Sunday, 11 August 2013

Late Winter garden makeover

While everyone else is still in Raya mode- makan lauk pauk and kuih raya non stop, jalan2 pergi Raya open houses, uploading gambar2 raya with baju cantik2…

We (The Other Half mostly) were busy in the garden this morning!

(Tapi Miss 9 and I did go to 1 Raya open house petang tadi so dapatlah jugak makan lauk pauk raya hari ni, hehehehe…).

Anyway, since bulan April hari tu, memang our vege gardens have been severely neglected.

Tu yang memang I tak upload gambar langsung.

A lot of the warmer weather plants are in ‘hibernation’ so there’s no point showing them cos daun pun takde so nak tunjuk apa kan, hehehe…

And we didn’t plant any Winter veges this year cos tak sempat.

So, nothing to show there either.

But today sebab dah lepas bulan puasa and ada masa spare and dah nak dekat masuk Spring, The Other Half and I pun berkebun lah sikit.

For the next few weeks until Spring time, every weekend we’ll be spent cleaning the garden and preparing the garden beds getting them ready for Spring planting.

This was how our main vege patch looked like a couple of weeks ago.

Taken over by the wild tomato plants.

They were everywhere! Menjalar2 atas tanah.


Some of the tomatoes. I think they are the cherry variety.


And pagi tadi, while the girls and I were at the market, The Other Half pulled all the plants out leaving the vege patch bare except for a small row of newly planted sugar snap peas.


The row of sugar snap peas, the only Winter veges yang we all tanam but a bit too late in the season. Tak tau lah sempat ke tak dia berbuah sebelum the hot weather comes in.


And after we have dug compost in and topped it with mulch…


We’ll let this vege patch rest for a few weeks to a month before we start planting seedlings in it.

The Other Half kata tanaman yang wajib ditanam this Spring are kacang panjang, lebanese cucumber, zucchini, tomatoes and watermelon.

I might also plant some basils, daun kesum, chilli, ginger….

And masa tengah kat kebun tadi, I baru perasan our lavender plant has produced some gorgeous flowers.


And the rose bushes that I pruned the other day have also started producing new growths!

Yeay! I managed to not kill any of them with my pruning, hehehehe…


There’s still a lot of overgrown grass everywhere in the garden.

I need to spend some time weeding and pulling the grass out.

The 3 citrus plants, the kalamansi, the tahitian lime and the lemon tree.


Can’t wait for the Spring planting season to arrive Smile.


  1. Selamat hari lebaran LG and family, maaf zahir batin jika che mat ada terkasar bahasa....dann seriously i ter amat ter jelessss ter sangat2 dgn itu lavender...huhu...

  2. kat malaysia ni susah nak tanam tomato...kat sana siap wild tomatoes lg..nampak sedap gak. Selamat Hari Raya Kak!!

  3. Yeah ..i suka kalau u update kebun u....tak sbr nk tgk bunga2 tu kembang2...sayur2 and buah2han..

  4. selamat hari raya untuk akak n family! ;)

  5. Hehe..mcm itulah kan..bila dah prune roses..ari2 dok tengok..bilalah pucuk baru nak tak naik2 ni..alhamdulillah akak punya dah roses yg overseas lasakkan..cepat jek tumbuh tunas..berbunga pun cepat..kena hujan pun susah nak layu

  6. Salam Aidilfitri LG...kalau menanam lain2 musim kena rajin tukar2 jenis tanaman la kan...

  7. Salam aidilfitri k.min.... dah start bercucuk tanam balik yek......
