masuk thn ke 4
All d best kak!!

amirah said...

Thank you kak for all your entries and stories. Nice reading your entries here. Please come back if you feel its about the right time..

Khalilah said...

Akak..jgn stop..nak.nangis nihhh..haha...sy dah la pembaca tegar blog akak...setiap hr bukak....sedih2...pasni.dah xde update dahhhh...

Hope to meet u in real world too

Mana la tau kot2 rasa nk g australia boleh g umah akak??...ehehehe

shuweet said...

oh noooooooooooo....dah kurang dah satu bahan bacaan i sis bila u stop blogging..btw, i can still peep u at your intagram..hehehe..take care.

Unknown said...

Dear tuan tanah! Please dont go... i dah jadi silent reader you bertahun trahun tahun lamanyaaaaa I think you need a blogmakeover! I can do it for free mak seriesss ni!

Faiza said...

Salam sis,

This is a sad day for me:( Will miss all of you.
Wish you all the best and nampaknya I nak kena buka insta account:)


Haris Zuhaina said...

AS Salam
Alah hai
aweat tetiba ni...
Melalui blog pun leh update through yr phone...
IG tak dak akaun :( :( :(

ayang said...

Kak minnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... huhuhuhu...

ayang said...

Kak minnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... huhuhuhu...

Unknown said...

Sedihnya coz i hv been enjoying reading ur blog although as a silent reader. By d way do u hv an fb account

rozie yuzaila yusof said...

will miss reading your blog. but i will refer to this blog every now and then looking for recipes. JazakilLah hu khairan kathira kerana menceriakan hari-hari your blog readers and berkongsi recipes. Ganjaran pahala yang berpanjangan buat mynn kerana berkongsi ilmu yang bermanafaat.

Unknown said...

alaaaaaaaaaaaa..... x best la hari2 ku lepas ni..xpe la..all the best kak.. will follow ur Insta nanti..sobs..sobs..sobs

wnafiqah said...

hi k.myn..i'm one of your thousand silent readers and for the first time & last time since you'll be idle from blogging. i'm writing this to you to say thanx for sharing all your recipes. You might had enough of your weekly pizza day, but it has been one of my fav in my family and thats all thanx to you. Wish you all the best in your life and I hope you can approve my request on your private instagram (wannurafiqah-i'm using my real photo and i'm above 18 :)

insyirah said...

Assalamualaikum.Sedihnya T_T.I have been your silent reader since 2009, when I was in my 2nd year at university. By comparison, if I were to raise a baby, it would be a 4 and half years toddler now. Thanks for livening up my life with your stories.I'm surely will miss you nad your writings.Best wishes of health and happiness to you and your family.XD

MamaFaMi said...

Why kena stop LG. Just hibernate udahlah. Hehehe... suka suki lak nak control orang eh. Mesti LG kata, i punya blog i punya sukalah.. hehe.. peace yo!

Alahai, mama tak ada instagram, instakilo instakati bagai ni.. achaner ni?

Mama pun minta maaf kalau ada salah silap semasa meletak komen ye. Mama suka bergurau je. Dan mohon halal segala apa yang dicilok ye. All the best to you and your family.

Unknown said...

ala.....this is my first time comment on your blog auntie, all this time jadi silent reader jer, but today nak comment jugak sbb rasa sedih sgt,
but all I wanna say, good luck in your future and stay cool.. :)


Unknown said...

oh please dont go. blog sapa lg yg blh menyerikan hari akak kecuali pn jawa yg dah kawin mat saleh ni. NOoooooooooooooo....

Unaizah said...

Aduhai sedihnya rasa. Though we don't know each other in person, but through blog-sphere we became friends. It's kinda sad to see one by one "otai" blogger leave blogging world.

Anyway, you know best. It's good to know you & good luck for your future endeavors.

Thank you kerana memeriahkan dunia blogging :-)

Ayu said...

oh dear..
so sadnya bila baca ni..
one by one blogger yang i kenal tarik diri..
apa2pun..you made a choice and we respect that.. disini akak pun minta maaf jika ada terkasar bahasa atau terguris hati selama kita berblogging ni ya..semuga LG ..menjalani hidup dengan bahagia disamping keluarga tercinta...you take care ok..:)

Unknown said...

sedih.. tapi bile teringin nak menulis, post kan aje ye.. good luck in your life...harap2 dapat berjumpe di lain mase.

