Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Post puasa weight gain

Puasa tahun ni tak sama macam tahun2 sebelum ni.

Selalunya I would lose quite a bit of weight masa bulan puasa, walaupun makan macam2 masa berbuka.

But tahun ni, walaupun I tak buat kuih macam2 untuk berbuka, my weight didn’t come down as much as I would have liked to!

Dah akhir2 puasa baru muncul nombor yang agak cantik on the weighing scale tu.

I guess bila umur makin meningkat, makin susah nak maintain the weight and the metabolism makin kurang….

But then, baru aje beberapa hari habis puasa, I’ve gained back the weight that I lost and then some!


Rasa macam nak beli weighing scale baru aje!


Badan sendiri dah gemuk, blamed it on the scale! Smile with tongue out

Open houses tak habis lagi ni, macam mana nak lose back the weight kan!

The Other Half has gone back to riding on his non electrical bike to work so he could lose all the weight he gained masa bulan puasa.

Orang lain lost weight, dia gained weight sbb makan segala macam benda masa berbuka.

Walaupun dah tak makan lauk pauk raya sejak day 2 Syawal hari tu, but we still munch on biskut2 raya.

Membuatkan lagi susah nak lose back the weight kan.

And dinner still makan banyak jugak!

Our dinner for the past few days…

Fettucine bolognese.


Mee goreng paling sempoi.



Sausage rolls with chips and cheesy cauliflower gratin.



Orange, honey and ginger chicken wings with crusty bread and salad.


The salad has lettuce leaves, butter beans, steamed green beans, orange slices and marinated artichokes.


Macam mana lah nak kurus balik kan!


  1. salam sis,
    hiii..nak naik berat, senangnya lah kan..nak turun..hmmmm mmg bersusah payah...tambah2 lg ngan dinner cam dlm gambar tuh..mmg tak boleh tolak nyer.heheh

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I only weigh myself at the doctor’s office. Kat rumah takde bathroom scale. In denial la katatkan. Kat rumah, I only measure my waist (and hips and other part kalau rajin). Lepas raya weekend, naik 1/2 an inch on my waist.So since Monday I tak sentuh langsung all the raya cookies yang melambai-lambai from the jar. So dah turun balik today. Now, I only measure it sebelum makan pagi :-D

  4. Salam sis,
    New reader here ;)
    Sangatlah terliur tgk gambar-gambar makanan kat dalam blog ni. Teringin jugak nak buat macam ni tapi xde peluang lagi.

  5. Kalau dinner cam tu pun berat badan bertambah2 apatah lagi kalau hari2 dinner makan nasi...nasi...dan nasi...lagilah bam-bam...

  6. tengah usaha turunkan berat badan juga ni...tapi dugaannya sangatlah banyak

  7. Nak turun, sangatlah susah. Nak naik, cepat benar.

  8. everytime masuk blog akak mesti saya telan liur berkali kali nak scroll sampai bawah.. hahaha..

    tang perut susah betul nak turun T_T

  9. Salam

    sebelum ni silent reader jer kat blog akak :-)

    Anyway, pics makanan dalam blog akak memang amat menggoda.

    Nice to read ur blog kak


  10. Salam sis,suka baca ur blog..boleh tak bagi resepi mee goreng sempoi tu..nmpak yummy!

    Thanx sis..
