Friday, 12 July 2013

Things I found in the library

Cuti sekolah kali ni, we all takde plan pun nak pergi mana2.

Duduk rumah lagi best sebab puasa kan Smile.

I nak ajak the girls ikut pergi grocery shopping pun diaorang tak nak sebab lagi best melepak kat rumah main games.

Dah lah tengah Winter so satu hari melepak kat rumah tak mandi!

Kalau boleh, pyjamas pun tak nak tukar until kena bebel!

But semalam they asked to go to the library sebab dah habis buku nak baca.

We went to the bigger newer library quite close to our house.

Masa I ronda2 all the aisles, terjumpa lah this section….


Adalah about 20+ novels bahasa melayu.

And most of them are newish novels instead of novels zaman A. Samad Said.

So, dengan semangat membara I  picked 2 novels konon2 nak pinjam and baca…


But knowing myself, I ended up borrowing one only, the Sehangat Asmara novel.

Sebab people have been telling me yang this book is so good that it has been made into a movie (or was it a drama?).

We’ll see how long it’ll take me to start reading it and finishing it, hehehe….

And then I singgah the butcher.

They have started selling biskut raya you! Walaupun baru 2 hari aje puasa semalam.


Yang I tau tart nenas tu aje, yang 2 lagi tu I tak tau biskut apa.

Takpe, I’ll make my own cookies as usual Smile.

And then balik rumah, lepas zuhur, masuk dapur bersungguh2 nak buat kuih melayu utk berbuka.

I kena buat kuih muih, bukan setakat kuih saje sebab yang sorang suka sgt kuih lapis and the other girl tak suka, yang sorang tu lagi suka sangat kuih ketayap and the other girl tak suka.

I pulak dua2 I baham, hehehehe….


Tapi I tak buat banyak, I just buat 1 cawan tepung beras aje utk kuih lapis tu and ada leftovers utk hari ni.


Kuih ketayap ni pun ada lagi leftovers so hari ni I tak perlu masak kuih!

yeay! Open-mouthed smile

For those yang nak tau whether the lamb cutlets tu dah siap sedia macam tu or not.

You can buy yang dah ready made crumbed and seasoned tapi mahal lagi lah.

I bought rack of lamb to make the crumbed cutlets.

Macam ni lah rupa dia.

And then I just potong in between the ribs tu aje and crumbed the pieces myself.


First you dip in flour, then egg+salt+pepper mixture, then in breadcrumbs mixture (I added grated parmesan and mixed herbs to the breadcrumb).

It’s exactly like crumbed schnitzel or chicken chops in Msia.

Then either pan fry on the stovetop or you can use the BBQ plate like what I did.


  1. Haa...tak sangka ade novel2 melayu jgk kat library tuh yer..selamat membaca sis!

  2. wahaaa tak sangka ada jugak novel malaysia kt sana yek kak... cite pilot cafe tu akak beli tak? best gk tuh kak...

    kt sana ada jugak kuih raya yek kak... kire banyak gk lah tu... seronok nyer (dana lak yg xcited)

  3. salam LG... teruja pulak nengok ada novel Melayu kat library sana... wahh! penulis2 novel kita boleh lah kembang hidung sikit, kan.. hehehe... selamat membaca. memang novel tu not bad...
    dan thanks juga untuk infor nyer... sure sedap tu kalau dapat buat menu yang LG bagi... tapi kat sini daging kambing mahal la sikit.. kan

  4. wow tak sangka ada buku bahasa melayu kat library sana...sis, one of the writer yg dalam gambar tu my officemate tau...nak kena bagi tau dia ni buku dia dah sampai Perth...:-)

  5. Butcher mana ada kuih raya. Kuih raya rasa lebih sedap bila makan time bukan raya.

  6. wah ada jg novel melayu kat library d sana ya sure the penulis rasa bangga.
    omg , those kuih lapis n ketayap, akak sendiri pn dh lama tak buat n apa lg nk buat sendiri!!! tersgt la rajin u LG. envy u sgt2...

  7. Assalam. Selamat berpuasa kak. Huisy... bangga sat. Novel melayu tersusun santeek kat rak dekat library negara orang putih. hehe. merembat jugak ke kak? since citer pasal novel, saya nak rekomen novel kawan2 saya.
    1. projek memikat suami & Kisah naz & khalish-hanina abdullah
    2. Dia... Random guy- farah hussain
    ada masa boleh cuba membaca. i'm sure [berani potong jari ayam] tak rugi baca.

  8. 1st time komen kt sini :)
    kak. sehangat asmara dh di dramakan kt astro, pilot cafe will be in movie soon.. both pun best..x rugi baca :)

  9. hi sis :), nice kuih lapis. my doter pon suka but i x pandai buat. can u share me recipe kuih lapis tu. cam sedapppp sgttt....

  10. Ummu Aidan,
    Library kat sini best jugak. Macam2 bahasa ada kat section 'other languages' tu. Bahasa Indon pun ada :-)

    Pilot café tu Akak tak pinjam lagi. Pinjam banyak2 kang, tak sempat pulak nak baca, hehehe.
    Memang bnyk kedai2 Asian and butchers yg jual biskut2 raya ni.

    Salam. Kalau I jadi penulis novel tu, memang akan kembang hidung sbb novel I pergi sampai luar Negara kan :-)

    Your officemate gembira ria tak bila tau her book ada kat library kat Perth? :-)

    butcher kat Cecil Ave tu :-)

    Kak Badar,
    biasalah kan orang2 yg duduk kat rantau orang ni. Bila tekak nak makan kuih, pandai aje membega2 cari recipe and buat. Kalau duudk kat Msia, memang lagi senang beli aje :-)

    Salam.Macam ni kena cari those novels kat library sini lah, mana tau kot2 ada, boleh I pinjam baca :-)

    I pun perasan gak yg sehangat asmara dah jadi series sbb kat FB, sibuk orang cerita pasal dia, hehehe

    Hi. Alamak, I lupa betul apa link dia. Nanti I cari balik ye.