Fieza said...

Assalam, I've a silent reader & luv ur writings, sad to hear this, tp apa pun semoga itu yg terbaik & ada hikmahnya & semoga bahagia d samping keluarga tersayang,

Hafirdaus said...

Sedih dan sebak lak baca huhuhu....
next time kalau saya ke perth lagi saya nak singgah rumah akak la kot2 hari jumaat boleh makan pizza

ffincher said...

what, nooooo!!!

Natrah Norlin said...


hannah joe said...

alaaaaa sis... :(

My Umaira said...

Thanks a lot sister Myn, you inspires me to continue cooking in this foreign land where halal food is not easy to be found. And now I have begin to bake my own bread! Thanks so much ! Jazakallah khir Sister Myn . Enjoy your life to the fullest !

Nota Cikgu Anum said...

Bila nk cerita psl Australia dkt my hubby i sllu bgtau ' kwn i yg duduk sana tu ckp'. Padahal i hnya la pembaca blog u shj tp sbb dh dkt 4 thn follow, rasa mcm dkt di hati. Anyway, wish u all the best n tq for being my 'friend' for the last 4 years.

Unknown said...

Salam kak,

Ni Sam from Jpn dulu. Im now at Wollongong, south of Sydney doing my PhD until 2017 In sha Allah. Kalau nak jalan2 area sini, gimme a call ok. Accommodation free ! :)


yusniza69 said...

How could you stop when i just discovered your blog last year. But I will follow you on insta

Unknown said...

Oh sedihnya perasaan akak bila cik myn bersara blogging. Terima kasih kerna menceriakan akak dgn ceritas, resipis dan gambars yang menarik. Harap cik myn dapat menulis kembali di masa hadapan. I am now following your ig. Thank you.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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BZ said...
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BZ said...
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Arena said...


have been following your blog for a long time. And had your blog at my side bar forever. Just keep it here. Mana tau tetiba rasa nak menulis balik. I myself takde kesempatan sangat nak update blog. Tapi still keep it. Sebab tak sama ada fb, insta or whatever compared to blog. Blog ni kita boleh belek2, carik entry lama yang boleh buat kita senyum sendiri or cringe haha. Take care kak. Kalau jumpa akak kat Ijok, saya tegur ok.

haNa aL muNir said...

Salam Kak LG,

Saya akan rindukan akak punye writing..
the best recipe ever yang saya dapat daripada blog akak is the pizza crust..
giler menjadi..family punye pujian mencurah2..haha..
sebelum ni 48 juta kali try recipe macam2, tak pernah nye nak menjadi..

tahun lepas, saya ada terserempak dengan akak dekat mid valley..
time tu, macam eh,eh,eh aku kenal dia..
tapi terkedu..mata je bulat..start dari terpandang akak, sampai berselisih bahu,akak senyum, sampai la akak da ke belakang, saya ke depan (kita selisih bertentangan arah)..saya ingat lagi dekat laluan baskin robbins..(chewah)
tapi otak still tak dapat nak proses sape ni, dok fikir punye fikir..
sampai hubby saya pulak yang,eh awak ni kenapa..kerut kening punye kerut..
lepas da selisih 10 langkah tu, baru eh tadi akak salam dua benua la!! tak sangka boleh face to face, rugi tak berkesempatan bertegur sapa je..
but, it's really nice to read all your posts here..

take care, kak LG..


saya ichsan, pelajar university asal Aceh, indonesia.
saya telah membaca blog LG selama setahun, sangat menyenangkan, menarik dan tentunya penuh kisah sehari hari little misses dan recipes menarik.
thanks LG, selamat berpisah.

Hana Soffelia said...

sedihnyaaa pls dont stop writing. i silent reader selama ni but enjoy read ur blog. please keep update.. love u. T_T

Keladi Betawi said...

thanks for all the beautiful writings.. will miss u much.

Anonymous said...

Salam LG, your blog is one of a kind, I hope you will return to it someday. My very best wishes to you and family, take good care!

makcikkantin said...

LG, walau mck jarang komen, i read yr entries every now and then.
Started reading since the time when u r complaining abt yr inlaws :)), sejak tu terus terlekat.
AS much as i'd like you to continue, i respect yr decision. You'll be missed definitely.
Happy instagraming

Aisyah said...

salam kak myn..

your blog is the first blog i ever read..hahaha...really..lps tu baru pandei nak blogwalking ke blog2 lain..THANKS A LOT AKAK...

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

thanks for the lovely posts all these years, LG. you brightened the blogging world, in many ways. for that, i thank you and wish you all the very best.

Unknown said...

I pun sama..the first blog i ever read is kak myn nyer blog..hehe..will be missing u..

Unknown said...

Saya pun sama..kak mynn nyer blog yg kenalkan sy dgn dunia blogging.. will be missing ur posts.. sedihnyaaa..

Unknown said...

alaaa....so sad...akak suka visit sini...watching your girls growing up...your lifestyle...your food & esp more...your garden....gonna miss all that...
kena buat akaun insta nampak gayanya nie...
gonna keep your blog in the list...manalah tau kot2 tuannya terupdate...

Cahaya Malam said...

ahw kak, I'll always enjoy your blogging, writing, photos, recipes, gardens...etc...hhehe thank you for all the sharing...hoping you'll come back :)

AmY DeaN said...

Hah!! Oh tidak!
Kak LG pun dh stop blogging?
Takpe kak..kadang2 ia nya sukar tp perlu. Dont forget bila ur daughter dah cecah sweet 21..update us okey!!
Love u and take care always! Will skodeng IG plak pasni..hehe

nikshasha said...

i was so sad to read ur entry as masa tu i was away...bila balik tgk2 u said it will be ur last post.

anyway...alhamdulillah i found the halal butcher yg i wanted to ask u about when we were in perth...it is in Springs mall..meat's place (kalau x silap laa nama the place)...we bought nearly $150 worth of lamb,sausage,poloni, etc...freeze it and bwk balik to msia...funny part was bila dah freeze it berat nyer laa komain...i think nearly 30kg....cuma yg sad part was we didnt get to buy chili turkey slice..as they have chicken and beef je....

perth is such a beautiful place to stay...alhamdulillah kitaorg merasa gi...we stayed at alderney on hay...pergi dgn dato burn's tour group..we had good time there...especially the kids...suka sgt caversham wild life park...

last but not least...thank you for all the recipes and sharing ur stories...all the best to u & family...

(shasha leeds)

my little family / kaftanbatik said...

LG , dapat tau LG dh stop blogging dari adik..huhu..
sodihnye... jgn la stop terus ya, update sesekali pun xpe.. leh bg idea utk masak2 dan tanam menanam nih..
gonna miss u la my cyber prend.. huhu

p/s pasni kn follow instagram la plak..

~mama anis

my little family / kaftanbatik said...

LG, balik dari kursus dpt tau dari adik yg LG dh stop blogging nih.. terus rini buka blog..huhu..
jgn stop terus yek..

nanti rindu nk baca celoteh LG lagi..esp nk cedok resepi msk2 yg bt air liur ni meleleh2 kalah org mengidam...kiki

gonna miss u my blogger prend..

mama anis... <3

Unknown said...

Akakkkkkk...sedihnya baca entry ni....blog akaklah blog yg buat saya tersenyum sokmo..masakan2 akan..celoteh akak..da gals also..

Sanagt2 lah best.

Thanks akak kerna menyerikan hari2 kami selama ini..

Take good care àlways..

Kam7 semua pasti merindui entry akak.

Marsyithah Khidzir said...

alaa.. baru jumpa. baru nak rasa seronok baca. takpelah... saya baca je yg lepas2... :-)

wakgelas said...

xper mak, blog bukanlah hakmilik kekalss., hrmm

iena said...

Kak mynn..saya add kak mynn kat insta..nk follow akak ya..saya s_alina27

yayaa said...

salam..da 3bulan lebih since i got married sy xbkk blog.knp akak da stop blog????sy suka bca blog akak..serius.:'(
resepi2 yg besh..gmbar2 yang cantik....plis continueeeeee updaTE ur blog sis.....

aziekz said...

Bila nk kembali kak..miss your post ;)

Juls Julie80 said...

Assalam kak..

cepat laa berblog balikkkkkkk
